
Caught between the headlights!

Has anyone experienced this? You’re out running at night. It’s pretty dark. You’re running a road route. The street lamps are too spaced out, over the other side of the road, whatever, it’s dark. After a while, though, your eyes become accustomed to the night and you can see pretty well. You are happy.

Then suddenly a car appears going in the opposite direction! A massive four-wheel drive. The glare is agonizing. Full beam. Right in the face. You put up your hand to fend off the horrible white light, but you can’t keep it out! You try and duck out of it to no avail, and your balance moves worryingly forwards.

You suddenly realise you’re running very fast but can’t see! You can’t see at all. You try and pull up. But you can’t stop in time. You are dazzled, blinded. You clip the curb or twist off it, maybe lurch into a depression or stumble…and then misery. You fall. Tearing up your knees and arms on the pavement. Only to be left sweating and bleeding. Lying on your back on the pavement in pain and total darkness.

You get the picture. What can you do to prevent this happening again?


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