
Daily Headaches - advice please!

The idea for asking this came from another thread in Clubhouse, but worth asking anyway.

Mr S has had a headache every day for the past two years. Apparently, according to some very expensive specialist, it's due to a nerve spasmm, and the only way to cur it is with one of a number of very heavy drugs which have hideous side effects according to the internet(e.g. kidney failure) and none of which have helped at all.

The latest one is called Gabapentin. No idea what it's supposed to do, but it's doing naff all, so that's academic. He's also tried acupuncture, herbal medcine, cranial osteopathy, you name it, nothing works.

We think the cause was a prescription drug to cure an insignificant fungal infection of the toenail, the drug was caused Lamasil. Any clues, anyone? We've tried all the obvious causes e.g. making sure he drinks enough water etc.


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