Broken fibula, how soon can I start running?

I broke my fibula 2 weeks ago, didn’t get it diagnosed for a week as I thought it was just a sprain. I have been in a half leg cast for a week and will have it for another 4 to 5 weeks. I started running in March this year and have been running regularly for 30 to 40 mins 3 times a week so am gutted about my injury. Has anyone had a broken fibula that can share their experiences? I’m keen to start running again ASAP, I know I will lose a lot of my fitness but just didn’t want to start again from scratch, I am allowed to partial weight bare but have to take it easy as the fracture is misaligned slightly. I am hoping to start again by the end of October, does this seem doable?

Thanks xx


  • Best wait and see what the medics say when the plaster comes off.  I would imagine you'll have some muscle wastage so will need to do some physio to rebuild before you start running again otherwise you're going to end up with other injuries instead.

    Patience is the key.  Good luck
  • Thanks Trogs,
    I am worried about the muscle wastage, (and all the hair!), I’m just eager to get back out there, my cast comes off on 9th Oct so I’ll have to wait and see, the doc said I would probably need some physio. Will be nice just to be able to walk my dog again though
  • I've broken both arms twice and my left ankle. You'll be surprised how weak you feel at first but this doesn't take that long to build back up. Gentle walking first as you'll ache like nobody's business, and then gradually build it up. You'll be stupid if you run less than a month after in my opinion. All depends on age and how fast you've actually healed. The younger the quicker.  Also if the bone is misaligned are they gonna break and reset it ? Good luck.
  • Have a rest and let it heal good. I had similar issue and because I was rishing my recovery I had to wait even omre as I had additional problems.
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