Things you want to say but can't



  • How many times do I have to tell you I don't give a flying proverbial what you are doing in the house? I had a shitty night's sleep and being woken up from a nap because you kept calling me for no real reason was not appreciated. Stoppit already.

  • WombleWomble ✭✭✭

    It is definitely possible to 'release' volunteers if they're not up to the task. I have to do it myself every now and again.

    I did start to type some examples and then I thought you wouldn't believe me!

  • I agree Womble.  We had one leave when she thought that our request that she didn't bring her drunken and violent sister into the shop to 'help' was out of line.
  • How stupid do you have to be to post this Facebook status?!

    "God my home page is full of comments about some footballer I have never heard of. To be honest he did this to himself so no sympathy. I say RIP to all our soldiers who are dying for no bloody reason in another country. Just heard another soldier killed in Afghan. I am probably gonna make myself unpopular now but just my opinion. If you dont like it remove me!"

    Yes it's terrible that soldiers are dying but what has that got to do with someone who is in so much pain they can't stand to live any more? The soldiers chose to join up in the knowledge that they'd go to war. The suicidal person didn't choose to try to live in such agony that they couldn't bear to be alive for another hour. No one chooses to hurt so much they can't endure it any longer.

    Makes my blood boil ... don't you have enough empathy for both? Why do so many people choose to post the 'but what about the soldiers' rubbish every time any thing sad happens to any one else.
  • I have friends that tend to post similar stuff.  Everyone deserves sympathy to some extent and it is wrong to think that anyone is any more deserving than another purely based on their profession.  If the poster is intimately involved in both cases then they might know more about it and that may change their views, but nobody can judge a 'stranger' that is brought to their attention through the media.

    Unfriend her SOLB.

  • BookyBooky ✭✭✭
    I don't know if I'd 'unfriend' her, but it certainly would make me think differently about the person image All they've done is demonstrate their ignorance.
  • Bookie, I wouldn't unfriend someone for just that, but SOLB sounded like she was getting a lot of that sort of comment from this person.  Anyone who repeatedly upsets me on FB would be unfriended or blocked.  I've only had the need to do that to one person so far.
  • BookyBooky ✭✭✭

    Repeated problems would be something I'd take action over. Especially with something like Facebook - there's no need to put up with someone's hurtful/insensitive comments when you can easily do without them.

  • Thanks, I've just logged out for now. I know she's just trying to be clever. I'm probably just over sensitive now.

  • In my experience, a lot of people can't understand mental health problems or realise the effects of their comments, until they've sadly experienced it for themselves.
  • Sure you're right saffy. I just needed to log off. I probably won't delete her cos I'm a bit irrational this weekend but I'll mark it as the second strike.
    I agree with you Caz and Bookie friendship is important but there's no point in being hurt if I don't need to.
  • BookyBooky ✭✭✭
    SOLB wrote (see)
    Sure you're right saffy. I just needed to log off. I probably won't delete her cos I'm a bit irrational this weekend but I'll mark it as the second strike.
    I agree with you Caz and Bookie friendship is important but there's no point in being hurt if I don't need to.

    Very, very true.

    Why do people sign up for Secret Santa and then not join in? image 

  • Are you still stalking in vain Bookie?
  • BookyBooky ✭✭✭

    My stalking has been pretty fruitless I'm afraid. Which I probably shouldn't say because it takes away some of the secrecy. But I am saying it in the correct thread *blows raspberry* image

  • I can't remember who you've got Bookie and all my lists are on the work PC so I can't chase them up but if you FB me who it is then I can either give them a nudge or work out why they're not around image
  • SOLB - you can hide people's updates (hover over the right hand corner of their update) so you don't see their unthinking comments, but they don't know you're hiding their witterings.
  • BookyBooky ✭✭✭

    Yes please TP image

    I'll FB you now.

    I wonder if 'to Facebook (verb)' is in the dictionary yet?

  • SOLB, what AN said, it's the "subscribe" button, just unsubscribe from them and they won't appear in your news feed any more, without the need for you to unfriend them

    I've just done that with about 20 people I used to work with.  Apparently there's some oh-so-fabulous work do planned for Friday, I have no idea what it is, but reading all the ravings about how much they're looking forward to it with the name of the company mentioned in it is really like twisting a knife after what that place did to me and Blouse.  What you might call scrapheap challenge.

    I wish I was a nicer and more generous person, but whilst I wish the people I work with well, I really can't say the same of the bosses or the place itself.  And that doesn't make me feel too good about myself.  

  • Hash - I wouldn't worry too much about that. It's a very human emotion, and not one you should feel ashamed of. I don't have particularly charitable feelings toward my former employers either.
  • I think there is a difference between feeling that way towards someone due to their position, and feeling that way becasue of the personality of the individual.  I had major issues with my old work place (couldn't even drive past it for months, and avoided places where I thought I might bump into old colleagues) but eventually I realised that it was the characters of certain individuals that I was unhappy with.  I would be happy to work for that company again, but not under those specific individuals.

    Leaving a company is similar to losing a person - there are several stages to the grieving process before you are able to move on.  It's completely natural.

  • Hash - the way you were screwed over there you'd have my blessing if you'd sent a stink bomb wrapped up in a lovely bow. 

  • To the member of my family I have just got off the phone with: I actually cannot believe you just said that to me. I thought we were moving forward, obviously we're not - basically, I have to be nice to you and you get to remain as horrible as ever. Great.

    *opens a beer* image
  • There's happy juice infused wine in the Kitchen Frodo.



  • Ta all.  Lol LNimage

    *clink* Frodo. 

    Like a friend of mine said, give me framily over family any day.   Framily are friends who we choose, who help us deal with the family we don't.  There's a line in Pride and Prejudice about having few people who we truly love, and still fewer who we respect.  I don't think a lot has changed in the last 100ish years

  • Lol to what you wrote LN, hadn't picked up on the arm thing.  You okay?
  • To my Mother-in-law:  When is it going to sink in that you are no longer able to cope in that flat and need sheltered housing.  You are perfectly capable of doing the day to day stuff but the phone call on Thursday night about the fridge not working (light bulb gone) and then us having to go through the bin today to find the house keys you had dropped in it are clear signs that you need someone nearby for times like that.  We just can't shoot up the M40 at the drop of a hat.
  • If you had a migraine, you wouldn't be posting on FB. You have a headache.

    If you had a migraine you would be in bed, fighting nausea and alternating between groaning and weeping.
  • I have a friend like that AN.  Her's last several days but she rarely needs to take time off work for them.  Mine only last 24 hours but I can't lift my head off the pillow when they strike.
  • BookyBooky ✭✭✭
    I get migraines occasionally - they usually end up in practical blindness is one eye, but I've still been known to manage with Facebook image
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