Rumble in the Chapel

BBC News story

Just proving that there are as many numpty extremists alligned to Christianity as any other form of religion.  You have, in one corner, Armenian monks and, in the other, Greek Orthodox monks who decided to have a tear up in arguably the Holiest of Holies, The Church of the Sepulchre built atop the traditional site of Christ's crucifixion.

"Two monks from each side were detained as dozens of worshippers traded kicks and punches at the shrine, said police."

"Shocked pilgrims looked on as decorations and tapestries were toppled during Sunday's clash."

I've visited the Holy Sepulchre and, to be honest, for a site that is supposed to be so Holy it doesn't look  the best taken care of and has as much graffiti as a public toilet.  Chuck in some brawling masses (no pun intended) and it really shines a light on the Christian Church that isn't jumble sales and Harvest festivals.


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