

We are now taking orders for long and short short sleeved micropore vestops on the URWFRC website (Click Here - I love doing that!). All the details you should need are on the website, so PLEASE READ IT ALL CAREFULLY before referring any specific queries back to me or to Wasp.

Information regarding sizes and minimum orders, etc. is on the site. As for the question you'll all want to know the answer to (ie. "Will I get it for X race?"), I quite simply cannot say so please refrain from asking about this too much. I know you will all be anxious about this and I sympathise, but please believe me, it really is impossible to know with any accuracy when the order will (a) be up to minimum and (b) when we get them back from Wasp. My best advice is to get on the site and order one and send me the cheque. If everyone does this, the order will reach the minimum a whole lot quicker. I will keep you updated as best I can on how the orders are progressing.

Unfortunately, I don't have the time to answer every single query I get about kit. All the info I can give you is generally on the website, so if you come back to me and ask me something that I know is on there, I will simply refer you the URL! I'm not being rude or unapproachable, but I am simply too busy (with other club and kit stuff and a F/T job) to be repeating myself I'm afraid. If you have a genuine enquiry, then by all means please contact me.

Thanks for your understanding.



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