
How to join the pirates?

Hi guys,

Am planning on doing my first triathlon this summer and someone said I should check out the Pirates website as it is a lot more relaxed than an official triathlon club (the phrase “bunch of jokers” was never used, honestly!)image and would be a good place for info for someone who has never tried triathlons before.

I was wondering whether the Pirates are doing any smaller events this summer so I could come along and join in as it looks like a laugh.  I know a lot of you are doing half-ironman and ironman but not quite sure I am ready to make that leap yet (although could be persuaded in the future!) as I tore my Achilles tendon a couple of years ago playing rugby and have only just got back to a level where I can run races again (did reading half marathon in March) and haven’t actually ridden a bike since uni. Was thinking about starting with a Sprint race to ease in gently – any ideas?


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