
speed cameras

A bit of help needed!

Does anyone know whether or not mobile speed cameras (the ones in the back of an unmarked van) take a photograph of the car and driver or do they just measure the speed of the car?

One of my friends thinks they were caught on camera doing 52 in a 50 zone, is panicking and is currently weighing up the options available to him to avoid losing his job should he be prosecuted ( which I personally think is highly unlikely )


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    Depends on the unit... The Merseyside / Cheshire ones take a photograph of car & driver... Anyway even if all they did was measure the speed they would still have the registration number, and it is an offence not to state who was driving at the time.
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    He's highly unlikely to be prosecuted, or even followed up, for a couple of mph, but it would be an absolute max of 3 points anyway, for such a minor transgression.

    On another note, your friend's licence can't be that valuable to him if he's already got so many points that another 3 would lose it for him.
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    NessieNessie ✭✭✭
    If he was doing 52 in a 50, it is almost certain he will hear no more about it. Most car speedometers are not terribly accurate, and this is taken into account.

    But yes, I think the police will have a nice piccie of him, if they bothered to take it.
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    Most forces on hand held cameras operate a 10% + 2 miles per hour policy so to get a ticket in a 50 mph zone you would have to be doing 57 miles per hour. However fixed cameras are not normaly operated by the police so they dont stick to the same rules.The rule on hand helds is given over to the officers discretion, so if it was realy heavy traffic, the weather was bad and there was the possibility of school or other pedestrian danger, a 52 in a 50 can still be an offence.
    my opinion is We all no the rules so dont moan if you get caught breaking them, its our choice..
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    No way will you get done for 52 in a 50. Id just forget about it.
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    I got snapped by a van in Crewe, Cheshire. Got a letter with an offer for 3 points and a £60 fine.
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    Must have been an ugly photo if they charged you £60 !!! ( Ah I see you mean you were speeding in Crewe)
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    oh goodie.. more speed camera whining.

    i stabbed three people this weekend and now i the bl**dy police knocking on my door trying to put me in prison!

    oh the injustice of it all, i mean its not like i was speeding or anything.
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    They will start on about the blooming human rights next
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    NessieNessie ✭✭✭
    Ed, I'm sure if you tell them you only stabbed them a little bit, and that you've been stabbing people for years without doing any real harm, and that lots of other people stab more than 3 people at a time, they'll let you off.
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    thanks nessie.. that will certainly be at the core of my defense :)
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    If you get caught exceeding the limit by 2mph and get prosecuted that's unlucky ( and fortunately unlikely).

    When these threads appear I'm always amazed at the number of people of this forum who appear to drive and yet never, ever, go over the speed limit. Is this really true or is this just a theoretical position when discussing someone else?

    I'm a pretty careful driver, cautious around town and do a lot of motorway miles. In built up areas I'm generally well below the speed limit. And yet...and yet... sometimes on clear roads I'll put my foot down and go over 70mph. I reckon that's the truth for most drivers.
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    NessieNessie ✭✭✭
    You're probably right, Waaps.

    I rarely speed - never in 30/40 limits, but occasionally on an open road/motorway I'm not so careful (often because of the @rseholes who drive 6 inches off your bumper if you *dare* hold them up, but that's a different matter).

    The difference is that if I were caught doing 70 in a 60, or 80 in a 70, I wouldn't moan like hell about the injustice of it all.
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    who's claimed that waap?
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    every time you speed you take a gamble on being caught or maybe worse

    and yes i do speed - and if i get caught its my fault

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    Since my elder son was hit by a motorist hurrying home one night, I would like to be able to say I have never sped in a 30/40 zone. It just isn't true. However hard you try there will always be occasions when your speed creeps up and if you get caught then, well it is just hard luck. Don't complain, and just think yourself lucky that no child got in your way.

    NB - He was lucky: bruising and a real respect for the roads for the future.
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    Ed - I said people who *appear* never to speed. This is because of the 'its your own fault' type responses that appear here. If I was talking to mates in the real world (esp about being 2mph over, but really about any speeding fine) I know there would be more sympathy and less reprobation. Because probably everybody I know does it.
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    i think they are good in the right places, in particular near schools and similar, but i can't help raise a smile at the tax gathering one's in the middle of nowhere, that have been set alight or beaten up.
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    NessieNessie ✭✭✭
    Where's the fun in that Waaps? ;o)

    A colleague of Mr Nessie's lost his licence last year for doing 114 in a 60. I couldn't believe the number of peeps who said "what a shame" when they heard he'd lost his licence. I'm just surprised he still has a job.

    Can't say I have any sympathy for anyone caught speeding, but then I did lose my sister in a speed-related "accident" so my lack of sympathy is probably understandable.
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    id worry about getting a blow out at that speed

    or ( as happened to me last year )- something blowing up into the windscreen and blocking the vision- fortunately i managed to pull across safely - dual carriageway doing 60 in the outside

    certainly made me more aware of unpredictable factors
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    When we speed we all know what we are doing. If we get caught it really is our own fault. (BTW I was caught less than a year ago - on an A road in the middle of nowhere). No moaning, it is an occupational hazard, and if you are careful you never get enough at any time to lose the licence.

    What is important is WHERE you speed. I will happily drive at speeds of up to 100 on motorways, but nearly every road in built up areas has children who could potentially be out there. There a few more unpredictable factors.
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    I agree, but the original post wasn't really moaning, was it?
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    I thought we'd dealt with that and moved to whether we should have sympathy for those with tickets..

    I think it was your post I was responding to Waaps, sorry if I came over a bit strong.
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    Not at all. I think we agree.
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    drewdrew ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the input! My own view is that people know the risks involved with speeding, both for themselves and other road users and pedestrians.

    If they choose to speed then they must be prepared for the consequences of their actions.

    What I do not agree with is the fact that someone doing, say 57 in a 50 zone when there are no pedestrians or other traffic about can be treated in the same manner as someone doing the same speed in atrocious conditions AND with other people at risk.
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    Think I may have got 'zapped' yesterday by a mobile camera on a bridge over the M40. Yes, I hear all that stuff about 'you knew you were breaking the law' but I hate the way they call these cameras 'safety cameras'. Didn't get me to slow down (by the time you see it, its seen you) and doesn't really change the way I, or anyone else drives. Its a cash earner, pure and simple. Trouble is, unlike coppers in traffic cars, these cameras don't catch the people that drive like idiots (cutting people up, 6inchs from car in front, drink-driving etc)
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    ok waaps.... just checking.. cos obviously i'm an excellent and safe driver :)
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    LMS - you must take responsibility for your own actions - don't blame the cameras for not slowing you. The threat of unmarked police cars obviously doesn't deter you either.

    Traffic cars are about and doing their jobs, but they can't be everywhere at once. Cameras seem a sensible decision. Enough points and the idiot is off the roads.

    I'm not actually sure that everyone deserves the right to drive, even if they can pass their test. There are a lot of imbeciles out there.
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    BarklesBarkles ✭✭✭
    Was in cardiff last night, on A470, and police were waiting with hand-hled about 300m past the static GATSO gun, catching loads...
    not me tho'' veh observant passenger...
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