Half Marathan 2007

I have been running for six months and really enjoy it. Am looking for a new challenge for 2007. I have done a few 10k's at an alarmingly slow rate

I am looking to do a half marathan in 2007 and I thought it would be good to start a thread for people who would be interested in sharing tips / support / encouragement. Its going to be one of my new year resolutions and I think it will be a huge undertaking for me.

So is anyone else thinking of doing a half next year. When? Have you any training plan?

I am thinking of doing the Stratford.


  • There are training plans in the "training "section at the top of the page . Just click on the grey tab.

    Good Luck ! There are plenty of forums for various races which you can access through "events", at the top of the page. Just go into one and introduce yourself..they are usually very friendly and you might meet some forumites at the race.

    You are more than welcome to say hello on " First 1/2 marathon" thread, and you will recieve lots of support !

    Good Luck !

    PS Alarming slow does not exist! You are DOING it, so be proud !!!
  • hiya
    i agree with JARS
    slow is relative anyway

    Stratford si a good one cos there are marathon runners too. so you wont be last

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