2 weeks til first marathon with knee pain

hi, sorry if this has been discussed before. I am running my first marathon in two weeks in Bournemouhave but I have got a bad right knee. I have been running 16-27 miles runs several times recently in prep but progressively hbeen been developing a real painful "pinching" to the left of and below patella. I'm guessing this is the fabled Runners Knee. Having rested for two weeks I went on a 30 min run today, only to find the intense pain coming back around 10 mins in. I am gettig quite anxious that the pain will really hinder my attempt and take all the fun out of the day. I'm getting new shoes to replace my battered Brooks' and hope this will help. Can anybody offer any solace or words of wisdom on the matter with 18 days til marathon day.

many thanks, Simon




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