
Allotment News



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    HappychapHappychap ✭✭✭

    I've put the Artichokes in the garden out of the way rather than take up valuable raise bed space, just in case. 

    I'll keep an eye on the Comfrey FB, thanks for the tip.  I don't want another Rocket fiasco.  It took me bloody ages to get rid of it all.  And of course the famous mint explosion.  They never tell you this stuff on the label!


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    Hog-mouseHog-mouse ✭✭✭

    Mint just wont grow in my garden and I  must have the smallest horseraddish ever. image I have a patch of ground where nothing will grow despite having changed the soil. I'll do it again this year but I think it's the councils weedkiller from the other side. image

    Q. I had ome daisy flowers in a vase but now they are deadish, however the stems are rooting. If I cut the flower heads off and back down to the new shoots, will I get plants or just flowers? I have never propogated anything but tips before so flower tips were no good, but I don't know about longer stems.

    Apart from that - my parsnips don't appear to be doing anything but the carrots and turnips seem to be ok. My cat is helping by moving all my onion sets around as he likes to roll in the mud. I shall have to net the boxes soon or I will find my girl cat asleep in them.

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    bm - you can but try! take the flower heads off, but leave a decent stem length and some leaves, then leave them in water for a while longer until they develop some decent roots and then pot up. change water every few days to stop any bugs developing. P uses that method for quite a lot of soft stem cuttings - she's rooting some Tradescantia cuttings up at the mo that she "relieved" from Eden when we visited last week.

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    Nick LNick L ✭✭✭

    Hello all,

    well I was almost going to be without an allotment this year, as the person who i shared with wasnt going to renew the subs, and it would have been too much to manage by myself. However, I managed to find an allotment buddy, so in fact there are three of us sharing one plot now. Which is actually quite good.

    Had some asparagus over the weekend, and have so far planted:

    Onions adn garlic (did this before xmas)
    Early pots

    hope to get some swedes and turnips in before too much longer and have some courgettes indoors that I want to get in the ground before easter as I goto Nepal for 3 weeks.

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    Whatever happened to the artist formally known as UNO?
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    Nick LNick L ✭✭✭
    Madlot wrote (see)
    Whatever happened to the artist formally known as UNO?
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    Charlottes in ground, beans in pots, strawberrys flowering well.
    Seeds in raised bed today? Carrots, beet, lettuce and cabbage. Can't find my bliddy tomato seeds ???
    Going to set some swede off in trays, oh yeah and some peas.
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    Nicko - I texted you earlier - I have some spare chilli plants - do you want some??
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    Afternoon all! image

    Lots happening at the Pineapple Estate:

    • Early spuds planted
    • Onions and garlic shooting up - but I think I left it a bit late to plant the garlic image, so it'll probably be useful for nothing more than as an aphid deterrant image
    • Raspberry canes lush and green with plenty of buds forming
    • Mini fruit trees developing shoots
    • Strawberry plants coming along well
    • First couple of rhubarb harvests image
    • Salad leaves, turnip, radish and beetroot seedlings developing nicely
    • Tomatoes and sweet peppers coming along nicely indoors image, but very disappointing showing from the jalapenos image

    Next steps:

    • Successional sowings of salad and roots
    • Plant second early spuds and then maincrops
    • Start French beans going
    • Then think about courgettes...
    I love this time of year almost as much as the harvest - a time of promise and potential*! image

    *Before everything gets damage by weather/pests...image
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    I must wash all my veg pots out to ensure they aren't harbouring any pests from last year - that's always a bloody chore but worth it I think
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    Thanks for the reminder, FB image - I need to do the same...

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    Hog-mouseHog-mouse ✭✭✭

    I need to get my backside in gear - I need to make some more planters. I'm going to run out of time soon. My parsnips are still invisable. Everything else is making a show.

    I have plenty of rhubarb.

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    Nick L
    Today 10:13
     9282 forum posts 4 photos 2 reviews 7 bookmarks 12 event reviews 4 event entries

    Madlot wrote (see)
    Whatever happened to the artist formally known as UNO?

    Sorry nick, marcusUNO image
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    Hog-mouseHog-mouse ✭✭✭

    I have been digging and am dirty - next for some tying and caning. Anyone?

    Maybe I should've used some labels afterall.

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    Spuds all planted.  Second row of salads and roots sown. image

    Strawberry and raspberry flower buds forming nicely! image

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    Just hope the weather we're having right now isn't all we're going to get of 'summer', as it was last year... image
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    Hog-mouseHog-mouse ✭✭✭
    I splurged and bought 2 blueberries and 2 raspberries yesterday while out buying mud. I now have 11 fruit bushes which doesn't make a square.
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    Any advice on what to do with an old tree stump please. Tree has obviously been cut down for some years, as the wood is quite papery in places. But it's a biggish size and it's right where I'm trying to dig out the flower bed for a vege patch (yes, I know it's late, but it'll be well prepared for next year...)

    What's best approach? It's about 9 inches in diameter and has been cut off low to the ground, and I only found it when I started digging out the rest of the bed.

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    put a pot on it!  stumps are hard work to dig out!
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    Hog-mouseHog-mouse ✭✭✭
    It's only a small stump. I have an ash stump that needs to go. image
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    oiyouoiyou ✭✭✭
    HL - read this - and then put a pot on it, as PSC says
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    If in doubt, ignore all advice and go at it like a bull at a gate. image Dug large hole, used pruning saw to cut roots, pulled it apart (fortunately it had started to decay, so broke up reasonbly easily). Filled in big hole. Retired to the bath feeling the worse for wear - shoulders, arms, back & legs are making their opinion known on the subject image

    On the plus side, I've dug over that portion of the vege patch really really well!

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    Morning all - I've been MIA since last year's harvest image but the plot is coming along well this year too.
    Quick numpty question - I wanted my potatoes in a different bed this year, and thought I'd got all of the pesky blighters, but three or four plants have just emerged (very late, so must have been pretty deep?) through my rocket seedlings image
    Do you think they'll be alright to dig up and plant with the others?
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    Morning all! image

    I'm never sure what to do with rogue spuds, Frodo - tend to get a few every year no matter how careful I am...

    Depends on where they are - sometimes I just leave the plants to develop as normal, although obviously this means I'm not really doing crop rotation very effectively. image  Otherwise I try and dig them up - I don't normally replant them elsewhere though as I don't really have the space.

    Someone else on here might have more useful advice...image

    As for my little plot, it's going pretty welll.  I've planted and/or sown just about everything I possibly can at this point.

    Slight hitch, though...a frickin' freak hailstorm amid all the sunny weather on Saturday afternoon. Massive hailstones too!  imageimage

    It has shredded my rhubarb, I fear for the survival of my turnip and radish seedlings (but good job the salads are all under a polytunnel image), the open strawberry flowers are in tatters image (although hopefully there are enough flowers left to get a reasonable crop...), and there's a (fixable, but still annoying) rip in the roof of the polythene greenhouse. image

    I dunno...gardening's like my experiences of running.  You get one thing sorted and something else comes along to bugger things up.

    It's not too bad - the greenhouse withstood the storm much better than I'd expected, and I think I've got enough of everything to ensure things survive.  But it's still disappointing that this happened just after I'd spent a couple of days working hard on it all... image

    Trials of life, eh?

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    Hog-mouseHog-mouse ✭✭✭

    Hail - that's nothing - try cats, why is it that as soon as there is a showing of green stuff my planters become cat beds? The sweeties. At least they guard the cherries from the starlings.

    Gardening is always intereting Lady P.

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    I'd pull the rogue pots out as they may be harvesting nastys inside like fekkin slugs or parasites.

    Hailstones LP ??? Are you in Siberia ???

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    Slugs are the bane of my veggy patch, Nicko image

    Put some freebie courgette plants (donated by my Mum image ) into a wall planter today. It is now threatening to rain, which would save me watering everything *crosses fingers*, cos I is feeling lazy image
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    Nicko. wrote (see)

    Hailstones LP ??? Are you in Siberia ???

    Sheffield, Nicko! image

    Straight back to bright sunshine pretty soon after. image

    Colder today - I'm back at work though, so glad it was nice (hailstones aside) for the whole fortnight I had off. image

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    Hog-mouseHog-mouse ✭✭✭
    Still very nice here today, a little cooler than yesterday with a breeze but still excellent weather. I need to decide on planters today, get them located and built. I'll miss the boat if I don't. Just haven't got a big enough garden. image
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    Hello, fellow green-fingered peeps. Revamped my garden over the past six months with the help of my Dad so that I can have a serious go at this grow-you-own mularky. Grew some beans, pots, carrots and parsnips last year. Now I have some raised beds and have reclaimed garden space I didn't know I'd got, so am going for it in a serious manner!

    Has anyone tried to grow sweet potatoes before? Any hints or tips? 

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