
Ironman photo discount

FinisherPix are known for being the most expensive photo memorabilia crew in the firmament. Occasionally they have a discount spree. It's not much, and it does not last for long.

I am not advertising F-Pix. I dislike their rip off.

I raced an Ironman in 2015, and did not want to pay up front for photos unseen. The price of the pack stayed fixed all year, with a very brief exception around Christmas 2015. I missed it, and have tried all sorts of searches to get a better deal. There was none. Until now.

The deal is 25% discount off the download or print price, not off the postage.
End date of the "deal" is JAN 4th 2017.

Use code EOY2016 when asked for the discount code. This happens after you put your credit card number in.

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