HELP I got in!!!

I did the Robin hood half marathon in september but since then i have not continued my running but i have kept up with my gym training. I realy did not expect to got in in fact i'm still in shock. Please any advice would be usfull i know i can do this and i also know that it id going to be hard. the hardest part if the half marathon was the trainning the actual race was a doddle in comparason that is why i wanted a break for a while i began to lose heart toward the end of the traing. any motivation tips and diet tips would be usfull too. i have just started a high protine very low carbohydrate diet(6 weeks ago)will this need to stop?


  • low carbohydrate diets are not reccomended for endurance running.
    My dietician says I should be aiming to have about 55-60% of my diet as carbs - the western average is now about 40% and falling, 'traditional' African diets can be up to 70% carbohydrate (I think they may have produced the odd handy runner over the years).
  • I'm no expert but you'll need to build up your carbohydrates intake as the length/intensity of your training runs increase.

    As for motivation, if last year is anything to go by, keep reading this forum. It will be full of threads on all aspects of training/problems/successes/failures and if you hit a low, post here and you'll get stacks of support.

    Good luck and enjoy!
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