muscle/joint strains

Some experience and observations I can pass on to all of those suffering with joint or muscle problems.

I've strained my left knee fell running. I've still been running on and off for the past two weeks, and perhaps foolishly even entered a 15m fell race last weekend.

As you would expect, the knee problem is not getting better very quickly.

I've been to the local swimming pool three times now in the past week, and performing exercises, stretches, running in the water and static mobility exercises.

I can only say that the end result after half an hour is remarkable, almost a miracle.

I hobble into the pool, and leap out like a spring chicken half an hour later.

I can only recommend to all of those people with similar problems that they consider going down to the local pool and doing some exercises in the pool.

It is really helping me a great deal.

... I guess this is not rocket science, but it was a real eye opener for me.
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