Anything I can do to stop this?


I'm hoping someone can give me some advice. I've resumed running again (albeit a bit sporadically) after having a baby 7 months ago. I'm all well and healthy, and exercised throughout pregnancy, no problems etc.

When I go out running now, I suffer terribly from a stitch like pain under my ribs. It's not the normal stitch - it doesn't happen when I'm working hard, rather when I'm bouncing more than normal (say running downhill) which leads me to believe that it's my innards that haven't quite settled. It's extremely painful and means I have to stop running and struggle to catch my breath as I can't take a whole lungful.

Can anyone recommend some exercises that may help, or is it just a matter of my body getting used to the impact again? (I already do Pilates)

Thanks in advance


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