Nike+ Forum Challenge



  • Could it be that Mrs Meldrew uploaded her run the night before the challenge started and it hasn't been counted as the challenge started on 31/7?? Maybe thats why you can't see it Ste.

    Gonna get out running tonight so will see what happens when I upload my run, fingers crossed I'll get into the challenge OK.
  • Had no reply from the Nike plus website, not that I really expected any! Still maybe it will work eventually...what's the challenge anyway?
  • Stephen: AwayWiTheFairies is right - my last run was Sunday before the challenge started so that's why I've got no run data...yet! I did see yours this morning though. Its great for motivation: as I went through my usual routine in work today of thinking of a hundred good excuses not to run I remembered I had some catching up to do. I'm heading out shortly so hopefully I'll have some miles to my name later on tonight.

    Hope everyone else manages to get signed up soon.

  • Nice one Mrs Meldrew, thanks for the update, I just went a bit paranoid thinking the site was falling over. You can't trust these fancy pants sites.

    Anyway, I've sent out invites again and it seems to have displayed the correct user names this time of quite a few user ID's (login email address), so hopefully everyone should get a notice this time when they sign in.

    I have 2 users (runlondon & Mike Andrews) who seem to have supplied me with email addresses that they don't use to log into the Nike+ site?? This is just my guess though, so if they can confirm those email addresses we could be almost there!!

  • Yahey I'm in and have joined the challenge :o))))

    Better get my running shoes on in a minute, funny though, if it weren't for this challenge I just know I'd talk myself out of going running tonight LOL!!
  • How's this for honesty!?

    For some reason my run tonight has uploaded onto Nike+ twice. I'm trying to delete the second entry but if I can't I won't use my gizmo for tomorrow's run. I have done 5.29 miles so far not 10.5!

  • Re: my message above - duplicate run now deleted. (It was easier than I thought)
  • I'm in.

    So pleased we are up and RUNNING.

    I did my long run last night (10 miles) the longest I have done.

    Having one off tonight, as my legs are killing me. Should be back to normal distance tomorrow.

    Mrs M, great sporting attitude. Is this not what it's all about. Well Done.
  • I have had the same problem as Mrs M, my run tonight was uploaded twice???

    In keeping with the spirit of ths challenge I've deleted one of the runs too, was one of my worst runs in ages, distance was the norm but I struggled like mad and even walked some way, no shame in walking I know but I haven't had to walk on this route for about 6 weeks grrrrrr!
  • Have you noticed (now this proves how SAD I am!!) that when you look at the challenge stats we have lady runner pics for the females and male runner pics for the men?

  • LOL! I wish I'd read that before I went out running Mr's M. I saw the distance I thought you'd gone ape! So I went flying out the house and cramped up just under 2 miles :( Buggered myself, so not had a good shot today.

    I've only just realised my calibration has been up the swanny as well. My runs have been around 3.7miles accoring to some mapping software I've been using thats quite accurate and my iPods been clocking it at a mile less. So I reset it tonight to default and started getting better accuracy, will attempt another re-calibration in the week.

    Good luck with the runs everyone, look forward to seeing us all progress!!
  • I had problems uploading my data for the first time tonight! I also keep getting a blank screen when trying to look at my goals at the moment.

    The time of day for when I went out for my run are way off as well.

    Does anyone else have any of these problems? Hope its just early problems that get fixed.

    It is quite cool that you get a little man and woman runner on the screen though!
  • Stephen

    Check the 'time & date' settings on your ipod.
  • I just bought my nike+ and am struggling to get it going as the ipod doesnt have the latest software, so I have downloaded that and it is all taking its time to update the ipod itself.

    At this rate I will end up going for a run at 2am, just so that I get to use it straight away!! :-)
  • Dale: My iPod's time is spot on, I think it updates the time from my PC clock each time you sync with iTunes. It's an odd one because the run times change on the Nike+ site each time I log in. I think its just a niggling bug in the site.
  • Hey, I'm in at last!Thanks Ste, that second invite worked!Any chance of a head start? Only kidding, will have to test the ankle and make an effort to catch up!I've noticed the time change on occasion, again a minor bug that needs ironing out I think. Am I overlooking it or is there no way of knowing exactly how much mileage each runner has clocked up? Obviously graphically you can tell who's in the lead but I tried rolling the cursor over the tiny runners and no information appears. That would be a nice touch. Anyway good luck to all in this challenge,Meat Pie Challenge?...I'm a vegetarian!!
  • Zaclobsterboy: Good to see you've finally managed to sort it out. You'll have to think of this as the Cheese & Onion Challenge.

    Does anyone use: I've just read that they have a decent running log here that also sync's with your Nike+ data. Might be worth a look for anyone wanting to keep an online log.
  • now my ipod has lost all of its songs, itunes cant find it and I cant find it through my computer either.

    Oh dear! I think I will need to dedicate some time to it this evening and try to get it working again. I actually had to come into work without any music today - oh no I could hear other peoples conversations. Not good I really dont want to know all about da kids happenings innit!
  • hiya Stephen.
    I would like to join you if thats ok??.
    I ran 2.5miles on monday and was really pleased with the ipod+nike data. I havent calibrated it though as the say its 90% acurate out of the box.
    does anyone know how different theirs was after calibration?

    It would be great to join you.......if its not toooo late..

    my email is

    Thanks! Billy (bloke, to save any confusion)
  • Hi Billy,

    Your invites been sent, you've come up as TommyGunn so I assume you'll get the invite when you next log in!

    I calibrated by Nike+ about 3 weeks ago and I didn't do it properly and its been clocking my runs way out and I've only just realised. It's meant to be quite accurate if you do it right, I reset it last night and the accuracy has improved a lot.

    I didn't realise you had to calibrate it against a known mile marker for instance and I just ran for about 500 meters thinking that'd do.
  • The problem i have with the calibration process is that i do not know a mile marker. and you are supposed to run/trot/walk (as you probably already know now) if this is the case i will probably be out all night!!!
    thanks for the invite.
    I have joined it already.
    Just need to clock up the miles hey!
    at least this should give me a kick up the backside to keep it regular.
  • Hi Billy

    Uncalibrated my Nike+ was way out, not to my favour, it was clocking up to 1.2km more than I was running.

    Calibrated it to 0.5 mile but it wasn't brill, so re-calibrated for 1 mile and its only about 30m out now (I am using GMaps and the car tripometer to cross check)

  • Right I'm in (jabbasoft) - time to get those running shoes on :)
  • Just did a very small run on the treddie at the gym, my iPod decided to go to virtually silent and I gave up at 1.55km :o( had to do a reset to restore the volume, apparently there is a software bug that affects the volume this thread refers,

    Anyway........... yesterday I reported that my run had loaded up to the Nike+ website twice as had Mrs Meldrews, so I deleted one of the runs, just uploaded my mini-run today and the duplicate run from yesterday has re-appeared??? It was quite nice being 2nd in the challenge for a few seconds but I have deleted the run AGAIN, you might want to watch for similar happening to you too!

    Happy running
    AWTF x
  • ok. this is getting interesting. also, can anyone help me, can i save this thread/forum so that i can find it everytime i.e. save it in my profile??

    otherwise I have to keep searching for it....

    Come on David, get those shoes on!!
  • Billy, at the top of the page on the left next to your User Pic there should be a My Forum link. If you click on that, I think this thread should be listed under that.

    Going off what AWTF said about calibration, I better get mine sorted out again soon! Have to find myself a good mile marker.

  • hurrah - after several hours of installing, reinstoring, resetting (etc etc) I have finally got it working! Scared for a moment I had totally killed my ipod.

    So I will be able to go out for a run at lunchtime, looking forward to it!
  • Hey, jenfrey, i don't suppose the problems you had where due using a PC with the iPod??

    I managed to go out last night and calibrate my pod for running, but didnt calibrate to the walking, it is not a must from what i can gather as i dont use the podometer to calculate my walking distances.

    It was really accurate when i finished. didnt help when someone pulled up wanting directions though as i had to stop and start again.!!
  • Ive used my ipod with a pc since I got it (although I will shortly be getting a mac as this is my work laptop and I have silly amounts of music on it - which will eventually get me in trouble!)

    its all working now, soo thats the important part - thanks through billy wizz.

    Just been out for a short run (went kickboxing last night so quite sore), I have to say this is a really cool bit of kit and a massive motivator. As I said I have not been running long and have yet to catch the running bug, so hopefully this will help me.
  • kick boxing hey, they should get you shape in no time, you will be running for miles man!
    I was thinking of starting Aikido but just havent got round to it!

    you are right about motivation though, these things are great, i just hope i can keep it up.
    this is where this forum should help.
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