shin splints

just wanted to say that a very kind lady suggested that i tried these calf guards. i have had shin splints for six years. tried everything. if she is still on here just wanted to thank her. have been using them for about 8 weeks now, am up to six miles again on my long runs and touch wood no issues so far. in my opinion well worth a try :0))


  • shin splints for 6 YEARS?? image ouch!!

    are you sure its not anything worse? 

  • good on you though for perserverence and all that. and good luck on the running!!

  • ah jason i have had mri, goe thru precription orthics, more massage than i can remember and every shoe under the sun! believe me there have been times when ive cried and wanted to give up. but then i find it in me just to try again lol :0)
  • well best of luck jane and nothing but admiration from me image 

    glad you have found something that finally helps. i had shin splints btw so i know how much it hurts (couldnt walk right for days let alone run). i stupidly started running on pavement in the wrong trainers (well if you could call them that).

  • lol well what are right and wrong trainers! ive been stability, barefoot and back to stability lol. i dont usualy give up on things as im a stubborn old goat lol. best of luck and happy running to u toox
  • jane harwood 3 wrote (see)
    just wanted to say that a very kind lady suggested that i tried these calf guards. i have had shin splints for six years. tried everything. if she is still on here just wanted to thank her. have been using them for about 8 weeks now, am up to six miles again on my long runs and touch wood no issues so far. in my opinion well worth a try :0))

    Good to see a success story after such a bad time.

    When you say "these" calf guards... is it a specific type?  Is there a particular reason why you think they've worked?

    It just could be useful for others.  Personally, I flirted with very minor shin splints a couple of months ago, so if they come back and get worse, I might need this info myself one day!

  • hi ya. i have worn 1000 mile and 2xu compression socks for years, even walking around under my jeans to keep my muscles in place for healing. even climbing stairs and walking have been agony. then i rest. they heal. i start training again, abiding by all the rules, correct footwear etc and bam they are back again. it has been so frustrating. so i posted on here after i was fed up with paying hand over fist for therapy. a lady said that she had bought a pair of neo g calf guards on amazon. they are medically designed and so i started my now next block of training with my compression socks and with these over the top. they are velcro and can be made as tight as is comfy. im not sure whether it keeps the muscles warmer or they are more stable but touch wood so far they have worked. i have a long way to go and i was going to do londond next year again, but i have decided to be sensible and go for a few halfs first, even tho i am itching to do london again. i tried stretching, all the exercises, not stretching, warm up, warm down, everything. but so far allnis good. there are others on the market but i went with what this lady on here went for and i like the fact they are velcro and adjustable. they are not cheap at 18 pounds a leg but i am saving on physio!!! hope that helps
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