Possible Stress


I'm running for fun, setting no objectives until January when my training program for the Madrid half marathon in April kicks in.

Really enjoyable and going further because of this approach.

Question is this:feels like there's a stress on the inside of my left leg. Guess that's my fibia/tibular region.

Have had it for a couple of years now.

Tried different shoes, podiatrists, insteps but to no avail.

I can run through it but the bearable pain stays until I take a break from running for 5 days at least. Even then, it reduces to a dull sensation and flares up again when I run again.

Can anyone advise on solution/s, if what I have is similar or the same to what you have / had?

Thanks in advance.



  • what sort of stress is it, sharp pain, tightness etc? 

    also exactly where on inside of the leg is it?

  • Hi,

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    It's my shin on the right side. Sharp pain when I set off, then I get into a groove and forget about it until I stop.

    Goes down to a dull constant pain if I don't run.

    Flares up if I run again.

    Is that a shin splint?

  • It could be.
    this sounds like what you have

    " In early diagnosis, individuals may experience pain at the beginning of a workout, which may go away by continued activity and then occur again at the end of the activity. As the syndrome progresses pain may stay throughout the whole training or during low intensity activity and may continue at rest. Range of motion in the ankle and foot should not cause pain."

    could (and i repeat could) be caused by muscle imbalance, including excessive pronation, tight calf muscles and over use of the medial shin muscle. Also tight thigh muscles and hamstrings can sometimes pull everything out of sync

    if ice and rest do not help, then i would suggest that it may be more likey to be muscle imbalance and uneven running style, which you would need to correct first.

  • Dr. Max's Mum,

    Everything you have described I have.

    Individuals may experience pain at the beginning of a workout, which may go away by continued activity and then occur again at the end of the activity. As the syndrome progresses pain may stay throughout the whole training or during low intensity activity and may continue at rest.

    I'm as flexible as an iroing board, always have been since childhood. 40 next year.

    Touching my kneecaps, let alone my toes is a dream unfufilled.

    What to do?

    Pilates? Yoga?

    If I do it persistently, how long before my body rights itself or is 2 late to become flexible?




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