Recovering from Adductor Tendinopathy - do I race or start again

Training was going well for my next hilly 50km trail race.

3-4 weeks ago I experienced mild groin pain - I did the usual things rest, ice this mild pain would not go
so I increased the rest days.

I did some searching the adductors are notoriously difficult to recover so I followed the guidelines here

No running at all now just using the bike which hasn't aggravated the injury.
I'm doing reps 5 min walk 5 min run

(slow running is helpful faster running is not... i get impatient)

I've also been checked out by a sports therapist who confirmed the issue.

Finally after continuing the exercises, the reps and with lots of walking and cycling.
Things are getting better but slowly!

This weekend I managed just over 30 miles of walking (with some running) without aggravating the injury

There is one outstanding decision the race is just over 2 weeks time.
Should I race???

Clearly the injury is a tricky one and I don't want to do the race if it will set me back.

I've got two options
1. Do the race with care... mixture of walking/ easy running
2. Don't do the race start a beginners half marathon training which will steadily bring me to my normal running level

Which is the most sensible course of action. Id be grateful for any comments as this is somewhat problematic.
Many Thanks


    Tough decision, I would leave it until a few days before the race and do a test run of say 8 to 10 miles and decide then.   Obviously cut the run short if you get pain.   If you run pain free with no aftereffects then do your race.

    I've had adductor injuries in the past and found that once you get to the stage when they started to heal they cleared up quickly.
  • Thanks @SHADES it's much appreciated. Your test is a good one training plan has a 10 miler a week before which will be ideal. I 'll do it by trying (3min walking + 12 min v. easy running)x(7 or 8)

    This is improving but very slowly, compression seems to help.

    I would do the test run as a normal training run, no walking, maybe even building to race pace.  Then if you get a twinge you know that it's not a good idea to do the race but continue with your rehab.
  • Please let us know how your recovery developed and if you're fully recovered. Did you get to run?
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