
Sunday 13 April 2014

"Don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time, having a ball."

6 times I've done that 26.2 and I still want to do it again. I'm envious.
20 times I've done the 26.2 with a number on. Some were unpleasant.
3 craps before the hooter, that's the routine.
1 time ran a perfect race.

So then. All you dailies, and ought-to-be-dailies just remember that you are having fun.
All you who aren't there, it is right to respect and to envy.

For me?
Palm Sunday Church service. I'll need paracetamol- being a bass, there's a lot of tenor notes to hit.
Evening: swim session. But the legs are twitching after today's bike ride.



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    emzapemzap ✭✭✭

    What: lacrosse match

    Why: asking myself that too, 6 on a sunday is too early!

    Last hard: digging yesterday

    Last rest: Friday

    Lyrics: yes

    Yesterday's lyrics were Bon Dylan Blowing in the Wind

    Go LMH and postie. Enjoy!
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    I could read but not post after my travels yesterday - thank you for all the good wishes. Lovely to see Paddy and NZC popping in too.

    Well done the parkrunners.

    Blisters - if you want a mile of mine then nemae it, 19 has already been chosen by a friend who can't run but the others are yours for the choosing.

    Not sure if I've overdone the carb loading, couldn't believe the amount I was putting away yesterday, then again as I'm currently eating breakfast with no problems, possibly not.

    I might be reaching for a tim that's a littlew out of my reach today but if you don't try you won't know will you?

    emzap - take it easy - don't want you getting injured now.

    What:            sightseeing tour of London
    Why:             I only come here once a year
    Last hard:      looking at the splits on the 3.20 pace band
    Last rest:       12/4

    Lyrics - yes.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    It's looking like a beautiful day. Off to walk to the start.........

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    chickstachicksta ✭✭✭
    You can do it LMH !!! Have a great one today, all ye VLMers
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    Dibs3690Dibs3690 ✭✭✭

    What: all energy going to VLMers today!!

    Why: Because you freaking rock socks! and because the pollen here is kicking my ass!

    Lyrics: Woohoo this is my type of song! yepo!

    Last hard: Trying to sleep with a blocked, but running nose :Z

    Last rest: Thursday

    Blisters: Oh my, that is a lot of marathons! I am so jealous.. the distance scares me at the minute..

    LMH- Whoop Whoop! make it happen girl! thinking of you!


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    GO LM.H

    GO PP

    think you have all the good weather south heavy rain and still blowing a gale here.

    what: rest of some sort

    why: weather not tempting for outdoor activity and hope to get LSR in tomorrow

    Last hard: monday

    last rest: Sunday

    lyrics: yes (2 on the run!)

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭


    Doing the London Marathon today. Mind you after four hours or so I'll probably change channel and watch the football.

    Lyrics: of course

    What: 12k, mainly off road. 68 mins.
    Why: did to get some longer runs in. Longest this year I think.

    Now to start tracking PP and LMH. Hope to see good news later on!

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    chickstachicksta ✭✭✭
    LMH is going for it!!!!! Go girl!!!!!!!!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭

    PP on for 2:45 and LMH on for sub 3:15. Just hope they remain strong!

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Dibs3690Dibs3690 ✭✭✭

    Good grief! way to go guys!! 


    Totals for me this week (ditched the run and ate lunch instead)

    Swim: 2hr 35  Bike: 3hrs 20  Run: 50 mins

    may go for a jog later if I feel like it.

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    StrayceltStraycelt ✭✭✭

    Keep on posting Ale and go guys.
    Loved your post Blisters, rang so my many bells especially as it looks I won't be doing that distance again....but you never know!

    What: LSR with YS lzy 12 miler and BP/HR all good
    Why: Not running VLM for 2nd time this century
    Last Hard: Yesterday:
    Last rest: Thursday

    Now watching VLM

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    PP is finished image

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭

    Well done PP! Suspect that is a PB! And looks like LMH is still on for a very big PB too!
    And you can never be disappointed with a PB!!

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭

    And well done LMVeryH! Massive PB! Look forward to your reports guys!

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    LM.H done well too image

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    RFJRFJ ✭✭✭

    Great running all,

    Saw some of the race in A&E.......

    Long run cut short by a fall, when I got up realised that my finger was not how it should look, bent over with all the nail bed open and split down both sides, thought it was broken.... thankfully not, but did need 6 stitches.

    11.75m run

    Take care

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    chickstachicksta ✭✭✭
    Gulp, RFJ, that sounds a bit yucky!!

    I couldn't find postie's number but it sounds like he did well.

    LMH has set the standard for the girls on here image. Massive congratulations!!! Dream time. Wow.

    And so many people on the threads that I follow struggled today. A few did very well, but the were also a few DNFs and some big positive splits.

    TBH, I'm shitting bricks thinking about next Monday image
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    StrayceltStraycelt ✭✭✭

    Chickadee: The run is the reward for the training...
    Looked a tad warm out there reminiscent of 2007 when I looked like this:

    <img src='
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭

    RFJ!! Ouch!

    PP's number was 32839

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    RFJRFJ ✭✭✭

    Forgot to say Lyrics, yes

    and yes was very messy as bleed a lot...... to the fact when I arrived in hospital they offer to lie me down as looked that white......


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    Evening all 

    What tour of the big smoke on foot

    Why not done it for a year

    LMH I await your time with interest

    ok then, 2:50:42 official which is a course pb but 45 seconds off my Mara pb. Happy with this for a change as I was expecting worse. Struggled with me legs after 23 which probably cost me a couple of minutes but hey ho was planning on something around 2:55 anyway. Will do a full report once I've thought things through.

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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭



    Well done pp and LMH very happy for you both

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    Cracking outing to everyone who raced the 26.2 at London. We shall await the inevitable threads that say "My Garmin recorded it as being 27.4 miles, is that due to the weaving through the crowds?"
    Especially a big well done to anyone who PB'd, anyone for whom this was their first, and anyone who beat one of those artificial constructs of time that we set ourselves as targets.

    Lyrics: Don't stop me now, by Queen. iPods aren't allowed, but you can still sing out loud.

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    DustinDustin ✭✭✭

    evening all
    well done postie and LmH, plus anyone else who ran today
    RFJ - ouch indeed
    what - marathon watching and athlete tracking then off for eldest's county hockey fixtures: 3-2 win and 0-0 draw. Came home and squeezed out 12.6 miles in 1h40.
    why - be inspired
    last rest - 8 days
    last hard - today
    lyric - of course 

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    Home with a terrible day tripper's tan and a big smile. Found it even more crowded this year - despite starting at the front of pen three rather than the back of pen four as I did last year.. Very slow first mile due to the congestion but then found myself running just behind the sub 3.15 pacer. I knew I wasn't in 3.15 shape but hey, if you don't try you don't know do you? I can't run to pace anyway, it's always to feel and it felt ok so I just tried to stay comfy and if that meant he was still in sight then great. I took a gel at 9 miles then realised at 14 that I'd forgotten to have another so did so then. was feeling ok and keeping up with the pacer for the first half and probably a bit longer but was starting to work by about 17 miles. It was warm, but that's better for me than cold and I just kept taking water when I could get it, having a swill and pouring the rest over me if none of the nearby runners needed it - it was hard to get to the water at some of the stations so we were sharing bottles.

    By the time I was approaching 19 miles I knew I was working, I also knew that a PB was on the cards if I could stick with it. Started doing some very dodgy math and confused myself a few times but mostly just tried to keep running. Maths became easier the closer I got to the finish and by 20 miles I knew that if I could hold 8 min/miling, and allowing 4 minutes for the last bit (it always seems such a long way at London) I'd PB. In fact I thought I was on for about 3.22 which would have been closer to 3.20 than 3.25 so ok. Garmin was being a little strange - I had a 9.xx mile followed by a 6.xx mile if you believed it so I was trying to work out how I was doing by the gantry clocks. By 21 miles I felt as though I was running through treacle and that I was going slower than if I was walking but I was catching and passing people who looked as though they were running to me - bizarre. The 3.15 pacer was well out of sight and I knew that I was paying for the early pace - but if I'd have gone out at 3.20 pace would I have been any better off?

    The Macmillan cheer points near the end were great, I felt physically lifted and pushed on when I passed them - and I certainly needed it! With three to go it was a case of keep smiling, keep your head up and keep pushing on no matter how slow it feels. My legs felt ok but my shoulders really hurt, I kept thinking 'look up, relax your shoulders' but it was hard to do. I saw Big Ben and knew that the PB was mine to take if I could just keep on moving but mile 25 - 26 seemed to take forever, in fact I nearly convinced myself that there was no 26 mile marker but eventually it came into view. Then 800m to go - and it took forever to get to 600m to go. Loads of people seemed to go past me in the last 200m but I had nothing left to give. Over the line, take two steps and it all went black........fortunately someone caught me and the next thing I knew I was being carted off on a stretcher by the St John's. Took me ages to persuade them to let me go but I was fine after a drink and a bit of a lie down image

    So - dream time achieved, 3.18.19 for anyone who hasn't looked. Now of course that champs qualifying time seems tantalisingly close...........

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Glad you're happy with your time postie.

    Sounds painful RFJ.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    RFJRFJ ✭✭✭

    Well done Postie, cracking running

    LMH - Thats awesome, excellent time well done

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    Dibs3690Dibs3690 ✭✭✭

    Awesome recount LMH! So proud of ya! amazing time!! I hope you are feeling back to normal and that your smile will last the next few weeks image you deserved it!


    Well done Postie! Looking forward to the report!

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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭

    Great report LMH - i'm even  amazed you managed to do one  tonight I would be too knackered to do one

    Happy you're happy A champs  start sounds so attractive

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    Well done to postie on the near PB and LMH on a well executed PB.  You deserve it.  Smile to yourself then start planning the champ qualifying race image



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