
Whoopee!!!! longest Run EVER

Didn't know where to put this as I'm not really a beginner as such, but as someone who never ran before I was 37 I think I'll always feel a beginner really.

Anyway, today on mt half marathon plan I had to run 80 minutes (supposed to be 14k but I knew tht wasn't going to happen) I ran 80 minutes for the first time ever - finishing on a hill that at one time I couln't hope to get to the top of and I think it was about 12.5Km - I've only ever done 10.25 at the most before. AND I didn't feel like shit afterwardsimage

 I'm really pleased with myself as it was very cold and I do think I could have gone a bit faster and made it to the 14K in the programme. imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimage


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