
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, for me, the race image on the site goes across some of the text, and also this page shows no detail at the moment.  Does it show information for you.  https://www.twooceansmarathon.org.za/entry-info/entry-process/

    Sorry Steve/Shades :)  It's nowhere 100% I'm going to do it yet anyway.  I need to have a proper look at overall costs.
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    I'm on my phone now and nothing comes up when I click on the Entry Process.  Maybe that's because the race is next week. Info I found was under FAQ.
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    H0NKH0NK ✭✭✭
    I had never considered lighter weight running shoes for Marathon running before, might give some a try.
    I've been putting together my Marathon training plan which is not dissimilar to the ones Shades sent me but I'm intending to continue cycling as cross training on the non running days. Basic plan goes Monday rest or xt Tues interval run we'd xt thurs easy run Fri rest or xt Saturday long run Sunday easy run followed by cross training.

    This plan follows on nicely fro the ironman training plan I've been following the last 3 months the only thing I'm not sure about is wether to keep the Sunday cycling as a long ride (upto 4 hours) or cut it right back to an hour?
    I know this cycling isn't strictly necessary and I may need to cut down anyway as my long run increases but at the moment I'm thriving on the mix of cycling and running. My main aims are to enjoy both and lose weight rather than going for the best possible marathon time and I feel I've increased the running as much as is safe for me at the moment.
    Anyone have any thoughts on this? I can email a copy of my plan as it stands if anyone wants to look it over.
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    Honk - I would suggest you keep the cycling in the plan as you enjoy it so much. If you start finding your plan too tiring then the cycling, particularly the longer rides needs to be the first adjustment to be made.

    Well I'm packed, it's so much easier if I was packing for a summer race.  No change to the forecast, although I am still hoping that the 100% heavy rain with strong winds is an exaggeration.  Am leaving very early tomorrow morning but will have internet access so will keep in touch.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Good luck and safe travels.
    Big G-That looks an interesting race,I've had some deals off Jack's flying club for south Africa flights recently so maybe subscribe for free if you haven't.
    Shades-Happy with my recovery so far,pretty much ok now.Plans are looking like Newport on May 5th,means I wont get great DD training but not like I'm looking for a great time there anyway.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Thanks Ian.  I do get their emails so will keep a look out for that.

    Shades, safe flight and fingers crossed the conditions start getting better.

    Honk, I'm not a triathlete (however....see below), but I'm hoping to do a bit more cycling this year.  Last year I didn't do any and I did miss it.

    I'm not running but I'm going along to Torbay Tri's session tonight....to pick up my membership number :)  Decided to go for it as second claim as I will definitely get along to a few of their sessions.  I haven't yet bought the gym membership as I need the Tri membership card first, but I'll do that soon.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited April 2019
    I've had a really broken night's sleep and I'm in quite a lot of pain at the moment.  It's a constant pain, that gets worse if I move the arm in a certain way, and I've got a very restricted range of movement.  I feel I should probably try and keep it moving, but any movement causes pain so it's  catch-22 at the moment as I don't want movement to make it worse!  I did find the band that I used last time I had something like this, but there's no chance I can use it at the moment as it's too painful.  

    Not sure what to do really :(  I have got an NHS Physio booked for Wednesday but I think I need to see if I can get to the GP to see if they can give me some stronger pain relief as the paracetamol and ibuprofen isn't really touching it any more :(  

    I think Sunday's marathon is a DNS, and I'm not even sure if I can get to Cardiff today to see friends...I suppose that will partly depend on if/when I can get a GP appointment.  

    I'll have to decide as the weekend progresses because if I don't go to Cardiff today I suppose I could still travel to Llanelli for Sunday's event (I have a Saturday night hotel booked) if there is suddenly/unexpectedly a big improvement.

    I think I need to learn something from my "injuries" from this year!  I've had two that have stopped me running, but neither of them were actually caused by running.  As I'm getting a bit older, I wonder if I need to look at strength and conditioning as, if I'm being honest, I don't do any.  There are those two injuries, but also that long drive knocked me about the other week, and really I don't think these sorts of every-day things should impact me so much.  
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Shades - Good luck.
    Ian - Newport will be a good long run for DD, just without the hills.
    Big G - Hope you get the injury sorted.
    Honk - I'm not a triathlete, but started cycling when injured last year. I've found it complements my running, so have stuck with it, albeit only 1 session a week when running.
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    Ian - Newport is supposed to be a good race, I DNS'd last year as was injured so looking forward to hearing about it. I believe a flat/fast course.

    You'll get a very good PB at DD, it's a race to be savoured, not about times.

    Big G - ouch, that does sound really painful. A bad night's sleep has obviously made it worse.  I do hope you don't have to miss your weekend away and your marathon. Is it the rotator cuff that's causing the pain? These non running injuries are a nuisance.

    Just leaving Dublin airport now on the speedy coach to Galway.  Plane was delayed but still managed to get to coach on time and coach driver let me dash off to get a coffee as I'm a little tired, had to get up at 3:15 this morning, which is early even for me.

    Forecast for Sunday has improved slightly, now only the first 4 hours of the race will have torrential rain. I'm hoping for further improvements!
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    KhanivoreKhanivore ✭✭✭
    @Big_G hope it gets sorted soon. I’d definitely get down to a gp if you can :(

    @SHADES that IS an early start! I’d have been tempted to go the day before but that adds so much to the cost.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I got through to a GP and he prescribed co-codamol over the phone, so hopefully that’ll take the edge off the pain.

    Decided not to make the trip to Cardiff so I’ll just see how I am tomorrow AM. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    PS, Shades yes I believe it's rotator cuff.  I've had it before, but this time it's a lot worse, undoubtedly aggravated by the house move/decorating etc.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Shoulders are rubbish to sleep with - had enough problems with mine. Feel better soon, Big G.
    Shades, ouch. I was up at 3.30am to get to Vienna so I sympathise. Not that I don't already wake up multiple times a night as it is. I haven't had a decent night since the marathon, though some of that I put down to my time of life.

    Good luck, Khani!

    5 miles easy today. Legs not bad at all but lungs need more recovery - I felt a bit winded towards the end, even though I wasn't going very fast. Good job I'm volunteering at parkrun tomorrow and not running it.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Bad news about the shoulder,hope it goes quicker than you think.
    Shades-Know whatvyiu mean about the early start,I was up for 3.30 today again.
    Heard good reviews about Newport so looking forward to it,not going to talk to anyone about times and just see what happens on the day.
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    H0NKH0NK ✭✭✭
    Have a good run this weekend Khanivore and Shades, sorry you can't do yours Big G.
    Not sure I'm a triathlete either having only done the one and that was several years ago but when I train now I train similar to a triathlete. Although next few months will have more of a running focus.
    It would be good to see what training you are all doing, is there a Strava / Garmin group set up for us? If not would anyone be interested if I set one up?
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Honk-Ive just sent you a message with some details.
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    H0NKH0NK ✭✭✭
    Thanks Ian, I've just started following a few of you, spotted someone else (Cougie) I vaguely (virtually) know in your follow list too.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Cougie used to post on these forums a bit but not seen him around much,he is local to me and similar places,he seems to do a lot more cycling than running now.
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    KhanivoreKhanivore ✭✭✭
    I’ve just eaten a metric tonne of biryani and now feel sick. I’m going to definitely not over eat tomorrow. I want to be done by 6pm and in bed by 10pm so I can get up early to eat some toast or something. 

    Since I’ll be away from home can I use sports drinks to carbo load the day before or not?
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    Khanivore - we don't have a lot of choice re flights from regional airports plus I need time to travel onto Galway which is 3 hours from Dublin, but race isn't until Sunday so I have tomorrow to get a bit of rest.

    No more overeating!  Sports drinks are not ideal for carbo loading. Too much sugar and additives, could make you feel sick and give you runners trots.  Your carbo loading should be done and that biryani I assume had loads of rice. So just eat normally tomorrow and keep hydrated, have some carbs with each meal but no need to overeat.

    Big G - hope the painkillers work. I had rotator cuff injury before and it was very painful.

    Cal - you have my sympathy re the sleep issue. Seems to be taking you longer to settle back to normal after Vienna, but the additional travelling also adds to the tiredness.

    Ian - it will be good for you to do Newport with no plans or target time and just enjoy the race.

    Yes Cougie was a prolific poster on RW don't see him so much now.

    Honk - by all means set up a group, we all train differently. I hate Strava and don't even use Garmin Connect as the format is not what I need for my training purposes so I won't join.  What the regular posters do have in common training wise is that we don't use the Shades training plans, most did to start with but have moved on now.  I tend to follow Hadd training.

    Resting now in my gorgeous room in lovely 4 star hotel in Galway. Weather lovely here, sunny, bit windy though. Have a gentle day planned for tomorrow, collect race number and fine fish and chips in one of my favourite sit in chippies.
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    H0NKH0NK ✭✭✭
    Yes, I remember Cougie from way back on the rw triathlon forums but more recently we have both been using the same virtual cycling software (Zwift),
    I'm also going to be following my own training plan but wanted a look at the Shades one's to add to my collection of training plans.
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    H0NKH0NK ✭✭✭
    I have followed Hadd training in the past but prefer having my runs a bit less restricted by heart rates. I noticed good results from it though during a period where I was working away from home and doing a lot of treadmill running.
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    H0NKH0NK ✭✭✭
    Actually disregard my last comment i haven't followed Hadd. It was Maffetone that I was following at the time.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I don't know Cougie personally but he always seemed to talk sense on here.  You could always rely on him to say "slow down your training runs" to anyone who asked about marathon training.  Obviously this thread is great, but these forums aren't anywhere near as good as they used to be - there were some cracking threads over in Clubhouse!  When I was at work and there wasn't a lot going on during the endless conference calls, I could easily pass the time on these forums in those days ;)  

    There's no chance of getting around this marathon tomorrow, so I'm definitely a DNS.  Range of motion is marginally better, but pain is still there although slightly more manageable now.  I have tried to defer the entry, but I missed the deadline for deferrals and I didn't have a refundable Travelodge, so quite an expensive injury.  I'm obviously supposed to be doing a double next weekend but I'm seeing if I can defer those entries too, because as it stands I'd rather defer if possible, and cancel the refundable hotel.  Obviously not great and I want to be proactive with it, but it's too painful to move around so I don't feel there's much I can do at the moment.  Although my old, faithful Trigger Point Therapy book has some ideas for some areas to try to massage at the back of the shoulder (the pain is at the side/front of shoulder) so I'm trying that.
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    Honk - mamafox from this thread has trained using the Maffetone method and had great success with it.

    Big G - sorry you're not going to be able to do Great Welsh tomorrow.  I would have thought you'd be recovered by next weekend but it's impossible to know so maybe best to defer if you can.

    Khanivore - good luck tomorrow at Paris, and anyone else racing this weekend.

    As for me, trying to stay off my feet today as tomorrow is going to be very tough. In 2016 they had the worst conditions ever,  some runners were blown over, l didn't do it that year. The race organisers have now warned that they're expecting even worst tomorrow.  Heavy rain with winds up to 50 mph and feels like of 0 to 4 degrees. It will be tough for me to make the cut off times in that wind.  I have brought loads of kit so will layer up. Windy here today too.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Crikey Shades!  Best of luck for tomorrow!

    Boston Marathon Monday and I'm hoping a stream will come up again, as it did last year.  If I spot something, I'll post it here for anyone interested.  I see they've changed the schedule for waves 3 and 4 due to predicted bad weather.

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    Shades, Big G and Karni, all the best for your races this weekend!

    I'm not futher on with getting docs apt and my foot is still hurting. For 3 weeks i've only ran 2 steady parkruns so its been fairly well rested.

    Jury service ended yesterday, an amazing experience and glad I got on the case that I did.  We found all four defendants (one 19yr old 3 x 15 year olds) guilty of murder. 

    Long 6 week story short.... see link https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-47913870 

    It was a brutal murder, we will never know the full story as to why it went on, the errors and omissions that befordshire police made for whatever reason didn't help.  The right for defendants refusing to take to the stand in the trial doesn't sit right with me (only 1 out of the 4 stood).  
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Crikey Robert - brutal, indeed!  I'd imagine the level of detail that was gone through must have been shocking/harrowing at times :( 

    No running here, but I walked to and from parkrun, plus walked around the parkrun, so about 6.5 miles in total.  I didn't want to be last as I didn't want to hold up the volunteers any more than necessary, but I was nowhere near last, finishing in around 48-mins or so.  I was there in a walking jacket, jeans and walking boots and it was still pretty cold.  It was a bit odd crossing the finish line whilst walking and presumably looking very comfortable - the finish funnel volunteer did comment something like "I've never seen such a relaxed parkrunner!".
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    H0NKH0NK ✭✭✭
    edited April 2019
    Shades, hope that 50mph wind is on your back all the way.
    Robert, that's a horrible case to have been through, thank goodness they are now off the streets.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Good luck to everyone racing tomorrow,hope the weather eases for you.
    Rob-Tough few weeks for you,glad its over.
    Newport now entered and hotel booked so all go,I'm doing a 5k the week before so be nice to see how that goes as it's a very fast course.
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