WANTED: Female Runners For Scientific Study


I am a final year undergraduate student at the University of Bath. Within the Department of Sport and Exercise Science, I am conducting a research study on the relationship between commitment to running and eating behaviours in female athletes. My intention is to discover any correlations between the level of commitment to running and different behaviours towards eating.

Your participation in the study will involve completion of demographic questions and six questionnaires that should take approximately thirty minutes to complete.

Participation is voluntary and confidentiality is guaranteed. You are under no obligation to complete the questionnaires and may withdraw your consent at any time. The results of the study may be published, but data contained will be that of the whole population examined, no individual information will be provided.

So if you are a female runner aged over 18 years then you could be part of this study. If interested, please either phone / text me your name and address on 07709497810 and I will forward you the questionnaires and a stamped address envelope. Alternatively you can email me your details and can exchange the questionnaires electronically. Emails to either sp0jc@bath.ac.uk or jillchristie_1@hotmail.com. The findings of this study will be made available to those interested via the above channels this coming spring.

Additionally I can be contacted at: 13 Lyncombe Hill, Widcombe, Bath, BA2 4PF.


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