
Best Ultra/Adventure runs in UK

Hi everyone,

I am currently doing research for a project on running events. I have done my own research but would love to hear what real runners think are the best Ultra/Adventure running events in the UK?



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    I think the ones I do are the best - they've got me in them image

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    Yep, I think you'll find most people think the best ultra/adventure running races in the UK are the ones that pmo does.

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    WiBWiB ✭✭✭

    I agree. A race is not complete without pmo there.

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    Perhaps a definition of best would help us to answer the question. 

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    I won't enter a race  unless pmo is entered just no point !!!

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    The absolute  best ultras are graded purely by cake quality ........



    .......and if pmo is there 

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    By best I mean your personal favourite. It can be for any reason, e.g. scenary, distance, level of difficulty, the fact that pmo isn't there. Whatever reason you want...

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    My best ever Ultra in the UK would have to be without doubt the Ultra I am signed up to do next... Until that is complete then it would have to be the very next Ultra I am signed up to complete and so on and so forth.....

    My point is every Ultra is different and to be fair the reason most of us enter them is to challenge our selves so that when we stand on the start line we have no idea when we will finish if we will finish at all....

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    Agree with Bret. For a split second my favourite is the one I've just finished, but then it moves to the next challenge, and trying to recapture that fleeting sense of achievement. 

    The best events will be down to organisation, location and the like. Favourite races are quite different, as they are down to more unique factors, such as being in the zone, chance encounters, great personal performances, not the kind of things you can recommend an event to another runner for.

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    OK, thanks Bret and Tiago, I hear what you're saying.

    Would it make more sense to focus on Best Challenge Event and the organisers, rather than trying to focus on single events? For example, options such as: 

    Warrior Dash, Tough Mudder, The GRIM, Spartan Brooks, Hellrunner, Lakeland Trails, Rat Race etc?

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    WiBWiB ✭✭✭

    In terms of a challenge any of the "obstacle races" don't touch a real race. They really are just a bit of fun.

    Go out and run any straight up race properly and it is a challenge. Mainly because it's f*cking exhausting and it hurts.

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    Sam ,are you getting the feeling you arnt going to get a straight answer image

    we arnt doing it on purpose (?) its just that there isn't one answer really,as said above each event can have components that make it memorable, hardest, favourite ,best for food/atmosphere etc

    I don't think id ever include things like Hellrunner,Tough guy events as ultra/adventure racesimage just people pratting about in mud isn't it?imageimage

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    anyway, they only have Marmite and Nutella at REAL ultra eventsimage

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    Those races are good fun, not easy at all, but you can blag them, and have a laugh. Any running race or triathlon are the real deal, in my opinion. Personally, I prefer the challenge of distance, so prefer ultras, but speed is just as valid a pursuit.

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    Tigs....you mean those days out with the paddle , jog, peddle combo are HARD???  image

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    I've done a hellrunner and a wild man duathlon, they were quite tough, and a real blast. Don't be a snob now loulabell.

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    im sure they were tough Tiago, I wouldn't survive a Hellrunner....the hardest toughest event ive ever done was a sponsored silence. never again .

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    Why don't you give it a try image

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    Tell me a bit about your project Sam.

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    I don't think that the Thames Gateway 100 became anybodys favourite race last weekend, just because they were doing it at the time!

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    Snap!Snap! ✭✭✭

    If I had to pick one, it would be the Mens Health Survival - it's not the longest but it packs in some bloody exhausting obstacles and they come at you thick and fast. And because it's short you set off at a race pace and there's some highly competeitive people there. I was absolutely done in after the last London one and it was less than 10kms.

    I've done others - I won't go on ranting about Tough Mudder, but suffice to say it's shite. (You can search for my not-very-comprehensible whingeing rants if you like). 

    South Downs Way is the best Ultra I've done - oh, actually it's the only Ultra I've done.

    That said, is an Ultra an Ultra because it's over 26.2, or because it's just bloody hard?

    The Greensand marathon, though standard distance, had over a mile of vertical ascent/descent in it, which isn't bloody funny, but it is also a great race.


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    Woldsmonster 35 - The last ultra I ranimage Actually a training run on a course I devised myself in the Yorkshire Wolds I did a few weeks ago. Brilliant because it had lots of hills and variety, many sheep, some cows and horses, few people. Away from the massing crowds only skirting a few villages, the food I brought along was quite good, weather was nice.....

    Pushed for an actual event the Lakeland 50 and 100 are faves of mine. Great Lake District route with lots of variety and challenge. There is something extra special about the 100 for me passing in and out of Wasdale at night, watching headlights strung up Black Sail pass against darkness ahead and behind. then on through Ennerdale to Buttermere. Its what I like in an event anyway - challenging route/terrain/hills, good CP food, good banter and camaraderie. And a chance to experiance a lifetime of emotions in just over a day.

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    Of the ultras I've done... NDW50 and Lakeland 50. Both are challenging, both have good scenery (Lakeland wins for that) and are well organised with good aid station support. NDW50 like all Centurion events also provides excellent trail markings so you can concentrate on running not navigation. Lakeland 50 is designed differently; you're supposed to navigate - which is fine; just depends what challenge you want. After three recce weekends and the actual race I still think the roadbook for that could do with being a bit clearer in a few places (several other runners I met agreed with me; a few more indications of distances between landmarks would help, for example), but I really enjoyed it. SDW 50 is just as well organised etc. as NDW50 but in normal weather (not what we had on the day this year!) I find that trail boring compared to NDW50 - less variety of surface underfoot, less variety of scenery (oh look, you're reached the top of the hill and, once more, there's a cultivated valley below to your left and on your right, a cultivated valley with the sea in the distance - just like the last hill top and the one before that and...). I expect I'll do all three of those again. Thames Trot - well, not really fair to say, given that we didn't actally follow the course this year. London Ultra - nice and convenient for Londoners as a first ultra; permanent waymarks make it easy to recce. Croydon Ultra is even more local for me, I enjoyed it and I think the new, more-trail, course is a plus, but it can't compete with e.g. NDW50 or Lakeland 50.

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    Skiddaw last week.    Lots of varied scenery, killer climbs,   technical descents and lots of navigation. 

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    Just training for my first ultra at the moment, so can't comment on that, but I've done the Yorkshireman and Bolton Hill Marathons and both were pretty tough and really satisfying to finish. Great courses around beautiful locations and relatively easy to navigate (a must for me).

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    Defo Scenery, organisation, and freindly competitors and marshalls make for a rewarding experience. I personally would tend to favour ultras with night sections and navigation - so The Bullock Smithy is probably my personal favourite - relaxed, very friendly event - covers varied scenery in the Peak District - a large proportion of it is at night...awesome event.

    Another highly recommended event is 'The Classic quarter'

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