Hip, Hip...Argh !!! Anyone help, any biomechanics experts out there ?

There was a letter in this months mag entitled 'End of your tether' which describes my injury exactly. Martin Haines told the writer he may have a twisted Pelvis (which physios could miss, like mine, have I have been trying to get this treated for 18 months)and he should visit someone who deals with leg and pelvic biomechanics.

At last I thought someone who can help me but Martins Practise is in Nottingham, I am in London. I rang Orthosport who advertise in RW when I asked how much a consultation was they said "£75 plus £50 for a cast and about £180 for the Orthotics" without even knowing what my problem was. I need to go to a biomechanics place as advised but they all seem to just want to sell orthotics without looking at alternative methods

Does anyone here know a biomechanics expert who deals with pelvic biomechanics or has had the same problem as me treated ? I am not adverse to getting orthotics but I dont want to go to someone who is going to reccomend ortotics as the only method of treatment. My symptoms are a spasm type feeling at the very top of my hamstring and pain in the hip area (exactly the same as the article) I live in Middx, Uxbridge area but Buckinghamshire is close or anywhere in London really

If any could help I would be grateful


  • Gary - sorry to hear of your problems. And sorry, I can't help.
    Think I'm in the same boat as 6 physios + 1 podiatrist + the RW doctor missed the fact that my pelvis is twisted badly (which 2 osteopaths and 1 podiatrist and a chiropractor have identified but not corrected).
    Thanks for telling me that Martin is in Nottingham - I'm in North Wales but as far as I'm concerned - I'll travel!! Have you got the tel no?
  • Sorry, I did have it but after finding out he was in Nottingham I threw it out. I got it from the runners world office. How did you get to see the runners world doctor.
  • North Wales isn't far from Runcorn so I just phoned up and went. A complete waste of £75 tho
  • Shattered,

    What happened then ? It seemed promising from his reply in Runners World to that letter. I be interested to here what he said, I was considering visiting him myself - a long way from London but I really am getting desperate
  • Well....I went to him cos I've had chronic shin splints all my life - and was first told never to run when I was 17 (22 years ago) by then then WimbledonFC phhysio.

    To cut a long story short - after seeing a lifetime total of 6 physios - I found one who identified my chronic quad imbalance which was causing the quads to tear in January this year - and he came up with remedial exercises for the knee which wasn't fully extending. This got rid of 80% of the shin splints but I still had a really painful area on one leg which was causing me to limp constantly and I had deep calf pain as well - 2 weeks before FLM this year I could only run once a week round and round a football field. Saw eminent doctor in Runcorn and he refused to listen to the full story - just sprang to the instant conclusion that I overpronated and told me to use Spenco orthotics - which he supplied - despite my telling him I'd used them before and they'd caused me Achilles tendon problems and hadn't really sorted the shin splints. He gave me home made felt ones for the marathon - which I ended up not using.

    Volterol numbed my legs beaustifully for the marathon.

    Since then I've seen 2 osteopaths / a chiropractor and 2 podiatrists - all of whom - except one podiatrist - highlighted the fact that my pelvis is badly twisted. The podiatrist who thought the pelvis wasn't twisted (I'm sure it is!) made really superb orthotics which included a raise on the affected leg and I'm now capable of 30 miles weeks with absolutely no shin pain at all. Eminent Doctor in many of his features talks about how the tibia can be twisted due to inequal leg length - but did he consider this for me ? No. Did he or any of the 6 physios I've seen even look at my hips / pelvis ? No.

    But between them all I must have spent the best part of £1000 chasing the cure - altho at least the orthotics have got rid of the remaining shin splints

    But the quads keep going wrong and I'm sure it's because of the pelvis being awray - which is why I thought it would be worth seeing Martin.

    If you're desperate - my advice is try Nottingham - not Runcorn!
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