
Yoga for Runners

Hi all

I recently ran my first marathon (Rome, March this year) and, while I got through my training schedule and the actual race with no injuries, I have been struggling to get going again afterwards, and have been dealing with extremely tight hip flexors and IT band. After lots of foam rolling, stretches and sports massage (plus rest), I have just been able to go out and do a gentle 5km with no pain/discomfort.

I am aware that my body as a whole is tighter than tight could be, in particular my hips and hamstrings, so thought starting yoga might help keep future injuries at bay through strenghtening and stretching. However there seem to be a hundred different types of yoga!

Does anyone have any recommendations for a specific style of yoga that is good for runners, or recommendations for a yoga DVD aimed at runners etc? I am a bit overwhelmed by the various options out there (here was me thinking that yoga was just yoga!).



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