Peroneus Longus



  • Nice post and thanks for sharing such a beneficial information.
  • I have the same issue, although it is brought about by cycling (both in cleats and flat pedals) and was also aggravated by running. Basically a burning sensation while cycling/running. I tried foam rolling/massaging and felt pins and needles and a feeling of an electric shock when applying pressure to the affected area. It's been pretty depressing as I've seen my 5km time drop from ~20 mins to not being able to complete 1km. At least I can still lift weights! I saw a few physios, who tried massage, and dry needling which didn't fix the issue.

    The latest physio believes it could be sciatica or peroneal nerve entrapment and prescribed a few exercises which seem to be helping to relieve the pressure (on top of a complete break from running and cycling for 2 weeks). They've had me performing glute bridges, piriformis stretching, and "press up sphinx" exercises. I've now completed week 2 of couch to 5k without issue, which I was quite nervous about initially.

    Hope the info is helpful to people!
  • Recently found this thread in my continued research for a solution to the same issue. Fairly intense pain just below the left knee near the fibular head where the peroneus longus originates.

    My history: Somewhat new to the running scene, having only started a few years back. I had no pain\issues for the first year while I worked up to 6-7 miles, 3-4x per week. Seemingly out of nowhere I started experiencing pain where the longus attaches. I could mostly run through it and 95% of the pain went away within 30-60 minutes of stopping. Initially I was able to correlate it to some type of overuse. If I dropped my pace\activity, the issue seemed to lessen but never quite went away. Switched from standard heel drop to a lower drop which helped for a while but not completely. Took about 7 months off of nearly all serious activity with a couple 2-3 mile light runs to see if there was any improvement. None of the above seems to have helped.

    Finally went to see a phsyio and had a full complement of xrays, scans and exams. Xrays showed a slight thickening in the upper fibula compared to the right leg but no signs of breaks\fractures. Followed up with an MRI which showed no signs of injuries or issues. Next thought is a to check my biomechanics thinking there's an imbalance contributing to the issue.

    I've noticed my left ankle tends to twist outwards during my stride which changes the way the muscle moves across the area. Straightening out this movement *seems* to help but it was difficult to maintain the form. I've worked on consciously adjusting my stride to build up the muscle a bit and will stepping back into my runs slowly in hopes of retraining.

    Not sure if that helps anyone but I thought I would share my story in case it does. I'll update with more details as I have them. Been a bit slow getting back into the grind.
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