
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Reggie,  no chance of 34s! And last 10k was in the 36s. So genuinely have no idea where I am right now. It'll be a lay a time down job and that's my new benchmark.
     Last proper race was November, with Bramley 20 being a steady job, long time.

    Meaty runs there SQ, and 5 loops of a 2m course must take some mental fortitude.

    If marathons don't break people down its pretty clear how strong a fitness boost they give people.

    Great win at Rovers. 90miles on the M4, simples.
    Except missing the turn on the way back and then the route the sat nav had to get me back on track took me to a closed road sign,  as I wistfully looked 30metres across at the smooth flowing road I could have been on!!

    Quickly back on track though and then a closed junction later on, but all good...Nice lie in until 11 today. And an hour later still contemplating moving...Will just do a 5 or 6 max today single.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Glad to hear the 12 stage in 3 weeks is only 7.2k so about 4.5miles.
    Not as skimpy as the 4mile 2017 Gravesend leg but not far off.

    3 laps on a 2.4k loop so it'll be quite populated on route. Probably better that way. Except for when red-hot kids come storming past!
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Sorequads said:

    Reg – you are clearly a lot faster than me, but I can relate to the feeling of struggling to really push myself. Your run this morning sounds lovely. It’s great to be getting some morning light. Was yesterday’s run, XT, treadmill combo a replacement for a longer run?

    No I had 6+4 scheduled Monday and 12 Tuesday but I wanted a rest day on Monday so I did a 10+6 double on Tuesday and I will sneak in the missing 6 miles as an extra recovery later in the week if I feel robust enough. I also wanted to do a swim so I did a treadmill run beforehand to save time. Also meant I could have one long shower at the gym and try and get some value from the less than once a week I am going at the moment.

    That's a solid long run, you really are prolific at knocking out the 20 milers.

    SG, you've done plenty of sessions and long runs, you seem to be going well so surely it's worth a punt and going out fast?

    I have 2 days to use up for holiday carry over so I've just put my name down for LFOTM. I have Reading half two days later but I am only doing that to cruise round and enjoy it as part of a long run. It would be nice to get a little 5k PB if I can as I've actually beaten or equaled the old one several times in longer races last year.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I'll do my best i have on the day Reggie. That's the Sg promise.

    Trying not to think about it too much right now as forcing myself out for a 5m or 6m trudge seems plenty  :D 

    A 5k turnout sounds decent if Reading is only an amble.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Reg - you might find the cause of feeling like you can't push yourself enough is more to do with an increased (aerobic) capacity. It would be interesting to see what your HR readings are at 1 minute, and 2 minutes, after a maximal effort. When I was getting fitter, but not yet at my fittest, after 1 minute my HR had dropped 56bpm, and after 2 minutes it was 70bpm lower than during a maximal effort. At that time I was seeing the same as you with races and people crossing the line and throwing up, whilst I just strolled off to get a drink feeling like I'd not pushed myself. Nicely done with the 15m.
    I'll see you at Reading. In my head it's a long tempo replacement, as is Maidenhead 5 days later. No idea what that'll equate to pace wise yet, but will see on the day.

    SQ - another good 20m banked from you. As long as the effort was right don't worry about the pace, particularly in those conditions.

    SG - any idea why the 12-stage is shorter this year?

    jog + hillsprints earlier. Something on track tonight.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2023
    TT just the change of venue I think.

    But Gravesend was 4mile long leg in 2017. Not that it felt short, with the wind, climbs and dog leg per lap!

    Mk last year is on po10 as 8.66km and in 2019 as 7.66, so can vary even at the same place.

    I'm sure that have form for quoting a distance and it's different on the day though! But hopefully it shouldn't be wrong for lap, so roll on 4.5m.
    How I'm still doing a long leg for this lot these days I do now know!
    Although this would be a real arse of a location just to peddle a 2.9miler out.
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    Yes the relays are going to be interesting at any rate SG. 

    TT - Yes Ben still showing his very good winter form - just a shame he turned 50 so close after me LOL

    Lots of good training going on.

    5 x 1200 last night at Luton, 4.00 down to 3.48 for the last one. off 90 secs I think. 
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    TT - Do you mean do a max effort then stop and take readings at rest? How would you normally do that, build up a few laps and then flat out 400m or something like that?

    Running wise I've not done a max effort in a long long time. Last years races the closest I came was Chichester at 187. My max is about 198. Reading 2019 I hit 193. Cycling is different, I've had a few 195+ efforts as you can really empty the tank on a bike without worrying about breaking yourself!

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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Reg - don't worry too much about whether it's your true max or not. It's more about seeing what your recovery rate is, so wind it up gradually to nudge your HR up, then go hard until it hurts, hold it a touch further to let your HR go up as much as it wants to, and then, yep, take readings at rest.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    I may try it cheers, for me it's probably best done uphill so perhaps I'll find a Strava CR somewhere to add some motivation.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Reg - i put that feeling down to someone having a big aerobic engine, but not the sharpness/ability to really hurt yourself. More shorter racing would probably help. In races i often wonder why others are gasping so much already. But most folks arnt putting in big miles and most go off to quickly anyway

    SQ - good going with that week. Decent long run, you can't eally compare windy day paces. I try  not to get too bent out of shape re comparing mp runs, but i also use them as key  fitness markers so need to compare........there is a saying that comparison is the thief of joy.

    TT - i think there are possibly differences in the foam between ver1 and 2?
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    So Podium Underground tonight. Will post some pics on Bookface. Bit different - To be honest hoping I don't get into the semis.

    Tight course - so not going to be great on ankles and knees! Winner will get some good dosh, but have to run 2 x 3000m heats and a 3750m final!
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Sounds like an interesting event SC. Was it a go-kart track, did I see that somewhere?

    I attempted the prescribed 20 miler with 14 @ MP today. Though it would be a test at the end of what would be an 85 mile week. I actually ran it in KMs so did the first 10k easy round 7s and then remaining at MP or close to it. It went pretty well, eased into it with the first 5km in 18:52 or 6:04 pace before doing the middle 10km a bit quicker splitting 18:30 & 18:20. Final 5km was slightly more headwind and uphill etc and came out at 18:50 with the extras being around the same pace. So pretty much bang on 6:00 for the 14 miles. It felt pretty comfortable and it was definitely a nudge below race day effort so looks promising for sub 2:35 at the moment.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited March 2023
    Well done Reg, strong run. 14m with a bit in the tank is great. I've done 13m in a 20 and it comes out pretty much as hard as i can go on the day and its around mp.

    20 inc 10m approx mp effort for me yday, better late than never, I now have 11m of mp to my name this campaign. Pretty much exactly the same pace and HR as i did 2 wks before Goodwood in December (av 6.46, av 137 max 147). Probably short of a few hard runs or races, but in with a shout of sub3 if the coastal weather is kind.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Looking tasty Reggie, and sounds promising for you too TR.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Turnout for me then, Eastleigh 10k.

    With covid striking just after the Hatfield 5 in November, it's been a bit of a gradual build up to more usual sort of training the last couple of months.

    Bar Bramley 20, which was run as a sort of experimental distance steady effort, it's literally the first race in 4 months!
    Sounds mad to say that after 29 races last year.

    Therefore, I didn't know what to expect, certainly not particularly confident, but know I have done a string of longer runs and a few decent tempos etc.

    Last year fell ridiculously well, with Wycombe away at Portsmouth on the Saturday.

    It worked well with a Premier Inn right on the verge of the venue, so being a 9am start, stuck to the same plan this year.

    1hr 20 or so drive down after the Wycombe home game, arriving around 8ish, gave a couple of hours to relax, before the inevitable poor sleep away from home :D

    Number collected, couple of mile warm up, all prepared and again proved my exceptional skill for a last min pee location, finding somewhere about 100m from the start line but discreet! 

    Missing Reggie from last year, where we shared a string of races, but lots of quality around.

    Lined up accordingly, remembering i was 100th or so last year and we're off.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I'm taking the splits off the watch rather than auto lapping, so you always slightly run the risk of some being slightly long/short, which can confuse a little midrace!

    First mile is ever so slight incline, but feels flat, and you're fresh, but jostling for position a bit.

    I'm slightly perturbed to only be passing the 40min pacers 400m in (!) Took a quick look at the watch to make sure I wasn't "Bramley-ing" it :)

    I'm not. I'm not flying, but it's a sensible out, befitting someone who hasn't raced for a while, and isn't wanting to monster myself.

    (Heard later that someone in the 38s took 1km to catch the 40min pacers, and a couple who were aiming to break 40 wondered where the hell they were! - Obviously not the skills of our own Philomena Montengro Jones - pace maker extraordinaire).

    3.38 for what I see is a 0.63m distance.

    2nd km sweeps right a bit, and suddenly 3.27 - which I later see is a mere 0.59m job - explained!!

    The cashback of this is a 3.45 0.64m km, so I'm sort of wondering how I'm going.

    For a fast course, there's a surprisingly meaty 60 feet climb over half a mile, so this km comes out a bit slower at 3.51  (0.63m)

    But after you get to the peak of this, it's the same down straight away, as you sit on the road that takes you back to the start.

    I'm slightly surprised to see this downhill has only given me a 3.41 5th km, but it's slightly long at 0.63m.

    I think I'm somewhere around 1830ish for 5k, and I remember last year thinking double it and add some on, but I remember that the 2nd half will be slightly quicker - even if you're not in top form really.

    3.41 for 0.63m past the start, then we sweep to the road to our left, and the 7th km is 3.31, but alas a 0.60m shortie.

    By now I've settled for seeing this out really. I'm not going "that" hard, but it feels enough today.

    8th and 9th km are 3.41 (0.61m each). Both a bit windier than I'd have liked today. But obviously nothing by the infamous Chichester 2022 gale!

    9th km sign is on the road approaching the last 600,700m gravel path run in to the finish, and I go past a couple of women, but know I haven't got last year's big finish.

    This is shown when a couple take me late on, and the 0.2m is no quicker than the last 2 km

    3.47 last km for a slightly long 0.63m.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2023
    I thought a 36xx would be about right, and I'm pleased I don't have to leather myself to see

    36:45 confirmed.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2023
    That feels a solid route back into racing after what has been a decent length without really.

    59 seconds slower than last year, but really is chalk and cheese, as that was spring 2022, when I'd come off a strong HM, was in my top shape, and had a superb Feb to September.

    This one being a little unsure, and a line in the sand really.

    Feels a little bit like the Silverstone 10k of Autumn 2021 which was a bit of a solid return and reignited some racing desire.
    Hopefully there's a long run of strong results a couple of months ahead like then :)

    But for now, pleased to have got out there, and remember what that racing feel is like!

    Mon off work tomorrow and will enjoy a lie in!
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    SorequadsSorequads ✭✭✭

    Solid 10k, SG. You are good at only sensibly comparing against previous outings. All too easy to always want more!

    20w10 is always a classic, TR. Going well for the sub 3. 20w14 is a sure marker from Reg as well. There was a local 20M at the weekend – Fission 20. From the looks of strava, I suspect quite a few have, er, climaxed too early with 20M at MP.

    Enjoyed the pics, SC. What a different experience.

    Pleasing week: a few more recovery doubles, 22w10 on Tuesday, 13M MLR Thursday, 12M with 10 x 2min uphill efforts Saturday. So Sunday’s paltry 5k felt a real treat, leaving me on 79M for the week. Wasn’t tempted to push it a bit further – last time I hit 80 I promptly got injured and ill.

    5am dawn chorus run this morning of 5M at 8:50 pace. Then 4M with 5 x hill strides this lunchtime. GPS really hates those sort of tight turnarounds.

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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    SQ - Seems like you are going OK, sensible not pushing it for the reasons given. 
    Reg - Great pace, really hitting the straps now, looks strong
    SG - Good race report - did you race anyone towards the end, even though you were just 'getting it done'?
    TR - Again very solid. I'm finding 10 annoying at the moment - must be the shoes!

    So Friday night was an experience. Had to go into work short notice Friday anyway, so only a short tube to the track which is actually at the bottom of Canada One tower - after I had found it.

    Signed in and nice to get a free Nike vest with 'Sportshoes' on it. Bit plasticy on front (but not on the nipples LOL). So I was race 4 - first 5 finishers plus the fastest 5 were going through to the semis - glad to see there were 13 lined up for my race. It was supposed to be 4 laps of 750m - but it was now 5 laps and only making about 2.2k in total.

    So after a few practice corners we got going. Obviously a nice grippy floor, but I was at the back getting to grips with all the corners - there must be 15-20 per lap, so that's quite a lot in total. 

    So halfway through I was up near the two guys in front of me, which I got past and broke with one lap to go. By now you sort of know the best 'running line'. Anyway felt I had judged it quite well and finished ok for 7th place. 

    Overall, 34/45 with a time of 6.56, so probably 2.2k? Probably a bit shorter with all those tight turns. Ankle was moaning a bit, but seems ok now. Luckily missed the semi by 8 secs or so ;)

    Saturday - Bedford Pk Parkrun doing some pacing for the lad and a couple of his Bedford & Co mates. I was supposed to do 19, but sped up a little towards the end. Ollie did 19.21, so he was happy with nearly 30 secs off his PB. I ran back to the inlaws in Kempston, doing 30 x tempo, 30 x jog.

    Yesterday a horrible 10 - the NB Propel V3 are just too rock hard to run with. Seems that you can only have a couple of good runs before they lose any cushioning they had.

    Possible heads up - I ordered some Saucony Ride 15 as they were £69.99 in Sportshoes - good reviews so they should be better for mileage.

    8.5 this morning.

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    SorequadsSorequads ✭✭✭
    I  bought some Ride 15s recently, SC. Not had them before. Think I may have got them slightly cheaper at around £50. And I find them excellent! Light, roomy toe box, quite like the colour. 
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    Stevie G said:

    (Heard later that someone in the 38s took 1km to catch the 40min pacers, and a couple who were aiming to break 40 wondered where the hell they were! - Obviously not the skills of our own Philomena Montengro Jones - pace maker extraordinaire).

    To be fair, in these big races there is no right answer so you basically have to pick between
    • starting as far forward as possible and running gun time and then people say you started too fast
    • starting further back and running chip time and risking running over the line with 40 on your flag and getting 40 chip but 41 gun and someone saying you are useless
    Also, take care with my pronouns: while I am definitely a courageous lover I don't like it to be known publicly  ;)

    Philomena is a feminine title of Greek origin and means “lover of strength, loved one,” and “courageous lover.”
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SG - that was a very restrained comeback, well controlled.

    SQ - good mix in that week. I reckon i saw some 20m race results this weekend too, which looked a bit sporty so close to marathon time.

    Simon - I saw some pictures of that racing, looked like a different sport......as I said when SQ bought some recently, I like Rides, lightweight mileage shoe that feels a bit quicker than a normal mileage shoe. I've run marathons in them. Great value at that price, I bought a couple of pairs recently.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    SG - well run at Eastleigh. Good controlled return to racing, so, much like your training, top marks for sensible restraint!

    SC - sounds like an interesting experience at the Podium Underground, and well done to Ollie! I've got some Propel v3 and agree that they're nowhere near as good as previous versions. I used a thicker pair of socks for a long run yesterday, plus redone the lacing to make a snugger fit, and that seemed to help.
    As the resident short distance speedy guy...... are there any good open meetings (other than Watford) that are worth a trip/consideration? Jr is up for having a crack at md over the summer as he's coming on nicely and wants to get a few markers down (he's 17 in case that makes a difference on the open meets from an age restriction perspective).

    Reg - cracking long run; looking really good!! What are your plans for Reading?

    SQ - good solid training from you!

    Had a decent week last week, if effort light. I was supposed to do a track 5km at club Friday night (they put on an occasional timed effort/race) but after getting home from work I was completely wiped out so settled for just 2 x 4m on that day and dropped Jr off to run it. I'm very pleased to say he ran another pb (17:37).
    I did run 1.25m @ 5km effort on the roads as part of a 10m on Saturday (7:09) which confirms I'm in about the shape I thought I was, but that means my total efforts for the week were solely 6 x 640m hills on Monday, the single mile on track on Wednesday, and that 1.25m. I did bag 91m for the week though, so silver linings I guess.

    Back on the healthy wagon this week. Got 20m in yesterday as 10 @ 7:53, 5 @ 7:27, 4 @ 7:16, 1 @ 6:59 (didn't feel great beforehand due to cessation of unhealthy habits and lack of sleep, so probably about 10-15s per mile down on expected pace for effort).
    I've now got 2 x 20m, and an easy 18+ in 2.5 hours to my name for this 'campaign' so that's going in the right direction at least.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Nice report SG, solid effort at Eastleigh. I would have liked to do it again but I don't feel ready for 10k race at anything close to PB pace yet. I hope to get some 10k races in late spring, early summer.

    TT - Not sure what I am doing for Reading yet. It'll probably be a 20 miler (10k ish beforehand) starting off easy and progressing but not a full blooded MP for 13 miles, I've just done that so it'll be more about doing a dress rehearsal. I've actually not had a sip of water or taken a single nibble of food in any training run so I will take a couple of gels, even though I won't need them just so I know I can get them out of my pockets at speed etc. The only other race was Wokingham and I didn't bother with water and forgot I had a gel in my pocket.
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    TR/SQ - The rides just turned up now, feel great, will wear them to that London tomorrow and give them a try out. Annoyingly I saw some for £49.99 yesterday.. typical. 

    TT - I suppose Watford is the best option for you and the lad - great PB for him at the weekend! There are a few others, Harrow, Wormwood Scrubs etc, tend to go to Opentrack for these, but Watford probably best.

    I see the NB Propel V4 are out. Look lots different, but £120. Might try some in due course once the price comes down.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2023
    SC - bar passing a couple of women on the road before the last 600/700m "run in" on paths, I don't remember any battle with anyone. Just got overtaken by a couple late on.
    But looking at the photos, wow the finish run in was congested!

    TT - getting a 20 in sounds positive. Not to be sniffed at.
    Good one from your son too. I always think of a 17something as a good result when I'm 5k-ing, giving myself a healthy range! I could "probably" dip into the slow end of that range at the moment, but definitely needs some work to get lower down it for sure.

    Funny you mention being wiped after a day of work. Most of the year I'm happy to do my main run early mornings, then an easy one at lunch.
    But come summer, obviously there's loads of midweek evening races isn't there.
    Always a bit of a mental battle of "i could just be having a nice lie down / relax" instead of being out. But afterwards it tends to be worth it.

    I swear that "after" feeling is the best feeling about all of it :D 

    7 today, miserable weather, hill midway, downhill mostly down a muddy slippy path, watching some sort of deer hopping graciously, while i slogged oafishly :)

    Got it done, that's me until tomorrow.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    My plan is in to the Vo2 max stuff now so I jogged to the track at lunch to do the prescribed  5 x 600m. Did 1,600m first, steady to build up to it and then tried the 600s with 200m jog recovery.

    Legs did not feel fresh that's for sure but given I've done back to back 80m+ weeks with a hard 20 on Sunday, I suppose it's to be expected.

    Steady 1,600m of 6:18 was followed by 2:00,2:01,2:02,2:05,2:03. Aim was 5k pace so I'd hope to get those nearer 1:55. 
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    SG - Just wondered if you might have got suckered into racing anyone! I find it hard just to let people come past sometimes when I'm just supposed to be on a steady effort etc!

    8 x 800 last night off about 90 secs. Bit breezy, but felt pretty good. First one was 2.34, then the next 5 were all about spot on 2.30. finished with a 2.29 and a 2.28.

    First double day week at work. Can run without the bloody laptop finally tonight as I can leave it at work ;)
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