Need friendly trainers

After having a split pelvis for the last two months of my pregnancy (baby born 16/09/2012) I returned to running about three months post partum and completed a half marathon 7 months post partum...however, I had awful diastasis recti and was running lop sided, all the weight and impulsion coming from my right leg. As such the training and the consequent race meant a lot of running on hard ground;and this left me with a lot of issues. I've now got 22 varicose veins due to be removed from my right leg in the coming two months, and in December had a full abdominoplasty to put the abdominal wall back together and fix an umbilical hernia there too. I have been running three times since but find the concussion going up into my leg unbearable and last no longer than 45 mins. So, I've stopped for now and bought an exercise bike, but want to return to running as soon as I have had the veins and junction removed from my leg. Can someone out there recommend a pair of running shoes that will be suitable for my situation and health issues? They need to be relatively affordable, my limit is £100. Thanks. Btw, I am 25, 5ft 7" and 70kg; incase this helps.

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