
New Mature Runners Thread



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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Morning all,

    HS - collecting circles on Fetch? Which game is that? (had a quick look but couldn't see anything that seemed to fit the bill). Sadly, the people I ran with on Wed were some of my slower clubmates rather than the racing whippets who end up looping back for me - but I was happy to run ahead and loop back. My legs (and one knee) still feel a bit achey today - think I should have probably done a bit more 'run ahead/loop back' than jogging along with them. I did joke with Margaret about having a 'bring a towel' get-together to officially open the bathroom like we had when I 'officially' opened my sauna when I had finished putting it together. Sorry to hear of your fall but thank goodness it was on grass.

    Red - no plumbers now so I definitely wasn't 'up with the lark' - I 'came to' about 8am :)

    Margaret has just joined a local gym (after some re-hab organised by the local hospital). I would have gone for a run but for a note she left saying 'see you about 11am for coffee' .. I wouldn't be back in time so maybe I'll go out later (unless she has anything that needs doing!).
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    Morning all,

    Red, I don't know where you get all your energy from, you cram so much into every day, which doesn't seem to restrict your high mileage running!
    Thanks, I'm feeling ok this morning and think I got off very lightly. I'm having a rest day today.

    WtnMel, reference the circles, click on your training log, click view log, scroll down and click "Map." You will then see circles on the routes you have run, and total of circles at the top of the box. I only found it by accident, but always look after each run/race. It does encourage me to vary my routes which is a good thing.
    A bring a towel to the opening of your bathroom is a novel ideal :)
    Thanks, yes it was lucky I fell on grass, because if it had happened on tarmac, I would probably have done some serious damage. That's one reason I prefer running/racing off road.
    Hope Margaret persists with the gym, as many go for a couple of sessions and never go again.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Afternoon all,

    HS - just followed your instructions and discovered I explored 122 circles for this morning's 5ml run. I think Margaret will carry on with the gym for a bit - she's on a 3-month trial at the moment and her monthly fee includes pool use too. According to a clubmate who uses the same pool, oldies who buy a £9 season ticket can get a swim for £1.30 .. almost tempted to go along with Margaret at that price.

    As mentioned above, did a 5ml swim this morning. I've re-joined the 'Fetchpoint' game and was bug-hunting as well as gathering points from the various tokens. The run was noteworthy because it was 5.25mls, I didn't stop and walk, I managed it a decent pace (for me) of 10:35mm and it was the fastest I've managed that route for a couple of years. 

    Off to Leamington Spa tomorrow to see our grand-daughters in a dancing display at "Art In The Park" ..
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    Morning all,

    WtnMel, I have a "Seniors Membership" to my Health and Leisure Centre, which gives me access to all the activities,  pool, gym, spin studio etc. I'm not really getting full value for my money, as I'm only spinning once a week now, but have the option to use the facilities 7 days a week. 
    I've just noticed your deliberate mistake. In your second paragraph you said that you did a 5 mile swim, very impressive :lol: Well done for your run being the fastest over that route for a couple of years.
    Hope you enjoy the dancing display today.

    I ran 10 miles in the forest yesterday without any problems. I ran the first mile cautiously, and then increased the pace. Today is a rest day.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    HS - ha-ha .. I must tell my friend Claire (Lazy Daisy) I did that as last week I commented on a 'run' she did in the sea (which was due to the Strava App on her phone not letting her change it once she'd downloaded it from her Garmin). I can't blame Strava for that typo of mine and she'll be highly amused! :) Margaret and I discussed yesterday me getting a 'Seniors' concessionary card (only £9.50 a year) for the leisure centre so that I can go with her and swim while she's gym-ing. Well done re your 10 mile run. Off to Leamington in a bit .. the sat-nav is ready to go and this time I'm taking the fold-up garden chairs with us as last year the benches in the park were all taken and sitting on the ground isn't ideal.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Well, we didn't need the garden chairs yesterday as we weren't standing around for too long and there were benches to spare. On the approach, the electronic sign said 12 spaces free in the car park I wanted to use and a sign at the entrance (which I ignored), said "car park full". But I was lucky enough to get a space on the ground floor. 

    Currently waiting in for the plumber who is due around lunchtime. The electrician who was supposed to be here first thing, emailed to say he may not make it today. We're hoping he'll be able to get here tomorrow if that is the case .. 
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    edited August 2019
    WtnMel, well done for ignoring the "car park full" sign. Parking is the worst aspect of driving for me. There is nothing worse than driving round in circles looking for a space. I usually end up in one that no one else fancied, and then have a job getting out again. My worse nightmare is parallel parking. There has to be a large space between cars for me to manoeuvre between them. I've looked at the "how to do it" videos on YouTube, so will try it when there is no other alternative. My car doesn't have a sensor for reversing warning that you are about to hit a wall :# It does have one for going forward and braking if getting too close to the car in front. I've never relied on it though, so don't really know if it works. 
    Oh dear, a tradesman possibly letting you down.

    I ran 8.1 miles in the forest this morning with Jane. We ran at a good pace, with occasional injections of faster pace. 
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    Red was your Vanguard Way marathon this weekend? I hope the threatened thunderstorms didn’t arrive and all went well. Looking forward to your race report. 

    HS sorry to hear about your fall on Thursday, but glad to see you’re none the worse for it. Well done on your speedy run in the forest this morning. i haven’t driven for years, but I well remember the nightmare of parallel parking, in fact any type of parking :#

    WtnMel, that was nice of you to loop back for the slower runners on Wednesday, I’m sure they will have appreciated it. I too was much impressed by your 5 mile swim, until I realised you meant a 5 mile run, which is still pretty good going. Sorry to hear that your electrician let you down, hopefully he’ll be back tomorrow. If that’s the worst that’s happened during your bathroom renovation you’ve got off lightly I’d say.

    We’ve had yet more thunderstorms here - I can’t remember the last time we had thunderstorms to this extent, or when it rained so much or so heavily. The poor roses in our garden are looking very sorry for themselves and somewhat bedraggled. Fortunately today is sunny so I got out for a 7.6 mile run, which may be my last one before my trail 10k on Saturday. I have a physio appointment tomorrow morning then we’re busy with other things on Wednesday and Thursday (more of that later) so I’m not sure whether I can fit another one in this week.
    Last Thursday I went over to the coast for Gershler Fartleks with my club. A bit of an unusual session, first drills then a mile jog to warm up then more drills then we did the fartleks - we started off by running for 30 seconds then standing still for 90 seconds rest, then continued like this but reduced the rest period by 15 seconds each time (so run 30 rest 90, run 30 rest 75, run 30 rest 60 etc etc)  until the final one was run 30, no rest so run 30 again immediately. This was followed by a longer run of about half a mile then a few more sets with longer rest periods then a cool down. My quads were quite sore by the end of it. On Saturday I did our local parkrun and pushed myself a bit to try to improve on my recent times, and was rewarded with a 27 second improvement on a fortnight ago (I’m discounting last week’s effort due to the heavy rain) but I still need to knock another minute off to beat my PB from 2017. Not sure I can do that. 
    Now for my exciting news (or scary depending on how I’m feeling) - we’ve decided to move back to the coast so we’re putting our house on the market this week (estate agent booked for Wednesday) and looking for suitable properties at the coast (hopefully Thursday). It’s been a really hard decision because we have a lovely new house (snagging problems virtually all sorted out now) in a lovely location with really nice neighbours, but we’re coast people born and bred and are really missing it. So if I’m even worse than usual at posting on here it’s probably be because we’re full of busy, but I will try to pop on from time to time.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Morning all,

    HS - I figured the electronic sign on the approach to the car park (showing spaces available in all of them) was likely to be more accurate than the portable sign by the entrance. And a car was leaving as I drove in so I figured there must be at least one space somewhere! I don't usually have a problem with parking, even parallel parking. Well done re your 8ml run with Jane.

    Aquarius - looping back to slower runners is just a 'thing' we do at my club. Well done re your 7.6ml run while it wasn't raining and good luck with your trail 10K at the weekend. That Gershler fartlek session sounds like hard work. Fingers crossed your proposed move back to the coast goes okay. I remembered it wasn't that long ago you moved to your new house but if you've been yearning to move back to the coast, best to go with your gut instincts. Hopefully (sorry Jacob!) it will go smoothly and you'll be able to find time to pop back here now and then.

    The work on the bathroom has been completed. The plumber arrived yesterday to fit the grab rail and the electricians arrived yesterday to start fitting the new extractor fan and have finished their work this morning and have just left. So just the decorating by yours truly left to do now ..

    No chance to run this morning as I was baby-sitting the workmen and we're off out after lunch. So my next planned run will be the club's pub2pub run on Thursday.
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    RedheadRedhead ✭✭✭
    Afternoon all, where does the time go? Apologies for this late update. Vanguard Way was fab and I had the best time even though it was one of the hilliest routes I've ever done. My running chum Emine was having a bit of a breakdown (she has bipolar and all sorts of issues) so we went really slowly and hooked up with David, the back marker and chairman of the 100MC and another David which was great 'cos we just chated all the way round. Emine decided she couldn't continue at 20 miles which was a bit of a relief as we managed to speed up after that!

    As we were the last out there the 3 of us took down the marking tape and shepherded a very lost runner. Thoroughly enjoyed it and will do that one again. I've got the Downland 30 this weekend whihc  describes the first section as "a lung-busting climb up the tank tracks" onto the South Downs - deep joy :smiley:

    Aquarius, how exciting for you to be moving back to the coast but which coast will it be? Your fartlek session sounded interesting - I'd never heard of that version. Hope your house sale goes smoothly and you find the perfect place wherever you choose to live xxx

    WtnMel, a pub run is one of the best sorts as long as you're not driving :wink: Good news that the bathroom is finished now.

    TE, your event must be this weekend isn't it? If so I hope the weather is kind and you run well xxx

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    Afternoon all,

    Aquarius, thanks, I was really lucky not to have incurred any injuries.
    I don't drive as often these days, but in the past racked up very high annual mileages. 
    We seem to have avoided the worst of the weather here in the New Forest region. Good that you were able to get out for a run yesterday in the dry!
    Good luck with your trail 10k on Saturday, and hope your physio session went ok this morning?

    I've never heard of Gershler Fartleks. Presumably named after the person who invented them. Sounded like a brutal session, but hopefully productive! Seems like it with your parkrun improvement from 2 weeks ago.

    That's very exciting, moving to the coast. Lots of running on the sand along the shore in bare feet :) Where is the coast that you are moving to? I do hope that you will keep in touch as often as possible!!

    WtnMel, a good point, trusting the electronic sign, rather than the portable sign. Before I retired, I did a very high annual mileage, and consequently had few problems with parking etc and driving before sat navs were available. I suppose certain skills become a bit rusty when they are not needed very often. I remember driving before power assisted steering was available, and cars having a smaller turning circle. My very first driving lessons were in one of the very early Minis, with a very long gear stick. Only 3 gears, but a big travel through the gate. 30 mph seemed very fast in such a small car.

    Good to hear that your new bathroom is now complete.

    Enjoy the pub to pub run on Thursday!

    Red, good that you enjoyed the Vanguard Way race. I bet that very lost runner was glad to see you! The Downland 30 sounds very hard core. I hope the tank tracks aren't muddy, as that will make it even more difficult. Good luck, I'll be looking forward to your race report.

    Yes my 21k trail race is this Sunday. When I ran it last year,it was my first race since my injury in June 2017, and I found it very tough, having to do a lot of walking. I'm hoping to do much better this time. Weather forecast is encouraging. It rained last year. xxx

    I did an interval session this morning. Started with a long warm up and then 5,4,3,2,1 minutes efforts, with one minute walk recovery between each. Finished with a slow jog home.
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    Afternoon all,

    An easy pace 5.4 mile road run this morning.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Evening all,

    Red - glad you enjoyed the Vanguard Way despite your running chum Emine having various issues and well done re shepherding that lost runner. Good luck with that Downland 30 run this coming weekend. Our pub2pub runs are (normally!) alcohol-free as the pub at the end does 2-for-1 hot drinks and I would have to drive home afterwards.

    HS - I think minis felt faster because you were so close to the road! Good luck with this weekend's trail race and well done re yesterday's interval session and today's easy pace run.

    We're back from an overnight stay at a hotel near Highclere Castle meeting up with friends of Margaret's. Highclere is where Downton Abbey was filmed and there was a big autographed photo of the cast in the library at the hotel thanking them for their hospitality - it was obviously where they all stayed.

    As I mentioned, club run tomorrow then need to get packed again as we're taking our grand-daughters to Center Parcs this weekend. I'll take my running gear with me on the off-chance I get time to myself (unlikely but you never know). Longleat is quite hilly so the run should be 'interesting' if it happens.

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    Afternoon all,

    WtnMel, yes you are correct. The early Minis were much smaller and closer to the ground. I remember feeling very vulnerable in the one I was learning in.

    I imagine Highclere was very busy with tourists, due to Downton Abbey having been filmed there.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend at Center Parcs with your Grand-Daughters. Try not to miss the opportunity to do some hilly running.

    I ran an easy pace 6 miles on roads this morning, taking me to 1002 miles so far this year. Tomorrow and Saturday will be rest days, as I have the Salisbury 54321 21k Trail Race on Sunday.
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    RedheadRedhead ✭✭✭
    Evening all, busy day today with lots of gardening ahead of the storm, weights, stretches etc and a HIIT session with 5 bits of run-like-heck-for1k thrown in. That woke my legs up I can tell you!

    Excellent mileage TE! Hope you have a lovely time at the Salisbury run and that the weather is kind to you. It looks as if I'll be blown around, drenched or a combinatio of the 2 on my ultra on Saturday!

    WtnMel, I hope you all have a fabulous time at Centre Parcs.
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    Afternoon all, those HIIT sessions are tough Red; we do them in spin class. 

    Best of luck with your ultra tomorrow, and hope the weather won't be as bad as forecast!
    Thanks, I'm looking forward to Sundays race, as when I did it last year,it was my first race for 2 years, and I struggled the whole way, with lots of walking. I'm hoping to do well this year, but it won't be a fast time, as there are some killer single file hills. 
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    RedheadRedhead ✭✭✭
    Evening all, thanks TE, it's already blowing a gale here. If it's too bad in the morning I'll bale out and do something on Sunday instead! I'm sure you'll do really well on Sunday as your training has been amazing and you're much stronger now. Good luck xxx
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    Afternoon all,

    Red, if you did decide to run this morning, I hope the wind wasn't too bad and that you had a good race. 
    Thanks, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the wind to drop tomorrow. xxx
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    RedheadRedhead ✭✭✭
    Hi TE, I had my sensible head on today as we've had winds of 60-70mph all day and torrential rain for most of the morning! It just wasn't worth the risk on such a tough course and Firle Vintage Fair, which is near where I should have been, cancelled their event for today 'cosit was so bad there. I've entered a nice hilly road marathon tomorrow to makeup for it :-D Hope your event is OK - the forecast looks good for tomorrow xxx
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    Hi Red, glad to hear that you listened to your sensible head. Good luck tomorrow with your hilly road marathon. 
    Thanks, forecast for Salisbury tomorrow looks promising with calmer winds and rain not expected until after 2pm . I'm hoping to finish by 1.30, so hopefully will be ok.
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭

    Rain rain go away......

    HS I hope the weather didn’t spoil your Salisbury 54321 trail race. It’s never stopped raining here today. (Fortunately it eased off for my trail race yesterday although the course was very muddy in places.) Looking forward to your race report. 

    I haven’t driven for years, but I also learned to drive in a mini. They certainly did seem very close to the ground and if you come across an original mini these days they look tiny!

    Red glad to hear you gave yesterday’s race a miss. When the wind gets that strong not only does it make running no fun it’s also really dangerous. It’s lucky you found an alternative run to do today. How did it go?

    The coast we want to return to is the north-east coast. Our house is now on the market and we had our first potential purchasers viewing today. Feeling stressed already...... :#

    WtnMel I’m very envious of your Center Parcs holiday. I love going there, and I think Longleat is my favourite. Hope you have a great time. I used to run down the Cascades and do a few laps of the lake. Ah, happy days.

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    RedheadRedhead ✭✭✭
    Morning all, 

    Had I a fab run yesterday. I had no idea how my legs would behave so I just ran at a comfortable pace which turned out to be 20 minutes faster than last year which was a complete surprise. I felt really strong right from the start though. 
    Why was it such a surprise? Well, it was a 2 lap course with plenty of faceplanting opportunities (as you know, I can trip over my own shadow) and when I was .5 mile away from the end of the first lap, on a completely flat bit of grass and compacted earth I suddenly found myself doing the trip/stumble/will I fall or can I save it move. No I couldn't and so I relaxed completely and went splat, full-on arms and knees grazed/bruised but only a bit shaken. As I got up I heard someone behind me screaming so I ran back to help her. She had tripped and fallen and broken at least 2 of her fingers poor love. I started walking with her but she asked me to run ahead and alert a marshall that she needed aid which I did. As I sprinted off to find someone I realised that I must have subconciously heard her fall which had distracted me hence my own fall. I firmly believe in fate/what goes around etc and I think I was meant to be there to help her. So that was marathon 176 and my first sub 5 after my injury earlier this year so I am a very happy girl.

    I think my time was 4:56/57 but forgot to stop my watch when I crossed the finish line!

    Aquarius, let's hope you have a relatively stress-free sale and move. I don't know the NEast at all but would love to visit Northumberland one day.

    TE, hurry up and write your report please!
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    Morning all,

    Aquarius, thanks, the weather was almost perfect for my trail race. The rain held off, and it was sunny, but not too hot. I hope your trail race went well?

    Those early minis were certainly much smaller than the latest models, and quite primitive in comparison.

    I hope it doesn't take too long before you successfully sell your present house, and that your new house on the North East Coast, will be everything that you hoped for.

    Red, congratulations for your 20 minute improvement over last years race time. Well done too for stopping and helping the poor lady that broke some fingers. That must have been agonising for her. Sub 5 hour marathon running is very impressive.

    My 21k trail run yesterday went really well, better than expected. It was slightly over distance as there was a music festival opposite Salisbury Cathedral on the grass, so we were diverted round it. Total distance according to my Garmin was 13.6 miles. I set off in race mode, determined to do well. My chip time was 2.27.57 and I was first MV70. I came 152nd out of 307 finishers. The last runner finished in 6.10 hours. I think it proves that you get out of training what you put into it. 

    It's pouring with rain now, so I was very lucky yesterday that conditions were ideal.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Afternoon all,

    HS - we only drove through Highclere on the way to the hotel but it wasn't busy. I'd imagine the castle itself still gets lots of tourists visiting it though. Well done re being first MV70 at the Salisbury 54321 trail race.

    Red - well done re completing Sunday's run faster than before and helping the lady behind you. And glad to hear there were no nasty after-effects from your own fall.

    Aquarius - fingers crossed you don't get too stressed with your planned house move.

    Center Parcs was good fun but I didn't manage to get a run in as there was too much else going on - perhaps Margaret and I need a holiday there by ourselves as it would be quieter and less stressful! I took my GoPro with me and let the girls use it a few times. So I've probably got some 'interesting' footage to wade through because as well as using it in the pool and the 'lazy river' I let them take it on the flumes and the water rapids that are outside.

    Just not feeling it today so have not bothered going for a run. We have visitors tomorrow so I'll have to get up early if I want to run ie. it may not happen :) But all being well, I'll get out to the club run on Thu morning regardless.

    Off to Blackpool with my two lads on Friday for a few nights away to belatedly celebrate my younger son's 40th birthday. Not quite sure what we'll get up to but safe to say, it won't involve boozy evenings.

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    Afternoon all,

    WtnMel, thanks, I really pushed myself, so was very pleased to get first MV70. It's proving that appropriate training does pay off.
    Glad that you enjoyed your Center Parcs break with so much to do that you weren't able to fit in a run. I didn't run yesterday or today, as I thought a couple of rest days would be more beneficial than running on tired legs.
    Hope you have a great time at Blackpool with your two sons. I spent a week there many years ago with a friend soon after we had both got divorced. I remember after one particularly boozy evening that I woke up with a massive hangover. My cure was to go to the swimming pool, which was freezing cold, and swim many lengths until my head cleared :anguished:
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Morning all,
    (posting from my phone so apologies in advance for any typos!)

    HS - we're staying in a Premier Inn so safe to say there won't be any swimming pool available to use ☺

    I didn't manage to get out for a run this morning. Currently waiting for Margaret's friend to arrive - have done my bit (cleaned up a bit, laid the table and plumped up the cushions!) while Margaret has been busy preparing lunch.

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    RedheadRedhead ✭✭✭
    Morning all,

    TE, I'm so sorry, I thought I'd replied toyour post but obviously got distracted after typing it and didn't. Absolutely brilliant result for you at Salisbury so all your hard work has really paid off. First MV70 is fantastic and well deserved xxx

    Hope you have a lovely time in Blackpool with your lads WtnMel. I haven't been there for over 35 years!

    I'm just ticking over this week with shortish runs, gym and yoga.
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    Afternoon all,

    Red, many thanks! I felt really strong and confident throughout the race, as I knew that I had done "the training" in the forest. It was good remembering last years race where I walked more than ran, as it was my first race since my injury in June 2017. Not long now until the New Forest half marathon on 8th September.
    You must be super fit with the gym, yoga, circuit training as well as all the running and gardening xxx

    I ran a recovery pace run in the forest yesterday in torrential rain of 6.3 miles.
    Today has been bright and sunny and I ran a tempo pace 7.8 miles in the forest. The return leg was into a very strong headwind. My average pace was 9.38 minute miling, so I am very pleased with that.
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    Wtnmel.You could have done the Blackpool stanley park or Fleetwood prom park runs on Saturday morning.They would have welcomed you with open arms.
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    Evening all,

    Weather yesterday was horrendous, torrential rain and strong winds. Thankfully it was a rest day. I ran a slow 8 miles on roads this morning with Helen.
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