Upping the mileage for HM in May

Hi, I've been running consistently since Sept.  I'm doing a half in May. I run x3 per week and spin x2 per wk. I'm running 5k (tempo)and 7k (easy) midweek and long run Sunday. I'm up to 13k now on sunday. I take a gel at 6k. However at 10k I'm really struggling. My last 2k is uphill. Do you advise more fuel? At what points? I'm upping my long run by 0.5-1km weekly. Do I need to do the same with midweek runs? 
Any advice greatly appreciated. 


  • Hi Debs - do you have a half marathon training plan that you're following? Generally these will go for 12 weeks and suggest running 4 to 5 times a week, with a mixture of easy, speed, recovery and long runs. Increasing the distance each week on the long runs is one way to go, however most plans will suggest increasing the time you spend on your feet and not worry too much about the distance. The long slow run (done at 1min slower than your target race pace) starts off at 60mins in the plan and then increases by 10 mins each weeks until you're up to 2hrs. Some of these will require you to run for a period at race pace as well. 

    And hills always help :smile:

  • Hi Guarddog, thanks for your reply. I do have a training plan, but because I started 'training' in Oct I'm ahead of the 12 week plan. I'm up to 7.5-8 miles (though finding it very, very tough) on my long run. My plan says for 3 runs per week and cross training (I spin). As the days become lighter I can add another.
    I don't have a target pace, my goal is to finish- it's my 1st one.
    I'm almost 55, (bucket list and all that), I'm slow lol, so I'm now out and on my feet for 1hr 50 on my long run, and have gotten my 5k down by almost 5 mins, and 10k down by 8.5 mins. No run is easy lol, but I love it. Maybe I'm doing this all very wrong, but I don't want to drop back on progress I've made.
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