
New Balance MT110 - how can the best trail shoe ever be only 35 quid?

OK, so the thread title is only my opinion, but having used my New Balance MT110s on shingle, mud, grass and tarmac, I can safely say they are wonderful. And weirdly they are only £34.99 at Sports Direct, of all places. How they can be so cheap is anyone's guess.

I must admit I was sceptical that they would even sell a 'proper' running shoe at Sport Direct - especially as many of the staff, let alone the customers, look like Greggs loyalty card holders. But it is true, they do. At a reasonable price. Let's hope Anton Krupicka doesn't find out that a massive chain store is flogging his signature shoes at a snip.

But it begs the question: if we can get the MT110 for the price of a pair of designer flip-flops, how come other so-called minimal shoes cost so much?


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