Men, Lies will find you out.

Had this in work.

I have amended the application form that was originally sent to you. In

the application, which was completed with my (now fiance) Kate asking

me the questions on the form and getting me to then check and sign it in

her presence, in ‘Medical Disclosures’ it wrongly stated that I had been to

the doctors for chest pains. This is not correct. To explain:

I had to fabricate a ‘little white lie’ to Kate to cover me taking time off

work. I had taken half a day’s leave to play golf with my brother (neither

the activity nor the person are popular with Kate!) so when challenged I

‘panicked’ and stated I had gone to the doctor to get checked out and

invented the story about tests, etc. (which I had not revealed prior to

completing your form, hence I could not delete the information with Kate

standing over me stating “we need to get this off so check it and sign it”).

I have now ‘come clean’ – and even proposed and been accepted – and

learnt valuable lessons:

• There is no such thing as a ‘little white lie’

• Be sure your sins will find you out?

• My chest is fine but my swing is rubbish!

• I love my brother but live 24/7 with Kate!

• Diamonds have a habit of solving arguments with women!

I hope that this is read by a) golf-playing male or b) an understanding

female who realises just how pathetic men are …”


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