
Tunnel Vision!



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    Well done manc girl - that is a fantastic result.  I was 102nd 40+ male, out of 103 I reckon. image  Well done Liverbird - 25th is really good. 
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    Hi All

    Just got back to Northamptonshire, had a fantastic day, what a brilliant run event, well worth the trip up north

    my race - started off too quick like I always do, slowed myself down for the uphill in the tunnel then took it steady to the ferry then upped the pace a little, and managed a sprint for the line from 100 metres out where my brother and niece were shouting me on

    timings - 45.53, chip time - 45.34 (PB), positon 36 male 40+     well chuffed will definitely do agianimage

    Alan WELL DONE for putting on a brilliant event, and one of the best goody bags I have had in any race

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    Hey thank you all for your comments - yes am chuffed - and equally pleased for all of you and your achievements today - it was  -( in Manky twang) dead bazzin good!!!!!!   As i was wearing my club vest - with "Manchester" across the front - I felt I should have added the logo -" from the blue half!!!)  didn't want anybody thinking I was MAN UTD......     see you all next year??
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    I'll have to get a babysitter if I'm going to be in it next year! image

    I bounced in through the front door full of it and Mr LB (hardened marathon runner) said he was going to do it next year "if it's that good" image

    I had a little glass of Chardonnay to toast everyone's achievements today. It felt rude not to....image

    Mr Rothwell, sir - the next time you think yours is a thankless crappy task, you should remember us mere mortals on here for whom you have made our day. Thank you!


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    DeeCeeDeeCee ✭✭✭

    Great race, really enjoyed it and as a friend who is originally from Swindon said, amazing the amount of organisation which has gone into this in shutting down the tunnel and the free Merseyrail.  So big thanks to all involved.

    Pretty worried about the hill but dare i say it, found it easy.  Did anyone see the army lads with half a tonne each of rocks on their backs?  Why is all i could think.  Anyway I was pleased with what I did, 55 mins and still standing at the end.  Good time Jakesy, what bad knee !

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    OMG those army lads we were next to them coming out of the tunnel. My mate and I were like fools in that tunnel taking pics on our camera phone (whilst running I add) and discussing big williesimage got some very odd looks. Well done MG, LB and DN I wish I'd seen you and yes I did look out. Wish I was 35 though LB I will be in 8weeks and that would have put me at 37 out of 77 not 149 out of 232


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    Just to echo everyone else - thanks to all the organisers and volunteers that made today possible. And congratulations to everyone who took part.

    I managed to get my aim of sub 60 with a 58.20. Next to try and get under 55.

     Will defo be doing this event next year, looking forward to it already!

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    To echo everyone else, thanks Alan and everyone else involved in delivering this race, marshalls, water station people, firemen and Merseyrail people - great race, really enjoyed it and set a PB 57:09!!! (Well it was my first 10k!). 
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    Yes, well done to everyone - I ran faster than I expected, having not done much training for it, and am only slightly gutted that I ran 10 seconds slower than my PB! (50.38) 

    Thanks Alan and the team.

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    Hey   saw the army lads after the tunnel ( having a wee too!!!!!)
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    I was advised by LB to have a look at the comments posted about the Tunnel 10k and I have been genuinely reassured by the positive comments. I am delighted that you all seem to have enjoyed the day and hope that you will continue to support the races we put on for you. For the record I enjoyed the day as well and I will pass on you comments to the Tunnels Authority, Merseyrail, Highland Spring and all the volunteer groups that helped. Without their help we couldn't do it in the first place!
    Can't account for why medals or t's didn't appear in the bages as we spent all day on Saturday packing them!!
    Well done everyone!
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    Alan - if I'd have packed 2000+ bags, not only would my hands be bleeding, but I'd have missed more than one or two......image

    The speed with which the marshalls sorted it out more than made up for the fact that the medal wasn't there. I'll definitely be back next year.....

    Manc Girl - I do hope it wasn't you having a wee at the exit of the tunnel? image

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    Nope   sorry to disappoint !!!!!!  had 3 before the start and one at KFC at Cheshire Oaks............  it was the  "tuf"army chappies   - we chanted "we know what your'e doing" they said "sorry you've just missed it???????"          cor..........
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    I was 36th out of 47 for my age.....L45.........chip time 1:07:37.

    Maybe if I'm still running at 70, I might be in the top 10 (maybe not!)

    In the words of Mr Grace "You've all done very well!"

    Fisherman in New Brighton saw me runniung past puffing and very red in the face, turned to his mate and said "  why would you put yourself through that?". I wanted to shout "'cos we love it!"  but I thought I probably didn't look convincing!

    It's true though (never thought I'd say it!)

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    Well done one and all!

    Really enjoyed the event,certainly will return next year.

    PB for meat 49.10 Hooray!

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    Mr Puffy wrote (see)

    Any sign of the results yet?

    Puffy junior has been taking photos again...

    Tunnel 10k

    and i was captured on one of the photo's!! yay!  imageimageimage

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    My one regret about being a girlie is not being able to whip it out willy nilly (excuse the pun!) and have a wee up a tree.....image
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    DeeCeeDeeCee ✭✭✭
    I think of that as a bonus LB.   image     Some things just shouldn't be in public.
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    I had a pee on a very obliging little rock shelf on Snowdon last Monday. I am absolutely CONVINCED they've built these "loo things" as they're just too brill to be an accident of nature. If someone had wandered around the corner, they'd have had to tolerate my bright white arse I'm afraid..... I was desperate!image
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    I was running the London Marathon , staying as a group with friends, when one decided she was desperate for a wee and no portaloos in sight - about 18 miles - so she darted around this building which fronted the Thames - and before we could stop her - having seen what she didn't - the outside tables of a riverside PUB - did what she had to do - Gawd did she run the next few metres at a cracking pace..........
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    Nowt like flashing your arse at a group of cockney beer drinkers to get the old legs motoring! image
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    Oh how true!!!!!!!!!!
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    Hi All

    Does anybody know when the official photos will be out?

    Fully recovered now and back into my half marathon training

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    Mr PuffyMr Puffy ✭✭✭
    David Smith 777 wrote (see)
    Mr Puffy wrote (see)

    Any sign of the results yet?

    Puffy junior has been taking photos again...

    Tunnel 10k

    and i was captured on one of the photo's!! yay!  imageimageimage

    Come on then David!  Show yourself! -he'll be really pleased!
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    Photos will be on www.marathonfoto.com as soon as available. Normally within three days although no sign of mine from the London 10K over a week ago (yes I still manage to get out and do a bit as well as deliver events!) There is also a link on runliverpool to Puffy Junior images.
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    Thanks for that Alan  was wondering when they would appear - it was a  about a week before the Great Manchester ones appeared - glad to hear you still join in the odd race or two!!!!!   Join us in Manc some time!!
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    I'll be at the Manchester 10K on July 6th.
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    Running it, I hope Alan? Leading from the front and all that? image
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    I'll be running it... don't know about leading from the front!! Pushing from the back I suspect. It will be nice to just take part without any direct responsibility for a change.
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