
Roth 2010

As you may be aware both myself and Mellifera are going to Roth next year and it has been mentioned as the pirate event for 2010. Of course IMDE has also been talked about, and various pirates will no doubt be heading to other places. Now if you are thinking of doing a long course event next year you could join us in Roth. However note, it is not a branded M. Event so if you really feel the need to have the M. Brand on your CV this isn’t the race for you. It also has wave starts so you wont get the official M. Style 2000 plus going together in the swim. So if M. Is what you are after you need to look elsewhere,like the IMDE 2010 thread, and be at your computer on July 1 to get entered.

However Roth does have insane support. It also has a price tag of 115 euros less than IMDE, and even more savings are to be made if theres 10 plus of us going. People I have spoken to say it is brilliantly organised, and it was until a few years ago the German IM race, so it has form. Furthermore it has relay teams, so if you fancy a pirate outing but don’t want to learn to swim say, get a team up and enter the relay.If you really fancy Roth have a look at the website http://www.challenge-roth.com/en/ and see if it fits your plans.

Also be aware, as has been posted elsewhere, that finding somewhere to stay is likely to be a nightmare, so we will need to get on it sharpish once those interested have decided to go. There is apparently a big campsite close, but I for one could not do camping for xxx days then trying to race a full IM distance.As I said I am deffo going so I will add myself to a list, and I will be a tad cheeky and add Mellifera too. This may end up being the “big” pirate outing, it may not, if more people sign up for IMDE or Austria or whatever, then that will be. But if you do decide on Roth, you wont be totally alone. If you fancy doing a relay put S,B or R so we know who wants to do what and we may be able to knock together a team or two? 

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