
Something slightly different to last years Competiton

A few changes this year but only minor really.... you can post part points but I may take them off towards the end of the year if the rows get too long and you start dropping a line so be warned.

Post twice daily, daily, weekly, fortnightly in fact post whenever you want. Cut and past the most recent block of numbers and alter your own, just check when you do that someone else hasn't posted at the same time though. you can move yourself up and down the list of you want but I never bother (someone always does it for me)

Important numbers this year are......

400m swim = 1pt + one bonus point each time for every 1000m outdoors
1 mile run road, = 1pt
1 mile run treddy = 1pt
3 miles bike = 1pt
3 miles turbo = 1pt
15 mins turbo = 1pt


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