
Planned Patien Progressive Plodding

Having just returned from my second Trailplus experience - this year I am going to listen to the advice and modify my training plan for Paris Marathon.

Last year, when they said no more than 3 hours on your feet while training, I thought 'I can't do that!' I knew that I was going to take at least 5 hours so my body needed to know what that was like. I did my 20 mile run 3 weeks out, just like all the good schedules say. All I can say is that from around mile 19 until mile 24, I have only a dim recollection. My recovery from FLM was not exactly pretty either.

So, this year 3-3½ hours max it will be. I will be also doing the Kenyan hills and threshold running as advised.

Watch this space as they say.

To start with - today is a rest day. I did have a session with my PT, but he tailored it toward a recovery session and kept it light. I feel OK at the moment - not enough energy for a 3-4 mile run, but not so tired that I could't go for a couple of mile walk.

Tomorrow is swim in the evening.


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