
Conversion Rates From HM to Marathon

It's that time of year!  Rather than use calculators I thought it would be useful to conduct a survey of runners here with regards to their conversion between a half marathon and marathon.  If you feel like participating, a few ground rules:

1)  Include your marathon time and best half marathon time in the 16 weeks leading up to the marathon day in chronological order.

2)  Include as many of these combinations as you can come up with (i.e don't just include your best / last etc).  The more data the better.

3)  Male or female?

4)  Only include raced times - i.e. don't include a HM you ran at marathon pace and don't include a marathon where you were dressed like a ball bag.

5)  We'll manage the outliers later - I'm not interested in excuses as to why your marathon was slow (e.g. weather, first time etc) just record it. 

As an example:

Paula Radcliffe - Female

2009; HM - 69:45, Mar - 2:29:27

2007; HM - 67:53, Mar - 2:23:09.

If there's enough interest I'll collate and distribute the results.



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