
My Last Run



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    Good to see you back out running, Cal. Fingers crossed it continues well.

    Nice icy efforts Nessie and Swittle. My 3 day streak came to an end yesterday as Norwich was struck and unable to hit back at the Arctic blast! Too precarious for me, so spent an hour gritting our road instead of running.

    I did manage to get out this morning for a nice sesh. Am working on building a bit of speed and managed 5 miles in 47 mins. Now for a mince pie...or two.
    I run, therefore I am.
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    Hmm - mince pies, throw one this way will you please Will!  I have a half-full jar of mincemeat in the fridge (and some rum butter) but it will have to wait till tomorrow to be turned into pies.  No time for that today.

    I'm 4 miles behind you at the moment swittle. :)   I passed last year's (record) mileage just under 194 miles ago and there is still half of December left.  My mileage increased 2015 to 2016 by about the same amount so I think the jump is okay. 

    Did last night's run today as instead of the promised fog it was a nice sunny morning so I took as early a lunchbreak as I could justify and got out for 14km in 1:18:11  Much better conditions - no black ice, around 1 degree.  My aim was to do the distance without any thoughts about pace and without pushing myself too hard.  The first half felt nice and easy, on turning for home I found why - the wind was picking up.  I should have put the gloves and hat I had plucked off back on  but couldn't be bothered and got a bit chilled accordingly.  Was tired for the last 3 km back up the hill and the legs felt numb and clumsy.  (nearly wrote clumb and numsy..)

    Not too much to look at today - the brook was a bit fuller than usual (possible there is beaver activity somewhere), a few mallard ducks, a flock of crows (?) enjoying whatever it was the farmer had spread on his field (didn't smell).  I did enjoy stomping through some thinly iced shallow puddles with a very satifsying crackling noise.

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    Nice milestone swittle! I did over 1500 last year but am a fair way down on that this year at around 1130 to date...
    6 miles easy pace this afternoon. 
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    Great going, swittle! And well done on getting out there in the snow and ice, everyone. After a very frosty run on Tuesday I bundled up in a big hoodie, tracky bottoms, hat and gloves and ended up being a bit too warm. I got 4 miles done today. My hip and back behaved although my right calf was a bit tight - I guess it's out of practise. At this point I have to be careful not to overload the muscles. My next run will be on Sunday.
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    Nice one Cal! 
    I had a little run yesterday but an easy swim today as I'm hanging after my works' Xmas do last night!
    Found out today that I've got a place in VLM next year and I'm over the moon!  I applied for a club place but didn't get it- however I was top of the waiting list and someone dropped out.  Woohoo!! 18 weeks to try to get my sub 4 hours!!
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    Will: mince pie + hot beverage of choice = perfect post-run fayre!

    Hazel: my tareget's based on 30 miles p.w. x 52 weeks - progress is easy to track, especially with the Fetch training log.  You're doing well because you're racing too.  I haven't for over 2 years.  Too slow now.

    Thanks, Cal.  Am pleased you're heading back towards full fitness - sensible approach.

    Whoop! VMLM for Nessie!  A few years ago, I got a place through Northern Vets - mixed feelings when I found out: all those long, dark miles training!

    0700 Just the 3 miles over the soggier reaches of the coastal park.  Headtorch deployed.
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    Good to hear your comeback is continuing pretty smoothly Cal. 

    Great news on the VLM Nessie.  If I remember correctly you already did it a few years ago?  18 weeks is plenty of time for a decent bit of training. 

    swittle: my running group boss (62 this year) comes to mind with regards to speed and age.  He still races regularly although his best days are around 20 years ago.  He enjoys it as much for the social aspect nowadays because we are often out and about as a team and he knows a lot of people in the local races.  I guess some of it is about whether you can take something home from a race other than a satisfying time.  

    Me: Friday was Day 1, Week 1 of my marathon plan for 22.04.2018 (Zurich again).  13km in 1:04:23 with a warm up then 6km at between my 10mile and HM race pace followed by a cool down.   Felt quite comfortable with that.   Picked the right time of day to go out in the late afternoon - not too wet from above and the wind had calmed to a light breeze. 
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    Amazing, Nessie! I'm totally envious but you really deserve it.
    I volunteered at my club's 5K meet yesterday (I was originally down to run, but obviously that wasn't going to happen). Rather glad to be stationed indoors at the registration desk, as it was flippin' freezing!
    I was going to run today but my hip is a little sore (seems to be in a different spot and feels more like a bruise, but I'm not taking any chances) and I also seem to have the beginnings of a mild cold. Tomorrow's sunnier anyway.
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    Thanks all! I'm very lucky. I *did* have a place in 2015 Hazel- well remembered.  And am so fortunate to have another, as this will be my 2nd club place. We get a fairly large quota of places as we're such a big club and we also staff the elite drinks station and other stuff. So we get 9 places I think.  I volunteer a lot leading groups and marshalling, as does my long-suffering old man and daughter. Lots of standing around in freezing muddy Epping Forest. So there are points for volunteering / marshalling etc.
    Fit in 3 miles this morning in Shropshire, up with the in-laws. It was still very icy on the pavements and the sleet was vile.  Long run lined up tomorrow 
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    With all that work you deserve your place Nessie. 

    Take it gently Cal.  Hope your cold is no worse.

    7km recovery for me yesterday morning.  I don't usually run pre-breakfast but also did a snowshoe tour later with OH and wanted to get the running done beforehand.  A banana and a cup of tea woke me up enough for putting one foot in front of the other but I was happy I didn't have to do any of the speedier stuff. 
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    Pick your days, Cal - I find a fine, warmish day puts me in a good humour for running.

    VMLM makes that winter period almost tolerable, doesn't it?  You don't train in vain.  [I've sneaked a song title in there - so what was the band?  Even I was quite young then!]

    Hazel, if I start to think how early it might be when I'm going to run, I'd not get out at all!  ;)

    Last night, 8pm, 10-mile darkrun: park, trail, path & beach in Waterloo & Crosby.
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    I feel much better today - my cold has been vanquished and the sun made the run a lot more pleasant, even if it was still pretty chilly. I did another 4 miles and the frosty weather resulted in quicker mile splits and a faster cadence. Currently I'm thinking about posture and mechanics so I'm not really paying much attention to pace, but I do feel my fitness is returning now. Rather tempted to give parkrun a crack this weekend, although I will be taking it relatively easy.
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    A well deserved place in the London, by the sounds of it Nessie. Enjoy the build up.

    Glad you're making progress, Cal. Patience is an oft quoted virtue, but difficult in reality.

    I'm thinking of at least one pre-brekky run a week in the new year, Swittle and Hazel. Trying to squeeze some more miles in and I love mornings, so it makes sense. A good way to tune the head in for the day, I reckon.

    I was in London with the outlaws over the weekend and very much enjoyed the mince pies, pud and cheeseboard, so got out to run some of it off this morn. Eight fun miles of frozen, flooded riverside trails had me slip-sliding all over the place. Felt a bit stiff and had to take a couple of pauses to stretch my tight calves out. Maybe the cold seized things up a bit. Anyway, a delicious crsip morning and had a fantastic encounter with a Kingfisher, perched on a frosty branch just a couple of metres from me. I was going so slowly that it didn't even blink! Song Thrushes, Christmas Robins and a hyperactive Great Spotted Woodpecker added to the fun, before the creme de menthe spot of the day flew right over my head - a Great White Egret, a relatively rare passage migrant. Stunning.

    Aiming to get plenty of holiday miles in and excited about my running plans for next year. Happy running all :)
    I run, therefore I am.
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    The Clash swit. Nice :-)
    I like to run pre-breakfast Cal and swit.  For speed work on a Tuesday it's pretty much impossible not to run on an empty belly, as I head out at 5.45. A cuppa and then I'm out. But anything under about 6 miles I think it's a good discipline, particularly if I'm trying to burn some fat.  Talking of which, I think I need to lose between half an a stone to be at ideal marathon weight.  That will have to wait until after Xmas. Like Will, I am not going to forgo the cheese, booze and mince pies. 
    Sounds like a lovely run Will and not dissimilar to my 11 miles at Walthamstow Wetlands this morning. We saw egrets, moor hens and plenty of geese.  Did it at a decent 9mm pace too, fairly comfortably, as I was with a faster friend.

    Which reminds me- I'm gathering opinions on my marathon training programme, which I'll get onto over the break... I know the foundation will be 4, maybe 5 runs a week. A speed session, possibly a hills, tempo, long run and easy recovery.  Now my question is the pace for the long run. In the past, I've always done it at whatever pace- chatty. But some of my faster running buddies think it should be done faster, at marathon pace or even a bit faster.  Thoughts welcome?
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    Conventional wisdome is that long runs should be done at slower than MP (how much slower depends on how fast MP is. For speedy peeps then a minute or more per mile, whereas for donkeys like me, there's less of a difference). If you're doing intervals and/or tempo during the week then you don't also want to be hammering yourself with an MP long run, or you'll burn out.

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    JT141JT141 ✭✭✭
    Been ill again so not much running. Had a conga of viruses. Betterish now but lethargic. 7.5miles yesterday and 8.3 today. Slow. Am dieting which is making me hungry and irritable. I am not good company. Never got my running act together this year. I'll be pleased when it's done.
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    Spot on, Nessie.  I'm a fan from w-a-a-y back.  Before an early run, T or C and perhaps half a banana.  I like the descriptions of the off-road bird runs.
    Mara training: my advice is unlikely to enrich your pool of knowledge.  The occasional track session, a few intervals and progressively longer LSRs.  Pace was an unknown concept.  My Mara training tip would be: rest as hard as you train.  ;)
    Sorry you've been under the weather, JT.  Those big mile off roaders are out there when you've fully recovered.
    Me: cool, dry, still [that's the conditions, not me!] four off-road miles over the coastal park, where the sogginess left by the recent rain is slow to drain.  Met huge Husky - or Malamut - in Beach Lawn Gardens.
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    I've met lots of dogs in the last couple of days, two of which seemed to think I had chum in my fanny pack. I saw them off with my own version of a bark. One looked like Scooby Doo.

    A similar trail route today, but 7 miles done a bit quicker. Felt a lot looser today and think my mud work is building some strength. The lake was totally frozen today, but the fisherbirds were all out and about. A Little Egret stalking the river shallows, a Grey Heron looking statuesque and a few squabbling Cormorants looking for a hole in the ice. Very pleasant and I'm now on hols for a good wee while, which is always good news. A huge plate of chilli eggs, chorizo and avocado has me refuelled and ready to go turkey shopping.

    I run, therefore I am.
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    Take care, JT. I'm eager for 2018 too. I have a brilliant Autumn last year and a brilliant early Spring, but it all went pear-shaped after that. Just glad I can run again now, though I have to monitor my bodyparts like a hawk.

    Will, sounds like you run somewhere lovely. Being in London the wildlife is a bit less exotic but I sometimes see a heron on the common and occassionally a woodpecker (though usually I just hear them). Mostly it's crows, pigeons and parakeets.
    Lovely dog spotted today - a longhaired German Shepherd who was black with warm-brown highlights. Looked stunning. I bet there are more than a few women who'd kill for highlights like that.

    I did 6 miles today - my furthest since the injury. Stuff started to tighten up towards the end, but I guess the muscles just aren't used to it at the moment. Next run will be shorter - probably parkrun on Saturday.
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    Well done Cal and thanks for advice. This is the advice I'd always heard / followed too. Swittle, I'm a bit like you- I love to run and am not great with the structured stuff.. but I do want to get a bit faster!
    Great nature spots Will and good to see you JT. 2017 has been truly shit for me too, for personal reasons instead of running related.  Roll on 2018.
    Yesterday was a fartlek session in Lee Valley park / along the river Lee with a small but hardy group from the club, followed by a cuppa and some marathon talk. My legs are feeling it today after two days of quite demanding sessions, and it's a club night tonight.. I hope I get to lead the slower group  :#:#
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    Nice and busy on here at the moment.. :)

    I'm enjoying your bird-watching as always Will.  Chilli eggs sounds dangerous...I wouldn't mind some turkey though.  And I can't get that Scooby doo theme out of my head now.

    Glad to hear you haven't gone down with a proper cold Cal, your comeback is progressing nicely.   

    Good idea to postpone the stricter diet to post-xmas Nessie so you don't have to miss out on the seasonal goodies.  Re. long runs for mara training:  on my current plan (P&D up to 55 miles a week), some of my long runs contain marathon pace miles but never the full distance.  The MyAsics plans I've used in the past did similar.   Reducing other speed work in such weeks as Cal says sounds good advice.   

    Sorry to hear you have been under the weather JT.  Maybe postpone that diet a bit until you've recovered fully from your illnesses?  The combination sounds tough.

    An NCOT (nice-cup-of-tea) and a banana is also my favorite pre-run fare before I do do an early run swittle.  Good mara tip with the resting. 

    It seems quite a few of us want to put 2017 behind us in running or in other terms (I'll take the later as runningwise I am fairly content with the year's results).  Lets hope we can all get some good days in over the holiday period rest and runningwise to prepare for next year. 

    MLR:  yesterday evening 14.5km.  I did a few km prior to my standard Tuesday run to fill up the distance for a run in my mara plan.  I don't want to miss out on my Tuesday group run and doing that on top will be too much in a few weeks time so I decided to try doing a mix.  Got to the meeting point after the first 4km a bit early but put in some streches whilst waiting.  Only two of us out which was a bit disappointing.  I was expecting a gentle run but Fritz decided to push himself a bit and nearly left me behind on the hills - he must have been practicing in secret.   We (and hopefully quite a few more) will be meeting up for the annual hike and lunch outing next week.    
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    Hazelnut, I've certainly enjoyed my running in 2017 - my first proper year of it. I'm looking forward to a change of jobs in 2018 though. Hopefully, something which is less of a pain in the backside than my current one. Life's to too short to be unhappy at work.

    Cal, I'm in Norwich, which is a very pleasant place to run. The university grounds and trails are only a mile away and I've been getting down there a lot lately. I think I'm lucky with the number of ace trail races round here too and the coast only 40 mins away.

    Just a 3.5 miler for me tonight. Felt my legs from the last couple of runs and so it was a bit of a loosener. Also, for some reason I was ravenous about 2 miles in. Luckily, me and the nippers had made a banana loaf at some ungodly hour this morning (rye/spelt flour, honey, chia seeds + maca powder) so I wolfed a couple of slices of that down as soon as I got through the door. 'Tis the season ...
    I run, therefore I am.
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    Will, we stayed for a long weekend a year ago, just round the corner from the university campus and backing onto the Yare (which is great for a dip :-) ) . It's a lovely part of the world.
    My club run last night was a thankfully easy 6 miles, as my legs were tired.
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    19km for me yesterday late afternoon in 1:46:41.  Dull sort of day - hardly a bird around but I saw two red deer grazing on the edge of the woods.  Checked up on Gandalf (tree trunk carved into the shape of a wizard) - he looks in need of a coat of varnish.

    Didn't eat enough for lunch, was happily trotting along until 13 or so km then my stomach started to digest itself due to lack of contents.  Had to increase to I'm-hungry-and-want-to-finish-this-run-now pace. 

    One more pre-Christmas run planned for tomorrow. 
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    Funny, Will - I nearly went to UEA but opted for Essex in the end (because I liked the look of it. No regrets).
    Did my first parkrun in months today and survived. I knew, after my lay-off, that it would be my slowest, but I wasn't too concerned - I just wanted to get around in one piece, and preferably under 30 minutes. Which I did (just about!). Splits were nice and consistent, and my hip didn't explode, so I'm content. Happy Christmas peeps!
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    Nice parkrun Cal. Enjoy your stay in Manchester (read it on the shades thread).  

    13km for me today with 10×100 m strides with 200m recoveries.  Quite enjoy doing those as its not just puttting one foot in front of another but I have to concentrate. 

    At the in-laws in Germany now, hopefully I will get out a couple of times but I've got a day off tomorrow.

    Happy Christmas everyone.
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    JT141JT141 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Merry Christmas MLRers. 10miles Thurs in just over 1hr15. Passed a horse and cart on a country lane. Spooked the horse a bit. Gym yesterday which is being refurbished so the equipment is shifted into a cavernous sports hall. 9.4miles today in 1hr11:30. Pace ok for the last two runs, but not much speed in me. I am feeling old. Felt most comfortable deep into the runs though, which is heartening. Neighbour has given us a load of cat food for Xmas.
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    Happy Christmas MLRers! I did Hackney parkrun yesterday and got my second fastest time- 24.40.  A good benchmark for continuing improvement throughout marathon training hopefully.
    Probably won't run now until Boxing Day, although ideally I'd do a quick one on Christmas Day. I've never found time in previous years however and we'll have 15 guests tomorrow, so unlikely :-/

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    Nice Parkrun Cal and Nessie and pucker mileage Hazelnut and JT.

    A milder, misty trail run of 8 miles for me yesterday. I need to get stuck into some speedwork at some point, but enjoy chugging along the riverbank a bit too much.

    The kids are ridiculously excited and so we tried to wear them out at Junior Parkrun this morning. Excellent fun and lots of great outfits. Me and Nye/Santa managed to pip a lamb and a Shepherd on the final straight.

    Wishing all you MLRers a fabulous Christmas! Hope you all have a lovely day :)
    I run, therefore I am.
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    JT141JT141 ✭✭✭
    Christmas Eve run 9.1miles off/onroad. Slow. Muddy and windy. Am watching The Snowman. I can do my David Bowie impression again now without feeling sad. The neighbours cat was on my knee but has now wandered off to sit on the radiator.
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