
Sunday 28th June 2015

Lyrics"Wake me up inside"


What: Long run

Why: Road to Cardiff

Last hard: getting up at 4am

Good luck all racers today

Back later

ALF: Always a little further
Miles makes smiles.


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    chickstachicksta ✭✭✭
    Wow, that's dedication poppy image

    Love the song image

    Going to attempt my first run over an hour. Hope my body plays ball.

    Will report later image
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    Yesterday's lyrics - The Day Before The Day by Dido.

    Chapeau on all counts Alex. Hope you have a suitable rosy glow this morning that isn't just suntan image

    Hope you both have good runs Poppy and chicksta.

    Nice riding Blisters. Hope the undercarriage has cooled down.

    What:           Coombe Valley Trail Marathon
    Why:            catered LSR
    Last hard:    getting my legs going yesterday
    Last rest:     29/5

    Lyrics - no.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    chickstachicksta ✭✭✭
    Enjoy, LMH. I like catered marathons image

    What: 10 miles

    Why: running a marathon in 14 weeks ...

    Last hard: being ill for so long

    Last rest: 19/6

    Lyrics: yes
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    What: probably not a lot

    why: wet+++ and possibly overdid things a bit yesterday

    last hard: yesterday

    last rest: friday

    lyrics: no

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭

    Chicksta_ No choice only time i could fit run in with church and packing as we away tomorrow for 5 daysimage

    Glad you are feeling better and good luck with Marathon training.

    LMH: Catered marathon that sounds like tea and cakeimage good luck today hope the weather is kind.

    10 miles done and dusted in heavy rain but garmin was having a strop so no idea what pace I do know my legs felt good and could have run for longer.This was my longest run when training for my half I just did so bodes well.

    Achilles is grumbling but think it was either hill reps or squats workout so will do neither this week,

    Kit will be packedimage

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭


    Lyrics: no

    Hope you enjoyed today LMH! Sounds like ultra training is in full swing!

    What: 6.7k with some hills

    Why: would have liked more, but Achilles/calf are a little grumbly here also! Just being careful!

    WP: on the occasions that I go away the kit goes in first! Enjoy!

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    What?: Run 5.7 miles at 8m/m.
    Why? Because I could.
    Next session? Swim training tonight.
    Last Hard: Cots 113
    Next Hard: IMW
    Lyrics: no

    Poppy's got the bug again.

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    Great to hear that you had such a good run Poppy - just stick with the easy running, you'll still come on in leaps and bounds.

    You'll get there chicksta.

    It is Alehouse - ran today on the back of my highest mileage week since before London (90 miles) so wasn't really sure what to expect but hoped/planned to run around 8 min/miles for the first 20 and then decide whether to push on or bimble home. Didn't quite work out like that though. As we started I was in the lead, yes, you read that correctly, a small field and no one seemed to want to go first! Very polite guys, thank you. Wasn't sure what to do initially then gave myself a shake and just ran my pace and within the first half mile three men had gone past me so that was good, then I realised that meant that I was first woman. A bit of a dilemma here, I wasn't there, or in shape, to race but I was in first place, what to do? The first mile wasn't mad but was faster than intended at 7.20, rather than pushing on I decided to settle in and see what running easy bought me. Could see second lady a few hundred metres behind me as the course made a 180 degree turn. The course was mostly quite good underfoot, initially gently downhill but into a headwind which grew stronger as the day progressed, past the deer leg and the clump of sheep wool then up the short incline, round ankle turn corner, 180 turn, wind on your back nice underfoot for a few hundred metres, left turn through the gate, downhill, flatten out, through the gate, up the gentle incline, turn into the wind by the kiddies playground over a bit of bumpy/tree rooted ground, right turn under the trees and through the slightly longer grass, right turn through the start/finish and off we go again x 12. Found a nice chatty running mate (Pete) on the first lap and we passed the first half of the race companionably, puling away from the woman in second with each lap. The course was quite congested for the first few laps as the 10k runners had gone off ten minutes before us and the half marathon runners five minutes before. A man from Shenley Striders joined our merry little band after a few laps and I was having a nice time. Pete was a real gentleman and insisted that I tuck in behind him on the headwind sections, he'd raced a leg of the Cotswold Relays yesterday and wasn't sure how long his legs would hold up but it was blisters that got him eventually and he had to stop for a change of shoes (fortunately his wife was there supporting). Mr SS pulled away from me and I knew that I was slowing but had no idea where second lady was. I decided that it didn't matter, I was there to run comfortably and be back out training tomorrow, I'd had a big week last week and was bound to be a little tired so I just kept the effort level and let the pace slow a little though I did only have one mile that was over 8 minutes. Even once the shorter racers had mostly finished it was still quite social as people generally had a word when lapped.  As I went through the start/finish for the tenth time I heard the announcer say something about me being second so I assumed that one of the men that had gone past me at the start must have actually been a woman, he also said something about nine minutes but I didn't catch much of it and wondered if that was third woman nine minutes behind me or first woman nine minutes in front. I decided that it didn't matter as I was just going to keep bumbling for the next two laps. Mr SS had pulled away from me prior to this and I'd been running on my own for a while, as I came through the start/finish for the penultimate time Mark (who had dropped out after 15 miles or so) told me that I was in second 'what, second lady?' I asked 'no, second overall' he replied. I could see MR SS up ahead and he was walking, I had a word as I passed and tried to get him going again but he said that his hamstring h

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Mr SS had pulled away from me prior to this and I'd been running on my own for a while, as I came through the start/finish for the penultimate time Mark (who had dropped out after 15 miles or so) told me that I was in second 'what, second lady?' I asked 'no, second overall' he replied. I could see MR SS up ahead and he was walking, I had a word as I passed and tried to get him going again but he said that his hamstring had gone. Shortly thereafter a man came past me and pulled gently away. I ran the last lap mentally ticking off the landmarks and thanking each marshal as I passed them for the last time and managed to pick up the pace a little to finish second overall and first lady by about twenty minutes or so. I only went and bloody won!


    Sorry for the long post and slightly over lapping report.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    chickstachicksta ✭✭✭
    Wowzers, LMH. Mighty impressive!! Hope there was a nice prize and some serious bling involved image you certainly deserve it image
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    Good report and great result LM.H! image

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    There was a slightly strange and disturbing trophy which was a little disappointing to be honest especially as I'd had to wait around ages for the prize giving.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭

    Wow that is amazing LMH bet you are bouncing off the walls well done!! shame about trophy BUT it is a trophy for 1st womanimage

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    RFJRFJ ✭✭✭

    WOW LMH thats awesome, well done and love the detailed report.

    I have been away in a filed near Swindon all weekend, for a Christian Vision for Men weekend, that has been fab. They even arranged a 5k race on the saturday, of which 46 of us took part in at 0715 (out of over 2000 on site....) was a shame as had only done a  track session on Friday so legs were a tad dead. but got safely inside the top ten with a steady if not spectatular 21:18.... not bad for 5.5 laps of a polo filed which was heavily rutted and I stayed on my feet.....

    26m for the week

    Take care

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭

    What: 3hr bike 1 hr run d&d

    Why: big goals need big training

    Last hard: Saturday

    Last rest: Friday 24th April

    Lyrics: No
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    alex_halex_h ✭✭✭

    Chapeau to you too LMH! Very well done indeed! Loved the report. I avoided getting rosy yesterday as was careful with the suncream! More than can be said for my lovely wife! May have had rosy cheeks due to greater than usual alcohol consumption in the evening. image

    I'm intrigued by the "strange and disturbing trophy" though...

    RFJ - sounds good fun!

    I'm joining WP and Chicksta in the 10 mile club for today. Didn't feel too bad considering yesterday's efforts. Feeling it now though.

    What: 10.5 mile LSR

    Why: planned

    Last hard: bits of yesterday's run

    Last easy: decisions yesterday to stay with injured horse rider and concede 2nd place trophy to a kid!! image

    Lyrics: yup
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    DustinDustin ✭✭✭

    Great news LmH, and a 90 mile training week! Never done that much, so pretty awesome!
    Joe - good work, you should be pleased
    Chick - decent mileage banked
    Blisters - good work on wheels
    RFJ - sounds like a decent weekend. 
    What - 2 days of nothing
    why - Loughborough yesterday (daughter #1 1st choice). She loved it (as did I). And today was near RFJ I guess, Swindon for junior athletics. Timekeeping all day, and thanks to roadworks on M4 (although no works were going on) got in too late to even contemplate running. 
    2 run-less weekends on the spin.

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    LMH : Great report, and a fantastic win. THAT'S A WIN. If I read it correctly, you did it at a very good pace too.


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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭

    Lyrics were Bring me to life by evanescenceimage

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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