
Talkback: ASICS Target 26.2 Team: Emma



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    Hi Sam - I thought my healthy fruit and seed snack would be ok for my fruit. I bought about a dozen bananas but they were refusing to ripen and now they have all ripened at once so I will be eating bananas morning, noon and night!

    Tomorrow I think is the 12-14 mile run (as there was no 10k race anywhere within about 50 miles!). The good news is that if I run on Saturday I can take the pressure off my parents.

    So the plan is for a long run(14m?) on the Saturday at bootcamp - would be great as again would take the pressure off my parents. Do you know anymore details about the day? Do you go up and stay in a hotel or do you drive up early in the morning?

    Sorry - loads of questions!

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    You could always make a banana cake!
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    Hi Emma

    So next Saturday, the plan for the training day is to do a time-based long run as a group (well sort of as a group - each runner will go at their own pace within the session.) It'll be a warm up on the track and then we'll head down to the canal towpath for an out and back route. Me and Steve will both be there, gunning up and down on our bikes (!) to keep contact with you all and supply motivation, drinks and feedback!
    Then there'll be a final 20 mins at MP for those who feel up to it/for whom it's appropriate. Should be a great day, and really glad it helps with childcare issues. I will have a look at the days preceding it to make sure it all fits in OK and doesn't leave you exhausted! In fact I'll do that now as am about to post next week's training image

    The diet is going really well... didn't mean to sound like it wasn't, but just noting the absence of any salad/veg at lunchtime. Fruit is good but more sugary than veg/salad so good to make up your five a day (or more if poss) with both. Banana cake sounds good, USB. Or banana smoothie - did I already post my banana smoothie recipe here? One over ripe banana, milk, splash of natural yoghurt, teaspoon cinammon and a few drops vanilla essence. Yummy.

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    It's the cinnamon that makes all the difference - try it if you don't believe us  image

    Another one to try - 250ml unsweetened soya milk, teaspoon of honey, pinch of cinnamon,  ½ banana (bonus -  you get to eat the other half too!)

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    Good point about the sugar in fruit - I did wonder. I know it's not the same as processed sugar but still has calories. This week I actually appear to have gained weight - despite trying to cut out all sugar, chocolate, wine, biscuits and cake!image

    For dinner, we are eating as family for once, and having slow baked beef casserole with rice and veg. This will be after the boy's football training - Reuben is so little that there is no gap between the bottom of his shorts and the top of his socks - hilarious. He hasn't really got a clue but runs his little heart out for an hour!

    Will try carrot sticks for lunch - easy to prepare and eat on the hoof as I usually have to do at work. Everything needs to be transportable and not messy. Mind you I think I get more food than chemicals on my lab coat - yup real chemist, I wear a lab coat every day.

    Training on the Saturday sounds great - is Craig at a similar pace to me for LSR? I will be fine but if there are doggies I would very much appreciate support getting past them! If I'm out on my own will bring ipod for company?

    Do you know what time we are starting? Would it be better for me to stay in a hotel the night before? Does Alice organise this?

    Again with the questions Emma!

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    Hi again

    So looking ahead to next week's training schedule, we're entering the 2nd month of training now and volume starts to increase. The week 5 mileage on the sub 4.15 training plan (which, Alice informs me, will be put up on the site imminently for those of you who are interested) is approx 35 miles, but I've amended Emma's mileage to 31 to reflect the fact that she can train 4 times a week, not 5 (but slightly compensated for this by giving her 4 miles at half mara pace instead of 3!image) We've got the team training day on Saturday which will be hectic and hard work but lots of fun! So here's how the week ahead looks:

    Week Five w/c 23/1/12 approx 31MMon - rest + strength trainingTue - 1M jog, then 4M at half-marathon pace, then 1M jogWed – restThu - 1M jog, then 10 x 400m at Mile/5k speed (or 2:00) with 200m (or 2-min) jog recoveries, then 1M jog

    Fri – 4 miles slow + 3 x acceleration strides

    Sat Long run 2 hours 20 mins with last 20 at marathon pace TRAINING DAY

    Sun rest

    Emma, if it's better for you to swap Friday and Sunday, that's fine. I've also missed out the second strength session this week, but added acceleration strides, which Craig has been doing and really likes! So basically, you do these at the end of your run. Start at a comfortable pace and count 12 strides, then speed up for the next 12 strides and speed up again for the final 12 so that you are running fast (not sprinting) by the end. Focus on running with good form, with quick, light feet, tall posture but staying relaxed. Walk back to your start point between each one to recover and repeat.

    As to your questions, I think you and Craig will be pretty close in pace - and I'll be going back and forth so you won't be on your own all that much. Maybe take the ipod if you find it helpful.

    Not sure about timings - I recommend contacting Alice to find out about the hotel and stuff. I'm heading up the night before, if that helps at all...image

    Really hope the long run goes well this weekend. And that goes to everyone else too. If you're out there grinding out the miles, just think about what strength of character you are building through all this training. And smile image

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    I came across a really interesting programme the other day that only gave interval instructions for the fast phases and the recovery was to be as long as it takes until your heart rate drops back to a prescribed level (I think about 65% off the top of my head). 

    Sam - any view on this? Defined recovery time vs variability dictated by HR. Is there any evidence of one being more effective than the other? Sounds like a possible MSc thesis! LOL

    Hi Sam - I nearly forgot about this...... what do ya reckon - will it make that much difference?

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    Thank you Sam - sounds really good! I really enjoy all the variety in my training - last year I just kept on doing more and more of the same and I progressed but only up to a point.

    Am I right in thinking that the Watford half should be considered as a training run or am I able to try and race it (if you can call my pace of running racing!)?

    If I am able to should I try the strength training? Would it matter if the 4 miles easy was on the Monday and cross training on a Friday?

    Even though winter marathon training can be tough (particularly on my skin) - I love the focus that it goves me. It forces me to be out in what little sunlight there is and I genuinely think it has stopped me having SAD syndrome over the last winter.

    I'm very busy and often tired but very happy - pretty good way to be I think!image Mind you I haven't started the really long runs yet!

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    *steals smoothie recipie*

     Your effort with the diet is putting me to shame, Emma!. Really looking forward to catching up next week. I'm going to have to head down the night before as there doesn't seem to be a way to get there on the day from here. Last time I stayed in the Uni halls on campus which was interesting... Will maybe email about hotel too! image

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    Sleepy Bear wrote (see)

    If it makes you feel any better Rascal decided to have a dream last night at about 4am and was 'running' in her sleep whilst still laying on her side so I got "pawed" for a bit. (Ssssh don't tell Ben she was sleeping on the bed in the first place). Had to push her over on to his side of the bed - she made the funniest little mewling sound but didn't wake up! HR on waking was 4 beats higher than normal - so I reckon disrupted sleep does make a difference.  Still, just been out for a lovely 7½ miles with my friend and I felt ok once I got going! isn't that always the way?

    I'm just catching up with your thread after a crazy week at work Emma, thanks for the forumula Sam. I like that one! I know ones I'm never going to use for lots of different animal's energy expenditure and energy conversion ratios etc, but human nutrition has until now eluded me! image

    Sleepy Bear (above) left me feeling all relived for about 10 minutes that I'm not the only one who sometimes counts their puppy's heart rate while they sleep too. It has just struck me what SB meant though. Oops. Still just me, then? image

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    Here are the HR readings for my 5 x 1000m session (well 4 of them as my Garmin locked up - sweat perhaps?). I have no clue what is normal and what I should expect for HR but here it is... (HR are average for interval - and it was damned hot in the gym). Will always do my running outside - I do not like the treadmill!

                              Time      Av HR

    1m warm up       9:49  144bpm

    1000m                5:16  158bpm

    Recovery            1:06  149bpm

    1000m                5:06  160bpm

    Recovery            1:07 154bpm

    1000m                5:16  165bpm

    Recovery            1:03  160bpm

    1000m                5:10  169bpm

    Recovery            1:36  155bpm

    Then the Garmin locked and went all funny - I did do another rep though but couldn’t face recovery on treddy so rode static bike for a bit!

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    I've just found this forum and have spent the evening reading every post! I have learnt so much and just wanted to say thanks really!! I am running the inaugural Marathon if the North in Sunderland on 6th May. My first marathon so I'm a bit scared but excited too! I have the York Brass Monkey Half this weekend (my fourth half) so fingers crossed! Your posts are good inspiration Emma. It's good to see how others have to do a bit of juggling too!

    I think you are very brave posting your food diaries too. I really will have to stop using the 'stuff left over from Christmas' excuse before its too late and the wobbling increases any more!

    Good luck to everyone with their training and goals.

    We can do it. We are ACE!!!!!
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    Welcome Rachel! The food diaries were quite a step - and believe it or not they were much better than they had been in previous week - I've got such a sweet tooth and no 'full' setting so can eat and eat!

    Good luck for your half marathon on Sunday! What are you aiming for?

    I'm glad the posts have been useful- this week has been particularly bad in terms of juggling because of the late evening at school. This means that I feel fatigued too - but the boys slept through last night hoorah!

    We've just had a family meeting to decide what is happening this weekend - but as usual it ended up with wrestling and my eldest playing his DS! Sor far it looks like... Saturday - a long run for Mummy (14 miles setting off in a mo), boys to the park, family dinner this evening...Sunday - Mummy and boys swimming, Daddy to football, feed the boys, boys to panto, Daddy back from footie and then SPurs (for Daddy) on TV while Mummy does washing ironing and marking of schook work!image The usual weekend really!

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    Hope the long run goes well image
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    TenjisoTenjiso ✭✭✭
    I still can't find the 4:15 schedule. If anyone knows where it's hidden, post a link please.
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    Rosie A wrote (see)
    Hope the long run goes well image

    Painfull Rosie! Heart and lungs fine and energy levels fine but my legs were quite sore! DId the track session yesterday morning as opposed to Thursday evening so think that's why. It was v v v v v slow but some undulations and 14 miles done so will try to be positive!

    Have you heard anything about the hotel? I am a worrier and hate not knowing exactly what is going on!image

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    10:42, 10:32, 10:46,  11:08, 11:18, 11:06, 11:45, 10:58, 10:59, 10:58, 9:42, 9:39, 9:29, 9:28

    Splits above for 14 this morning. It's easy to see where the hills were!

    The last 4 I ran on my own trying to hit marathon pace so quite pleased with the times for those.image

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    BoDukeBoDuke ✭✭✭

    Emma: Good work on the splits! Want to know what's really sad? I can visualise the graphs in Connect going up and down... image

    Loving the recipes and everything. *copy/paste into word* 

    Really looking forward to seeing everyone Sunday!

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    BoDukeBoDuke ✭✭✭

    Might as well procratinare and post food log too for the past couple of days:


    Costa - Breakfast Loaf 391 
    Baked Potato - Chili & Cheese, 1 potato    510
    Waitrose - Fresh Beef & Red Wine Ravioli, 1 pack    588
    Red Wine - Bottle, 0.25 bottle    128 Twas a small glass and not 1/4 bottle... Promise...
    Cheese - Parmesan, shredded, 2 tbsp    42
    Nature Valley - Crunchy & More - Oats and Hazelnuts, 2 Bars (42g)    195


    Innocent - Indian Daal Veg Pot, 380 g    319
    Domino's - Large Cheese & Tomato Pizza With Regular Crust (10 Slices), 2 slice    366
    Dominos (Uk) - Veg-A-Roma Pizza Large, 1 slice    240
    Red Wine - Bottle, 0.25 bottle    128 
    De Cecco - Spaghetti No. 12, 200 g    692 
    Dolmio Stir In - Sun Dried Tomato, 150 g    188   
    Sainsbury's - Blue Stilton, 67.5 g    27  
    Banana - Medium - Peeled, 1 Medium    105    27    0    1   

    Humm,  not sure about those...

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    Hi Emma.  You should have a good time next Saturday.  I really enjoy running along the canals although obviously quieter for the boats in the winter.

    I did the 5 x 1K on Tuesday but not as fast as you.  I shall use the excuse of it being my first lot of intervals in 3 months.

    Nice MP at the end of your run.  Was it very windy today?  I did a short run this morning and several times rounded a corner to be almost stopped in my tracks!

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    BoDukeBoDuke ✭✭✭
    Oh hell... Hijacked someone else's thread with my food thing... Sozz Emma... Wasnt joking when I said I was scatty...
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    Craig - that has made me giggle so much ... thank you!

    You are such a blonde! Tee hee!image

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    imageUltra Sparkly Bridget wrote (see)

    Hi Emma.  You should have a good time next Saturday.  I really enjoy running along the canals although obviously quieter for the boats in the winter.

    I did the 5 x 1K on Tuesday but not as fast as you.  I shall use the excuse of it being my first lot of intervals in 3 months.

    Nice MP at the end of your run.  Was it very windy today?  I did a short run this morning and several times rounded a corner to be almost stopped in my tracks!

    USB I am looking forward to the run - I am hoping that Craig and I will be able to keep each other company - thinking we should both be hitting about 10min miles for that sort of run. Hopefully it'll be flat and not windy like today - blustery in Sussex too. However, I'm a bit too hefty to get blown overimage. Have you seen the footage on RW TV - my bum on the treddy = not nice!

    I hated the 5 x 1000m because it was in a treadmill - I typed in the spped (calcuated it before I went) so had to stick to it. Much prefer track. This week is 10 x 400 - which is a great distance. Pushes you in the final 100 but still short enough to be fun. Think I'll wear my HR monitor - now I know how to do the splits it'll be interesting to see how my body manages.

    How did you get on today?

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    I did 6.39 miles today around the town. Nice easy pace averaging 10:52 mm. I'm mostly doing easy/slow miles st the moment and working on bumping up my mileage. Last 2 weeks were both above 40 miles and I'm on 32 this week with around 17 planned for tomorrow.
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    Oh my god - 17 already.. I'm feeling decidedly lazy!image That's fabulous!
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    I've always tended to do just a couple of 20 mile runs in marathon training but when I did the ultra I did several off road marathons in preparation and then 3 weeks after went close to my marathon PB. That's why I'm looking to put in more of the longer runs this time. I think some people say to have your 5 longest runs adding up to at least 100 miles so I will try it.
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    Wow - an Ultra - when and where and how far was that?!

    I was thinking about doing a tri as my next challenge but can't see how I'd ever fit in the training or manage the kit expenses!

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    Emma - that's a really good long run with great splits, well done.
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    Emma - well doen on your 14 miles, great times! Your weekend sounds like my usual madness!

    USB - will you do any LSr's of more than 20?

    I did 13 in 2.30 this morning, really struggled from 9 miles, legs are very sore!

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    Emma - it was the JW Ultra which goes from Stratford to Birmingham.  It is a 'baby' ultra of 30 miles and a lot is along the canal.  You'll probably go along a bit of the route next weekend as the finish is next to Bourneville station.

    MWW - not sure at the moment.  Before I got my PB I did one run very slower that lasted for 4 hours and 20 min (my target time) and did somewhere between 21 and 22 miles.  Will probably do that again - I went up the canal for 2 hours 10 and then turned back but slowed up and didn't make it right back to the start point before time was up.  It was a warm September day though and I had to stop at a pub for some extra fluids.

    Nicee settled Saturday here, took my daughter down at 1.30 for her matinee and don't need to collect her till the end of the after-show party at midnight image

    EDIT: Just had to take her deodorant down to her!

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