
Ch'Triman V IM Switzerland

£157 against £535  Both in July.....France or Switzerland?  Given that I can do the former (travel, hotel meals etc) for the cost of the latter plus I won't need a bike box I would need a good reason to go to Switzerland....wouldn't I?


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    Ive done IM Switzerland twice ... It's a great race image

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    some things don't need an 'and '


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    But relisticly


    I think it's all down to personal; preference.

    I like the lake over the sea - I like Germanic countries - and lots of little things 

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    I've passed through Zurich a couple of times and like the city and I've been down by the lake etc but for that money I could just go there for the weekend and relax.

    So far it's only the date that gives it any sort of advantage over France.

    What's the bike course like?

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    ....in comparison to France, flat as a witches proverbial 

    both pricey places to stay/eat/drink

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    However, unlike IM France, I believe the Ch'Tri bike route is fairly flat but exposed and potentially windy.  Haven't done it but I think the IMCH bike route includes a couple of climbs.

    As for the swim, if French rowing lakes are anything like English ones, Lake Zurich would be more pleasant experience.

    I think FB and Petal have done one of the Ch'tri events so may be able to provide an accurate comparison.

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    I did it a couple of years ago and a rowing lake is pretty dull but then water is, the bike has a lot of flat a couple of short climbs one of which is about 1k up a 1in10 at the steepest point the rest is rolling, two laps.  The run is out to the coast and back twice on foot paths pavement and promenade with a little bit of trail, flat.  It's a low key club event, you do hear the occasional 'good job' and to make it worse it's from a European, but you can't have everything.

    Meldy we're talking northern France here it's not expensive, especially with the euro at the minute, although I've never found Nice that expensive at least not where I stay, to be fair though it's usually the type of place you could hear the guy in the next room unzip his fly.

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    Aha a I see, thought we were referring to IM France, different kettle of poisson ...

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    Check out Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis on youtube...from what I can gather the Ch'ti to the French is like a cross between our Geordies and Essex although when a white van man there stuck is head out the window when I was going up a climb, he said 'courage don't give in' which is not quite what they say round here Meldy.

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    (total positive vertical elevation change in feet OF im BIKE COURSES): 

    1. France 11193 
    2. Lanzarote 10282 
    3. Lake Placid 7911 
    4. Austria 7829 
    5. Australia 7659 
    6. Louisville 7578 
    7. Switzerland 7505 
    8. Wisconsin 7353 
    9. Canada 6719 
    10. Coeur D’Alene 5851 
    11. Brazil 5419 
    12. Germany 5281 
    13. S. Africa 5182 
    14. Hawaii 4554 
    15. Arizona 3824 
    16. W. Australia 2538 
    17. Florida 2007

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    I see there's a new one in Norway called Coastman entry £155 although not a cheap stay or travel. 9th August

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