training plan madness

I have been on and off with training for a while an dhave now decided i need to take it all more seriously. I understand i need to stick with something to see the benefits but it's just understnding how much is enough.

I have a off road mudman race coming up in december which is 12K and i recently got a road bike for my birthday so really keen to get into the duathlon scene, This is currently my ideal schedule, although i don't always get to stick to it fully. Won't bore you with the excuses image can anyone comment on what they think of this plan in regards to training....

Monday am: rest PM Circuits 60 mins. Tuesday: AM: yoga 10 mins, PM, run 30-40minutes. Wednesday Cycle to and back from work 20 miles total then Yoga 10mins. Thursday: AM yoga 10 mins, PM running hills or speed session for 60mins, Friday: rest, Saturday, Long run, Sunday, Long Cycle, Yoga 1 Hour

I cannot move the circuits or the speed and hill sessions as they are group sessions, the rest i do myself.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.







  • Hi Hannah

    It's difficult to give any advice because you haven't really stated an objective that you want to achieve, or much insight into what your level of capability is. I guess that's why people haven't responded.

    In that sense, I can not say if your training programme will maintain your fitness/ ability to perform, increase it, or even set it back. It looks balanced is about all i could say.

    Maybe you should consider why you don't stick to your plan and whether there are any particular aspects of your fitness that you'd like to work on. People might be able to give some more specific advice after that. Best wishes.

  • Hi Tircky Dicky


    Thanks for this, my goal intially is to complete a duathlon in Feb 2013 of 5K 20K 5K and then i want to move up and attempt another one in July of 10K/40K/5K so that is the goal at the moment...

    also i am entering alot of off road 10K runs between now and May next year which are just for fun not competitive and i am looking to do the London to Brighton 100K bike ride in June next year again just for fun won't be competitive.

    Hope that helps, really appreciate the advice


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