
My Last Run



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    Nice course PB matt.  

    I live in the swiss Midlands Will - my immediate surroundings are a bit like rural England but I do get to see the Alps and the Jura hills which I enjoy.  Unless they are hiding under a blanket of low cloud like today.   Well done to your son on his parkrunning.  Your practice half sounds promising.  I also sometimes take real food with me rather than gels on long runs as I much prefer it.  Trail mix, bits of biscuit, things like that.  I generally have a quick walking break to eat to prevent choking.    

    I am working my way through the gel flavours Cal to make sure that there aren't any I don't like at all.   Careful with that calf.

    Nice description of your long run JT.

    I did a solo 6.5 miles recovery run yesterday evening.  I intially thought grr when no-one else turned up at the meeting point but actually it was a good thing as I could do a flat run rather than our standard hilly route which isn't really a recovery run.  Cold at -2 but once I got going I was fine.  
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    My calf continues to improve. It seemed to enjoy the stress test because when I woke up I was able to do some calf raises on that leg without any discomfort. There are certain positions it doesn't like (such as driving my heel into the ground when my leg is bent, even though the sore spot seems to be in the gastroc and not the soleus) but I was able to get out and run three miles with no trouble at all. I will see how it reacts and if it's good I'll do a longer run tomorrow.
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    JT141JT141 ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Good sign Cal. Any muscle soreness and I go at them with a roller and increasing sizes of spikey balls.
    Anyway, just under 10miles in 1hr13:30 in my vivobarefoots. Took a short while for my running gait to adjust. Cold but not icey. My path was shut off for tree felling. Ended up doing a couple of stretches of road I've never run before. Went past the university and the army barracks.
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    Lacklustre 11.8 miles (that's 19km to me..) yesterday afternoon with 6x100m+200m strides at the end.  Less than 24 hours since the previous run and Sunday's 18 miler probably still in my legs.  Splits were all over the place, some differences can be explained by the inclines for others I'm not sure if the GPS or I was misfiring somewhere.  Light snowfall but not settling. 

    Postitive aspect to the run: I completed the full session although I could quite happily have stopped earlier or left out the strides.
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    Hi all! Just read through. Some great running going on. Cal I'm glad your calf is improving.

    Well I am feeling better but I still have a sore chest. I've been running but taking it slow. I started off with two miles on Saturday & Sunday then I progressed to three miles on Tuesday & Wednesday. 

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    That's encouraging progress, Andrea. Hope it continues :)

    Glad the calf is behaving, Cal, and good mileage as usual, JT. I may have to give the spikey balls a go.

    Swiss Midlands still sounds very nice, Hazelnut. My sister went to Wolverhampton Poly, which was much nicer than I expected, but still not exactly cuckoo clocks and Toblerones. Great effort getting your run done, despite it being tough. That's the spirit!

    Well, I was due to go in search of an elusive Rough Legged Buzzard today, but my birding mate's oven blew up and so, after getting over that disappointment, I headed to the cemetery for some speed stuff. Still icy and sub-zero, even though it's in the heart of the fine city, I had to tread carefully and watch my torque as I sped round the tight corners. 1 mile warm-up, followed by 5 X 1 min hard/ 2 min jog + 1.5 mile cooldown knackered me...in a rewarding way. Muscles were a bit tight, especially after the effort sections, so a good hot lavender oil bath on my return did the trick. Dropped a couple of pounds lately, and can feel it. As the tracks were precarious I had to settle for a spot of aural birding and keep my eyes on the path. Nuthatch, Goldcrest, Coal Tit and Jay were all identified by their calls. Tidy.

    I run, therefore I am.
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    You know your birds, Will! We have Jays around here and bloody noisy they are! They give the parakeets a run for their money.

    Glad you're improving, Andrea. Setbacks suck, eh?

    Well done for getting through a tough session, Hazel - P&D right? I have the book and may use it for the Autumn but I need to make sure my body is in one healthy piece first. Which marathon are you doing?

    Speaking of bodies and healthy, I got out in the lovely sunshine for a 6 miler. I'd have liked to have gone a bit further but I could feel my calf starting to get a bit tight so I decided not to push my luck.

    I think I may do a short run in my new shoes tomorrow.
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    JT141JT141 ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    4 treadmill miles yesterday at 7m/m. 10miles today of road and muddy trails in bit over 1hr17. Cold. Absolutely no recollection of what happened. Had Talking Heads' "I Zimbra" playing in my head which morphed into "Mrs Robinson". Think I started to transpose the bass lines. Not sure why.
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    Healing vibes to those fighting injury - the day seems longer, more of a drag without a run.

    Big cheers to the double-figure mileage - and kilometric crew.  Conquer the cold, laugh at the wind and rejoice with the rain.   :)

    Here, still soggy boggy by the Marina, so the beach is my salvation.  Lusty winds to enjoy this a.m.

    Listening to A Guy Called Gerald on the Tube that's You.
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    You're not wrong there, swittle - I'm glad to be back. I took a rest yesterday but did parkrun today. Garmin said 28 minutes although I expect it'll be a little slower than that officially. I'm a ways off where I was a year ago but I'm happy with the run given my recent injuries. I'll be OK for Hampton Court, even though I'll be in no danger of getting close to my PB.
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    Great stuff, Cal!   :)  Better 'times' on the way!
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    And better than I thought - official is 27:56 (first sub-28 for a while) and 1st in age group. :grin: OK, 2 minutes slower than PB but hey, getting there.
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    Nice birding Will.  

    Cal: Nice parkrunning with an age category win included.  I'm currently following the P&D up to 55 miles plan.  It is hard work but now halfway in I think I can cope with the mileage.  I'm doing Zurich again end of April.  

    JT, swittle - had a listen to Talking Heads and A Guy Called Gerald just now ;)

    For me a good 10 miler yesterday with 6 at 10 mile race pace i.e. tough but I was feeling very positive and kept the effort up the whole way.  A run to tuck into the box of good runs to be brought out when I'm struggling.

    Today just short of 5.5 miles recovery with OH.  First 20 miler of the current marathon campaign tomorrow.
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    Hope that 20 is going well. I'd wanted to do 15-18 today but only managed 13 (well 13.1) as I just wasn't feeling it. I felt tired, grumpy and several bits of me were grumbling. Decided not to push it.
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    A Parkrun kind of a weekend for me. My son, Nye, just earnt his Marathon wristband with his 22nd Junior Parkrun this morning. Celebrated with bacon sarnies all round.

    I ventured out in the ice for my Parkrun yesterday. Slippery corners but managed to whack out a PB of 24:36 (beating my old pb by 46 secs). Chuffed with that. My speed work seems to be paying off.
    I run, therefore I am.
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    Great improvement on your parkrun PB Will well done.  Good work by your son also - bacon sarnie sounds nice!

    Probably better to back off of your planned long run Cal but a half is not to be sneezed at either.

    My 20 miler went well - wet snow and sleet the whole way round left me a bit soggy by the time I got back (especially the feet) though I had also dressed a bit warmly as well.   Pace pretty constant the whole way round excepting the inclinces.  Good end to a 54 mile week.  Didn't see many people out - just a couple of dog walkers or horse riders and no danger from flying golf balls whilst crossing the course this time.   One other runner - wearing a down jacket - she must have been roasting...

    I listened to an audio book the whole way round which was a nice treat.  Much better than music as it took my mind off of the tired bits and meant I could still hear enough of what was going on around me.
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    Cal: discretion/valour.  Will & Son of Will braving the slip=slidy stuff!  And a boldly executed 20 by Hazel.
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    Nice Parkrun, Cal and great distance work, Hazel. Cheers, Swittle. 

    No music, ice or birds this eve. Just 4 quite achey miles at a steady plod. Parkrun always makes me ache. Tapering now for Sunday's half.
    I run, therefore I am.
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    Well done on that 20, Hazel. Must be a relief to get that out of the way.
    Which is your local parkrun, Will?

    Perfect blue sky today, a sprinking of frost but, crucially, no icy wind. So while Monday is normally a rest day, I decided to take my new shoes out for a spin. A conservative 4 miles, and I felt pretty good, aside from some tightness in the dreaded right calf (although, oddly, in a different part of it). The shoes were nice and bouncy, and I ran at a quicker pace than I normally would the day after a long run (even if it wasn't a long run according to P&D...but since I was out for nearly 2 hrs 20 it was long enough for me to class it as such).
    Off to yoga in a while.
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    Havent posted for a while, training for my 3rd VLM, hoping for sub 4 after 4.50 and then 4.12

    Did Southsea Parkrun on Saturday, was lovely route, windy and then did a nice 11.6 miles yesterday, 1.29. Feeling good, doing sprint stuff in the week is certainly helping me this time round
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    Sensible preparation, Will.  I'm pleased to hear your recovery run went well, Cal.  2hr 20min will always be LSR in my book!  

    snewma00: 38 mins faster between VLM 1 & 2 bodes well for your sub-4.  A variety of sessions prevents 'sameness' and helps to sharpen form.

    11-mile darkrun last night: braved 45mph gusts going north to the ex-coastguard station, turned, only to be caught by some presumptuous waves.  2 miles down to the sea wall, turbo assisted, and then another tussle with the wind past a choppy Marina and through the coastal park.
    Glowing!   :)
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    Sounds bracing, Swittle!
    Hello there, Snew.
    My Parkrun is the Norwich Eaton Park one, Cal. A new one, which is more like cross country, has started here too - Colney. It's where I used to train with Norwich City :) 
    I run, therefore I am.
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    JT141JT141 ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Everything a bit upside down with half term and family staying. Nevertheless 9.5miles Sunday in just over 1hr11. Tonight out in the forming frost and ice for a late 6.5miles. Pretty tentative for fear of feet slipping. More cowardice than real risk. A low freezing mist sitting on the river and the path all sparkles in my head torch. Colder out than an emotionally repressed snowman.
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    Will, you were a footballer?
    Frosty here this morning too, JT, but nice and bright. I was just happy to be out and running because I tweaked a muscle in my back in yoga yesterday and wasn't sure how it would affect things (because it hurt a lot during the class!). Fortunately it was not an issue. My grumpy old hamstring was more of a problem but I chose to ignore it, as usual. (I ran Liverpool marathon with it like that so it's not too much of a worry, but it is a nuisance).
    Still, quite an enjoyable run.
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    Hi snewma00 would agree that you are on a good path for sub 4.

    Which half are doing again Will?

    Nice wave dodging swittle.

    Good to hear the new shoes were okay Cal.  For P&D a long run is anything more than 16 miles if I remember correctly.  But I guess it is just names and numbers.  I would also say anything above 2 hours.

    Nicely put JT.

    Standard Tuesday trot with the group (6 of us this week) yesterday evening followed by belated birthday celebrations for one of our ladies who is now 50.  Lovely crispy cold evening.  Bit tired up the hills following plenty of miles the week before.
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    Nice miles, JT. Walking in the air - almost.

    I'm doing the Marriot's Way Half, Hazel. It's run along what used to be the steam railway line - tracks removed now!

    As a youth I played a bit, Cal - in goal. Started as a boy at Norwich and then controversially switched to Ipswich, before injury finished me at 18 :( I had a few games for their reserves. Claim to fame is I kept a clean sheet against David Beckham in a Norfolk U-14 v Essex U-14 fixture :)

    My last decent run before Sunday was a bit of speed work amongst the snowdrops in the cemetery. 10 mins w/up followed by 4 x 1min hard/2 min easy and then 20 mins HM pace. Feeling ready and all worked well. Ran a bit too soon after my porridge, which almost reappeared on the 4th effort. Saw a Goldcrest in flight. Good spot as it's the UK's smallest bird at not more than 9cm.

    Spreading the MLR love today :)

    I run, therefore I am.
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    That's a shame your career was cut short, Will - that is a claim to fame indeed! What was the problem? My last boyfriend played in goal for his local 5-a-side team and kept breaking his hand. Usually it was the scaphoid but he also fractured some of the other bones too and dislocated his thumb enough times that it would pop out on its own.
    Nice spot on the goldcrest!

    4 easy today - a lot milder and lovely and sunny. Bit windy in places but you can't have everything! My hamstring is really grumbling but I know from last year that rest does nothing to help so I'll just keep going.
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    JT141JT141 ✭✭✭
    Even as an occasional visitor to Carrow Road while at UEA I'll forgive the tractor treachery Will.
    Went for a run/walk again with my sister early morning. She started running this year and these are her first ventures outdoors and not on a treadmill. She did well and clocked up just under 3miles.
    Then went out on my own. Thing is as a result of running slow my normal pace and rhythm were significantly subdued for first few miles. Never really got back on it so racked up distance instead. 15.2miles in 2hrs. Cold and windy.
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    Just a light frosting on the car windscreen, not enough to support my weight as I skipped across the deceiving ice and heard the skloosh! as the mud tried to steal my shoes.

    Good turnout for your club run, Hazel - and a party too!

    Steady as you go, Cal - it must be encouraging to be getting out.

    Good sibling support, JT.

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    Nice running JT, and sibling support, as Swittle says. My sister has started C25K and I'm looking forward to doing her first parkrun with her. She won't let me run with her just yet though - but she says it's really helping her stress levels (she has a lot to cope with). My football conundrum has always been complex, watch Norwich as a kid and then going on to fall for mighty Ipswich. My mates hate me on derby day. Possibly on other days too.

    I have visions of you doing the Bolero, Swittle. Is that very wrong??

    Cal, good to see you getting some consistency. Full marks for your battling attitude. My injury was a slipped lumbar disc and subsequent trapped and damaged sciatic nerve. Undiagnosed for a couple of months, as I was very young to have that injury, I played on it every day for a couple of months. By that time I was screwed :(

    A final loosener of just a couple of chilly miles tonight. Now for ice cream before Sunday's race.

    I run, therefore I am.
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