
RW Forum 5 - Sub 3.30



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    Hi Lou. Sadly it's not an interesting car just a boring vectra B SRI image I love it to bits though.

    good going on keeping the running up. I have atleast 4/5 10 milers round My parts that I can remember.

    marrows. I did 16.5 yesterday, started at 9AM so thought I was safer than later start. Still struggled as like I said was meant to be 18. We picked a route and set it out as we went so I guess that was the mistake because if we were 2 miles out we would of have to run back And do the full 18. Average 8 m/m so happy with that.

    not to upset as Im ahead of schedule for May marathon date anyway. 

    Cut down in intensity this week as got a 10 k on Sunday. Hoping for 38:xx image


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    track session for me tonight.

    6x800 with 2 min recovery. Nothing out of the ordinary, 2:50 for pretty much all of them +/- 2/3 seconds on two. 

    Just one of those sessions you come away from and feel good and not over the top tired. 

    Nice recovery planned for 2moro PM image

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    marrowsmarrows ✭✭✭

    precision Jason! excellent. Is it Edinburgh marathon you're doing?

    I did 5x600m tonight going back and forth along a special stretch of road that, I discovered, goes uphill in both directions, plus a bit of jogging around to make it up to 7 miles.  I saw some young lads climbing over the wall into the girls' boarding school and looking cheery.  The first rep was at 6:25m/m (my 5K PB pace) and they got steadily quicker with the last at 5:45 pace.  Easy day tomorrow

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    You should write a book on your runs marrows - you see the best things !
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    Halstead marrows (U.K's 4th best marathon apparently).

    Good progression reps image. agree with cougie aswell. i just have boring tales of nice scenery etc etc round my area. Did see a SKY clyclist yesterday that apparently lives local.

    Mcmillan is confusing me a bit just lately, going off my 10k time i should of completed 800's in 2:30 apparently. Not quite sure i would be standing after 6 of those last night. 2:50 800m gives a 10k time of 45:xx. may have to do some research into what that actually means. 

    This time last year i wasnt running down the track at all, also no where near doing 30+ miles a week too. image

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    marrowsmarrows ✭✭✭

    Are you sure you're reading the training paces not the race paces Jason? What's your 10K time? 39:xx, right?

    10.8 mile race today in perfect conditions.  It was 3 laps and I planned not to race it properly but to run the first 2 steady, then maybe speed up a tiny bit. I roughly stuck to plan, though at end of each lap I got dragged along by relay runners sprinting to the changeover.  All felt controlled and I was able to annoy some women by chatting to them on the way round.  there was a 10 mile PB (1:10:02) in there somewhere and I don't feel trashed.  There was no prize for winning my category (I was the only entrant) but the prizes were edible, so that was a lucky escape. not short of food here.

    The course was dry so I wore my new shoes and got blisters. I have done an 18 miler in these shoes without them actually drawing blood so I hope that after a couple more runs my feet will make peace with them.

    On the way home I passed one guy saying to another 'you're going to have sex tomorrow night'.

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    Are you sure he wasn't talking to you Marrows?

    Ja5e -  As Marrows pointed out, it looks like you're reading the 800m race pace.  40min 10k McMillian gives you an 800m interval pace of around 3mins.  Approximately 3k to 5k race pace.

    Hips a bit sore this week so I'm taking it easy.  Hopefully it will be back under control for my final 20 on Sunday.  I read on Malcs thread that he's doing something like 5 easy; 5 steady; 5 MP; 5 steady, so I might try something similar.

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    marrowsmarrows ✭✭✭

    Didn't cross my mind Lou! But perhaps yes, he noticed the haze of putrid sweat and thought 'there goes a champion..'  I really really really hope that hip behaves.

    After 5x600m Monday and 10.8M tempo Wednesday I'm done with fast running for the week.  I did about 8 miles recovery pace last night and again this morning, and plan 17 slow tomorrow, then Sunday no running, just carousing.

    achilles still not perfect but not any worse.  in the mornings I waddle.

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    Congrats on the win Marrows ! I'd think about backing it off a bit now - we are what - 4 weeks from race day ? You just need to maintain your fitness - which you can on a lot less work than it takes to get there.

    Enjoy the 17 miler and do take it easy. My duathlon is Sunday and I'm really excited/nervous about it. After the duathlons are out of the way I'll start training for London.

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    marrowsmarrows ✭✭✭
    Happy racing! Where is it and what's the distance? Plenty to stalk this weekend with that and Barcelona marathon.

    Problem with backing off is that means backing off the pies too.. nasty rash of birthdays going round.. but yes I understand this stage is just about not breaking myself!
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    Good going on taking it easy this week. Ive done low intensity this week too as P.B hunting 2moro at st clare hospice 10k image

    hopefully around the 38:xx mark but will be happy with a sub 39:40.

    i always find it hard to back off the food on days where i know im not running. just a habit i get stuck with.

    hope everyone injury wise is doing well image

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    marrowsmarrows ✭✭✭
    Dead slow 17 today but perked up after a bath with john le carre. Good luck tomorrow you racers
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    Dare I say who john le carre is?

    St clare hospice 10k

    our last championship race of this season. Feeling pretty confident this morning as had a nice nights sleep, decent breakfast and an enjoyable drive to the site. Parking at north weld airfield....no problem. Temperature touching 12-15 by 10 am so wasn't too concerned (little breeze at times which was nice)

    shuttle bus down the road to the venue was well timed/executed every 7/8 minutes. 

    Anyway. Met up with other club mates and had a nice 2/3km warm up ready for the start. Eyed up the competition from various club runners, fun runners etc. Not too concerned at this point as was feeling great. 

    Start horn set the wheel chair racers off 2/3 min in advance, totally tripping me out as started the watch early to everyone's amusement. Horn then went off for us and the race began. 

    Downhill start for the first K set us up for 3:48. Little too fast but wasn't too concerned. Set in to a nice rhythm for the next 2 (3:50 & 3:52) bang on pace. 4/5 k started to hurt and was with 2 other team mates. Front team member started to fade so crept past him (5k in 19:16)  6/7k little slower than wanted, think it crept into the 4:01 range. Wasn't looking as positive at this point but still pushed on. Caught up with another team mate at 7.5k and gave a little positive 'keep going chap' 

    he stuck with me for the remaining K, then out of no where I heard a 'go on grange' from another team mate just a few feet behind. In a nice group of 3 now so pushed on through to 9k (up hill at this point) as course was a loop, then along the final straight to the end In 39:17. Position 17 in the race.

    team win for the club as we finished within 10 seconds of each other (me being the second finisher) image

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    marrowsmarrows ✭✭✭

    SOunds like a good race Jason.  well done!

    Hope you had a good time too Cougie.

    My confidence was a little bruised by the 17 miler yesterday.. averaged 9:00m/m over the first 14 miles and then switched off the garmin for the last few because it was too depressing! Anyway that's fine - think just tired. Today and Monday are rest days and Tuesday easy too, so i hope to get some spring back in the legs by Wednesday.

    Here's the schedule from the book for the coming week. London marathon is 4 weeks yesterday, so this is the last full week of training before the 3 week taper starts.

    M: rest
    T: recovery 6 am + 4 pm
    W: 11 w/ 5x1200m@5K pace
    T: ML 14
    F: GA 8 w/ 8x100m strides
    Sat: recovery 5
    Sun: LR 20

    I am running a half as a 1:45 pacer on Sunday, which will involve a bit of standing around at the start and finish, so may do the 20 on Thursday instead. I have a few friends racing the half and aiming around the 1:45 mark so should be fun

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    marrowsmarrows ✭✭✭

    Recovery double for me today: 4M lunchtime errands and 6M evening jog.  Legs feel much better than on Saturday (of course) so it was pleasant easy jogging rather than nasty woeful slogging.

    Need to recruit some precautionary thugs for tomorrow - PhilipMJones says he will meet me for lunchtime 5x1200m on the very quaint Regent's Park track.

    The january joggers, commuters, whose numbers seemed to have dwindled, are back out in force. Is it the nice weather or are they getting the heebyjeebies about spring marathons? From my bike it looked like many were really going for it on Monday night, while most marathon schedules have easy/rest Mondays. sleuthing, yeah.

    Some friends have set up a sweepstake on my marathon time. I'm not sure I want to know who has bet what. Meanwhile my list of things to go wrong is growing:
    Infectious disease from public transport while resting legs by not cycling
    Oversleep and miss the race altogether
    Poo, spew
    Old injuries or anemia -whose causes were never found- reappear
    Administrative error; have not actually entered race
    Too hot
    Too cold
    Too windy
    Terrorist attack
    Safety pins not so safe after all
    Start too fast
    Start too slow
    Pacers cock up
    Personal arithmetic fail

    etc. etc.

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    marrowsmarrows ✭✭✭

    I did my 5x1200m yesterday on the antique cinder track, with some jogging in the park to make it up to 11 miles.  I saw camels (pictured below), giraffes, PhilipMJones, and small donkeys.  Reps, which were actually 1160m because the track is short, came out at 4:28 (huffing and puffing - PMJ way ahead - he claimed he was aiming at 90s/lap), 4:30 (still huffing, expected this to be easier), 4:30 (decide to do this one slower but it comes out the same), 4:27 (ah! that's why it started burning), 4:32 (bit tired, lost concentration). So all about 6:15m/mile.

    work do meant extra cycling, eating, and drinking in the evening. Somehow myfitnesspal says it all added up. I have got rid of all the cake at home by eating the last piece for breakfast today.

    I will decide later whether to do 20 miles this evening or just 14.  The 20 will be my last proper long run and I'd like it to be a confidence-builder - so worth leaving it to Sunday if legs not cooperating tonight.



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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭

    Slacker. My 1200s were actually 1207s because I did 0.75 miles. image

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    I never see camels when I run. Occasionally I see the odd elephant or jaguar when I'm out on the bike. You jump about three feet sideways when an elephant trumpets unexpectedly.

    I like your lists Marrows - you seem to have it all covered.

    My list is simpler -

    Not having trained for a marathon.

    Race went really well - lots of fast peeps there and I came 5th in my category.

    Guess how many Team GB places were on offer ?

    4. Pah.

    Never mind - another go tomorrow and I can only get better with practice yeah ? One lesson I learnt last week is that if a bloke in an australian trisuit passes you - don't relax as he's clearly not going for a GB place what with being Aussie and all. He got the last GB place. Not Australian at all. Hmmmm.

    Have a nice run tonight - whatever the distance. You'll smash it on the day.
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    marrowsmarrows ✭✭✭

    not as slack as PMJ who got an extra 8s rest each rep by waiting for me!

    I cut last night's run at 10 miles since my ankles were bothering me and I felt it was doing more harm to them than good for my fitness. Practiced running 8 min/mile ready for weekend pacing duties (tricky to hold steady in strong wind - I hope it's calm on Sunday!), and admired the hordes of fast Serpie marathoners doing their speed training in Battersea Park.

    Today I saw a man dressed as a tap.  WaterAid marathon costume I think.  He looked sheepish.

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    marrowsmarrows ✭✭✭

    Sorry cougie I missed your post! Think i found your results & run splits look quick! Is it another qualifier duathlon tomorrow?

    The Aussie guy reminds me of BUCS (student) tri champs. I wondered why there was no-one racing from Loughborough but discovered at results time that they were all just wearing their GB kit.  I made sure they couldn't pass me on the bike though, by swimming badly. The only person I remember coming past me was a guy with a broken collarbone who'd done 1500m of one-arm breast stroke.

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    marrowsmarrows ✭✭✭

    Did you get your GB spot this time cougie? image

    I cut Thursday's run short because of bothersome achilles tendons so took Friday off running to let them calm down. The discomfort is nothing awful and I want to keep it that way. Tonight: 6 easy miles, rehearsing 8 min/mile to pace 1:44:xx at a half marathon tomorrow.  I can now hold that pace at 7 steps per breath (cadence breathing is my backup backup backup pacing device if garmin and stopwatch and general sense all fail), when a few months ago that meant 8:24m/M - I assume this is a good thing!  jog there and back to make up the last 20 miler of the campaign.  Dilemma: if my friends who are racing fall behind me, do I interrupt this crucial training run to wait at the finish and clap them in? The only solution is for them to bloody well make sure they finish ahead of me.

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭

    Good luck with the pacing tomorrow Miss Marrows!

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    marrowsmarrows ✭✭✭

    Thanks Minni! The aim was to deliver as many people as possible over the finish line just under 1:45 so that they'd all go buy green Xempo gear and thus cheer up Dan A (sorry for himself with a bad back).  I ran steady splits and built up a 30 second cushion by mile 12 (exactly to plan! wahoo).  Then too many people cheering made the final mile come out a bit quick so I finished in 1:44:10.  Didn't realise until I looked behind me at the finish how many followers I had! And none of them collapsed this time image

    The other pacers in their pairs with big colourful flags on their backs looked like beautiful butterflies, but given the wind and the overhanging branches on the course, I was glad to find no 1:45 flag available.  One flag blew right off its stick.  The freezing wind plus sun nearly persuaded me to rock out the orange bobbleless bobble hat + sunglasses combo but it was a good job I ditched the hat: it soon warmed up, and anyway the hat clashed with the pacer vest and with almost everything in the world ever.

    Afterwards I ran a few extra miles with another pacer (ultra runner - she's always up for bonus miles) to make it up to 20 miles including a couple at marathon pace.  23 miles for the day since I jogged to the start as well.  I was tired by the end but pleased to feel as good as I did, especially since I operated a small calorie deficit Friday and Saturday (weight had crept back up to 60.x .. OK I say crept but there was nothing stealthy about it, I just ate loads of cake).

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    marrowsmarrows ✭✭✭

    3 week taper starts today.  Here's the schedule:

    M: rest
    T: recovery 7 w/ 8x100m strides
    W: ML 12
    T: recovery 5 w/ 6x100m strides
    F: recovery 5
    Sat: 8K-10K race (total 9-11M) (I will do parkrun instead)
    Sun: LR 17

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    Exciting stuff marrows image

    Good going on the pacing. I've got 8 weeks until my big day now. image

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭
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    marrowsmarrows ✭✭✭

    7.5 miles jogging and strides last night, and 12 slow miles (8:20m/m and slower) this morning. I went to wimbledon common, which has nice hills and mud, and where without fail, I get lost.  Today the lostness and my crap arithmetic was more extreme than usual so that by the time 12 miles was up, I was not in my office as planned but at a distant train station.  Eventually got in, went to a meeting, ate a few more of the sandwiches than was polite, and tried to stay awake, unlike this colleague:



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    marrowsmarrows ✭✭✭

    time to look back at training since January:

    1. no real injury (achilles not perfect but under control)
    2. no illness
    3. avg 58MPW or 64MPW excluding a week's holiday
    4. 6 runs of 20+ miles (one race, one with 10 @ 7:15, two death marches, two at 8:xx).  A few 15-20 milers including one 17 with 12 @ 7:06.
    5. hit the paces for the marathon pace/LT/VO2 sessions, but only managed that by doing other runs too slow.
    6. 2:15 20 mile race (semi-tapered, carb loaded) and 19:5x parkrun, from either of which mcmillan predicts 3:14:xx.  10.8 miles not-quite-raced @ 7:00.  A couple of meaningless 10Ks on slow courses. No half-marathons.

    Basically I feel solid, not quite 3:10-solid, maybe 3:15-solid.  Anyone want to propose a race plan? I have a couple of friends going for 3:15 off the same start (green) and it might be nice to run with them - but a little part of me still wants to have a stab at my original target of 3:10.

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    MalcsMalcs ✭✭✭

    marrows - that's a great training campaign you have behind you. Most people would kill for that!

    You've done incredibly well to come through with no injuries or illness and have every right to be feeling confident.

    I am in no position to suggest race plans but I can congratulate you on some fantastic training and a great thread. Very best of luck for the rest of your taper and of course the race itself!

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    I agree with malcs on the training marrows that's also mental mileage. image  your obviously very adapt at the high mileage weeks. 

    I personally would play it safe and go out at 3:15 pace but that's purely because i would rather finish the last 10k very strong knowing I've not blow it by a silly mistake.

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