

OK, first the boring background:-

30 years ago I had a hammer 2nd toe corrected, this has been giving me increasing pain over the past year (dorsal surface, around MTPJ) and I'm awaiting NHS biomechanical assessment to see if modifying my current orthotics will help. If not, then it looks as if osteotomies will be on the cards.

For the past 6 weeks or so I've been getting pain under both 1st met heads. This really started after an off-road 5k where the ground was frozen solid.  It feels like a deep bruise and there is corresponding plantar tenderness. I have good extension in these toes but dorsiflexing the foot and toe does reproduce the pain. I'm pain free otherwise when not weighbearing. I had an XRay of the right foot about 3 months ago (predating the pain) and it did not show any bony/joint problem.

Things I've done so far include rest, ice, NSAID's, wearing flat shoes always and wearing 'double cushioning' insoles over my orthtotics. I bought shoes 1 size bigger to accomodate this and to ensure that I had plenty of room in the toe box. When I get my biomechanical assessment (2/52 time) I'm hoping that they can do something to help, even though this is not the original problem.

It still hurts just to potter around the house though. Is there anything else  I can try??


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