Does the beginning of a bunion signal the end of running

I have been running for about 10 years, wear custom built orthotics because of flat feet and have had no injuries. This summer however I have noticed that I may have the start of a bunion. Does this mean my running days are over? I'm not hard core - I do 2-3 runs a week ranging from half to 1 hour.


  • It really depends on how it develops. I've had one for years and it's caused little trouble apart from making shoes a bit harder to fit and sometimes causing trouble with rubbing.  Even if it does become large and painful there is an operation to remove it, but the recovery is a bit of a bore.
  • I have always know my feet are not in the best shape and my orthotics have really saved me. I just wonder if swapping to swimming and the occasional run might slow down the inevitable. I have a friend who has has both bunions removed this year and it's been a painful and long recovery for her.
  • Atricle from RW here.   It might be of some interest/help.
  • Lil.Lil. ✭✭✭
    Paula Radcliffe ran with bunions so can't be all bad. I think she mentions in her new book about certain trainers having that extra softness in the area where bunions can be, Good luck.
  • I have the beginnings of bunions, no idea why they appeared so suddenly or seemed to progress so fast: I don't need them removed (yet!) but they do affect which shoes I can wear.

    The only thing I have done differently since they appeared was to wear orthotics which I was given by an NHS doctor back in March/April but I am now experimenting with not wearing them, have not worn them for the past few weeks and already my feel feel different. Yes my pronation is still bad enough to affect how I stand but my feet don't hurt when I wear shoes!

    I'm not a specialist or an expert in feet at all so its all on my own head but having read that for bunions the only way out is through surgery this scared me into trying anything just to not have them get worse! I even bought toe splints though hadn't gotten around to actually using them and wanted to try taking out the orthotics first.

    I worry that the reason is because the muscles in my feet have become weaker through wearing orthotics (well known statement I read states that if you support an arch on a structure from below it immediatly weakens what its supporting: eg a bridge, a building or even feet). I know I have weaker arches in my feet after seeing a physio who gave me exercises to do and can see myself that this muscle which is weaker (and being supported by the orthotics) is the same one which makes my toes crunch and roll outwards, just seems a bit too close to my big toe for my liking and that big toe has begun to 'fall' to one side to allow the bunion to form on my feet.

    Again, I could be very very wrong here but thats the way I see my feet and orthotics to me did seem to worsen the problem, and not wearing them has actually helped.

  • I had a pretty bad bunion on my left foot long before I started running.  It affects what kind of shoes I can wear, but other than that seems to have no effect on my life.  It hasn't affected my running and hasn't changed since I started running.
  • My mum ran 3 marathons with a bunion, no bother, think it really depends on how it feels

  • What brand of shoes do people recommend for those with bunions??

    Im currently considering an old favourite Asics Nimbus or Nike Pegasus.

    Any ideas anyone?? image

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