
Tue 24th Oct - It's astounding

chamolkchamolk ✭✭✭
edited October 2023 in Training
Lyrics - It's astounding, time is fleeting, madness takes its toll

Yesterday's were Werewolves Of London by Warren Zevon.

Didn't make it out yesterday again, didn't sleep the best and felt a bit too groggy. Hoping to do a bit better today when I get home 

What's a nugget calf Dustin? Never heard the phrase.

Hope the supplies arrive soon Els. I think I'd heard previously that exercise after a vaccination makes it more effective, so good combo yesterday.

How did the hills go Hazel?

Hope you feel better soon Pammie

Hope everyone has a good Tuesday


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    WaboWabo ✭✭✭
    Lyrics I think so
    Weather is awful so I'm glad I'm not running this morning
    Hope you get out chamolk
    What 3 miles with hill reps later
    Why Tuesday I try to do a bit of something different
    Last hard yesterday
    Last rest 28/12
    Off to work today
    possunt quia posse videntur - we can because we know we can 
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    WaboWabo ✭✭✭
    Pammie wish you better 
    Hope you're ok and get supplies soon els
    Dustin I've never heard of a nugget calf is it after a cramp in the night or something? 
    My oh is in a terrible amount of pain with plantar f, he's not happy at all. Made worse by 1.5 mile walk each way to spurs last night!! 
    Ale glad you got to run along river
    possunt quia posse videntur - we can because we know we can 
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    Shame you aren't great Chamolk, take it easy. 

    I wondered about the calf too Dustin.  Double XC sounds fun.  

    Ouch for your OH Wabo.  That is a nasty thing to have according to all I have read.  Enjoy the hills - they are good for you.

    Get well soon Pammie.

    Good to see you back to the M78 runs Ale - decent time too.

    Hopefully no side-effects from the jab Els.

    Weather is pretty shite here too at the moment - doesn't matter though as I am chained to my desk.  The forecast is for it to clear up by the time I run.

    What: few recovery miles later, hopefully in company
    Why: Tuesday
    Last hard: Those wee hill sprints were.  The hill was actually not really hilly enough but the effort felt about right.
    Last rest: 22.10.23

    Lyrics: no
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    Chamolk, dunno about that, run was v slow and arm quite sore this morning, previous jags had settled by next day.
    Got a longer run this morning to squeeze in before some work this afternoon.
    Pammie, feel better soon.
    Hazel, hope weather clears, seems ok here.
    Chamolk, hope you get out today.
    Wabo, hope you have a nice run.
    We have enough supplies for ourselves, shelves in Tesco a bit bare if fresh stuff though.
    Lyrics no.
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    Lyrics: no

    What Els said!

    Plus enjoy your longer run, Els!

    What: probably fairly short

    Why: see how the legs are after two longer (for me) days.

    And it is raining. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    DustinDustin ✭✭✭
    I blame autocorrect: niggly not nugget  :D
    I shouldn't have feared, managed a reasonably brisk 6 miles yesterday lunchtime without any real problem. Must've slept funny (or in a draft...)
    Ale - tidy run with the MV78, take it easy today
    Chamolk - hope you get something done later
    Wabo - enjoy the hills
    Hazel - ANY speedwork on a slight incline is a good session, nice one
    Els - enjoy the longer effort, glad no problems post jab

    What - Club hill session, 12 x 300 steady climb, 300 jog recoveries
    Why - torture time
    last rest - 21/09
    last hard - will be today
    lyric - think so 
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    Dustin, glad your niggle/nugget has disappeared! Hill session sounds hard, what I should do I guess!
    Decent weather for 15.6 miles, bit of a random distance but was as far as I could persuade the legs to go! Did enjoy it though though avoided some of my usual trails due to waterloggedness\new trainers!
    Hope you get company later Hazel!
    Time to get showered and fed before work at 1, bit of a random time but only slot in theatre available to me this week. 
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    Decent long run, Els!

    Glad that the niggle isn't,  Dustin!

    I always think hill sprints should be on a fairly gentle slope,  Hazel. Hope company is found!

    What: 21 minutes gently run

    Why: easy day. Damp.

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    chamolkchamolk ✭✭✭
    Finally got out again. Slept fairly well so had a bit more energy. Did 5 miles with 3 mile tempo in 21:27. Bit of a hamstring niggle/nugget during it though - not sure if I did something to it during my last run on Saturday when I did a few strides at the end 

    Wabo - hope the OH recovers soon, that can be slow to improve

    Hope you had nice weather for the run Hazel

    Another hill session Dustin?

    Do you not think there's a place for short hill sprints on a moderate hill Ale?

    Decent miles Els, hoping to get a long run this weekend around that sort of distance

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    Glad you got out, Chamolk,  and hopefully the niggle disappears!
    Yes, I think a moderate hill is fine but over the years I have seen people sprinting on hills that are far too steep and a recipe for injury,  not least on the downhill.  
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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