Knee injury

Thought I would post this here aswell (as the 3:15 FLM thread)...

Last Sunday, during the kingston breakfast run I fell pretty hard on my right knee (around 14miles in). I finished the race but the knee was sore (achey, not cronic), there was lots of blood etc.. St Johns ambulance cleaned me up.

I didn't run the next day as the knee was still a bit stiff and sore from the cut/scab.

Teusday AM it felt fine, I even walked to work (about a mile). At lunchtime i ran for an hour easy and that evening it swelled up, not a lot, but there was definetly swelling. I iced it and took strong anti-inflams.

Since then its been continuously sore particularly after sitting down for a while, but not swollen, and yesterday it went yellow (bruising coming through I guess).

Now I know I need to rest it, which I am (now at end of 3rd day with no running) but I don't know if I should also;

a) take anti inflams
b) ice it
c) warm it up
d) walk on it (this seems to make it feel better)

symtoms are;

- No visible swelling
- Bruising
- Very stiff/sore to move after sitting down (i.e. no movement)
- particularly sore when walking up hill/stairs (i.e. when I'm on the balls of my feet).
- this is definitely an impact injury not overuse

Any thoughts on how I can speed the recovery up ?
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