sacro iliac problem

can anybody help? I have had buttock pain for about one year now,running long distances aggravates it even more. I have had physiotherepy treatment but it hasnt helped. I went back to my doctor but was advised to cut down my running, which i did, but the pain hasn't gone. I really want to train for a marathon but just can't run past 5 km without pain. It's so frustrating, does anyone konw of a cure?
And is it normal for this problem to last so long??


  • An osteopath helped me. Also gait analysis fm waist down can assess whether you have an abnormal hip action.Not normal to last that long. Find a sports therapist good at hips, pref a runner. Presumably you do lwr back & hip stretches when warmed up?
  • Hi!

    Not to be argumentative, but do you know it's a sacro iliac problem? If it's the physio's diagnosis and the treatment suggested hasn't worked then possibly it isn't a correct diagnosis.

    Can you describe the pain a bit more? Location, what if anything triggers it particularly (uphill running, downhill running etc), severity.

    I've had a buttock twinge for a year now, and I think gradually it's getting better with physio, which I only started a couple of months back.
  • Hi Iain

    Was yours sacro iliac then?
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